2011 National Career Assessment Examination

2011 National Career
Assessment Examination
Dr. Nelia V. Benito, CESO IV
Director III
DepED Memorandum No. 153, s. 2011
•September 28, 2011 Administration of the
2011 NCAE
It will be given to:
• third year high school
students instead of fourth
year high school students
as an amendment to
DepED memorandum No.
270, s. 2007
It will be given to:
•Fourth year high
school studentapplicants of CHED
Scholarship Program
Requirements for CHED and TESDA
Scholarships (4th Year)
a. Consider the top ten
(10%) students from
each secondary high
school regardless of the
school size
Requirements for CHED and TESDA
Scholarships (4th Year)
b. These students should
have a General Weighted
Average of 80% in the
third year and should
come from a family whose
gross annual income of
Php. 300,000.00 or below
Requirements for CHED and TESDA
Scholarships (4th Year)
c. A letter of intent signed by
the parents of the
examinees must be
submitted signifying that
they are interested to apply
Requirements for CHED and TESDA
Scholarships (4th Year)
d. Interested 4th year high school
students and out-of-school
youth (OSY) and A & E Test
Passers can take the test
provided that the requirements
in item be are met
NCAE Overview:
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the NCAE?
 NCAE = National Career Assessment
Examination is an aptitude test geared toward
providing information through test results for
self-assessment, career awareness and career
guidance of high school students for their postsecondary courses / application for scholarship.
 Test-taking is mandatory.
 Test results are recommendatory.
What other features characterize the NCAE?
 A locally developed test which was standardized and
validated using Filipino respondents
 A paper-and-pencil test which utilizes scannable answer
sheets that are processed electronically
 A multiple-choice type of test
 Culture fair and sensitive
 Provides an end-user-friendly report format (COR)
Is NCAE a prerequisite for entry to college?
 Yes. NCAE will be part of the requirements for
admission to the tertiary education institutions for
the SY 2010-2011.
 Although a requirement, the results of the NCAE
are still recommendatory. There is still no passage of
law that makes the results of the NCAE mandatory
prior to enrolment in college/university courses or
in vocational/technological courses or other short
entrepreneurial courses.
Is there a testing fee required in taking the NCAE?
 None.
 The cost in the preparation of test
materials and administration of the test
does not entail any amount from the
schools, parents and students.
 All expenses are shouldered by the
How long does it take for an examinee
to receive his/her individual
COR (test results)?
3-4 months
Can the results of the NCAE be
used in ranking schools?
 No.
 The results of the NCAE should
NOT be used for other purposes
other than career guidance.
She told her
"If I could only see
the world,
I would marry you."
One day, someone
donated a pair of eyes
to her. When the
bandages came off, she
was able to see
everything, including
her boyfriend.
He asked her, 'Now that you can see
the world, will you marry me?'
The girl looked at her boyfriend
saw that he was blind.
The sight of his closed eyelids shocked
her. She hadn't expected that.
The thought of
looking at him the
rest of her life led
her to refuse to
marry him.
Her boyfriend left her in
tears and days later wrote a
note to her saying: 'Take
good care of your eyes, my
dear, for before they were
yours, they were mine.'
This is how the human brain
often works when our status
Only a very few remember
what life was like before, and
who was always by their
side in the most painful
Today before you say
an unkind word -
Think of someone who
can't speak.
Before you complain
about the taste of
your food -
Think of someone who
has nothing to eat.
Today before you
complain about life –
Think of someone
who went too early
to heaven.
And when you are tired
and complain about your
job -
Think of the unemployed,
the disabled,
and those who wish they
had your job.
And when depressing
thoughts seem to get you
down -
Put a smile on your face
and thank GOD you're
alive and still around.
don’t complain about
your JOB as a TEACHER
accept the challenges!