NCAE News Brief 2009, #16 April 24, 2009 NCAE Executive Vice President’s update, week ending 4/24/2009. MANDATORY E-VERIFY USE DELAYED AGAIN: “The applicability date of the final rule requiring federal contractors and subcontractors to begin using U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ (USCIS) E-Verify system has been pushed back by six weeks to June 30, 2009.,” Remember, most agricultural commodities will still be exempted. o USCIS Announcement: ended_16apr09.pdf o NCAE Analysis Memo from November 2008. (Note, analysis Memos are in the Members only website and available to Benefactor level members and above.) MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW! NCAE 46TH ANNUAL MEETING WILL BE HELD JANUARY 20-22, 2010 IN WASHINGTON, DC. o Location: Hotel Monaco, in the heart of Washington, DC dining and entertainment area. Convenient to the Capital, Metro stations, Museums, and more. o The meetings will start at 1:30 PM on Wednesday January 20 and end with our Board Meeting mid-afternoon on Friday the 22nd. o Thursday January 21 will be our traditional ‘day on the hill.’ o Join us for education, discussion, political action, networking, and fun. The Immigration Policy Center (a division of the American Immigration Law Foundation) releases a paper discussing the potential for a positive economic impact of a legalization policy. Good food for thought, this is the opposite side of the ‘send all 12 Million home’ argument. The report also notes that while there are 11.9 Million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. in 2008, 1.5 Million of them children, there are over 4 Million U.S. Citizen children with undocumented parents as well. The report also discusses the huge economic NCAE News Briefs 2/12/2016 1 effect loss of these workers would pose to industry as well as the cost of losing their consumer spending power. See: RFullDoc.pdf THE HEALTH CARE DEBATE BEGINS IN THE SENATE THIS WEEK. The Senate promises legislative proposals on Health Care by June. The Senate champions are Max Baucus (D-MT), and Edward Kennedy (D-MA) This issue is a key issue to Agricultural Employers and we will follow it closely, lobby, and request grassroots input when appropriate. NEW NCAE MEMBERS THIS WEEK: Thanks to Executive Committee Member Michaelene Rowe of Snake River Farmers Association (Heyburn, ID), for bringing in the following new Members: (Michalene says she is not done yet! Well done! When the other 39 Board Members report similar successes we will meet our 2009 Membership and financial goals.) o J.D. PauKov. Gooding, ID. o Magic Irrigators, Inc. (Armand Eckert), Buhl, ID. o Wada Farms, Inc. (Stacie Adams), Pingree, ID. o Farm Dev. Corp. (Mark Noble), Glenns Ferry, ID. o TLK Farms, Inc. (Terry Ketterling), Mtn. Home, ID. o Windy Acres (Larry Gillette), Gooding, ID. o Malesich Ranch Co. (Carl Malesich), Dillon, MT. o Delta Farms (Michael Lewis), Malta, ID. o Hughes Ranch, LLC (Steve Hughes), Polson, MT. I will be out of the office the rest of the week attending a program of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) with NCAE Pesident John Arnold. This program titled “CEP Symposium” will help us with governance and strategic planning skills to strengthen your association. Quote of the week: “Advances in medicine and agriculture have saved vastly more lives than have been lost in all the wars in history.” Dr. Carl Sagan. Until Next Week, Frank NCAE News Briefs 2/12/2016 2 News articles and citations of interest for week ending 4/24/2009: April 20, 2009. Keyword: Undocumented Workers NY Times. “But laid-off construction workers have not been lining up to plant onions or pick tomatoes,---“ Article discuses why unions seem to have changed direction on immigration, the bottom line is not positive for employers. April 20, 2009. Keyword: Illegal Immigrant FOX News “[Oklahoma] House Bill 1804 is still caught up in the legal system. A lawsuit claims the portion of the bill that would require employers to prove that their workers are in the country legally is unconstitutional.” While it may not be unreasonable to require ‘due diligence’ on the part of employers, it does seem draconian (and hopefully the court will agree unconstitutional) to put the burden of final proof on the employer. This case may have long term importance to all employers as precedent relative to the limits of state a local immigration policy. April 18, 2009. Keyword: Undocumented Workers Columbus Dispatch (Ohio.) April 18, 2009. Keyword: Undocumented Workers Time.Com “Tougher border enforcement makes leaving a more final and difficult decision. They don't go home because they know they probably won't get to return.” Another article on the fact that our lack of workable guest worker programs is NOT ‘sending the undocumented home.’,9171,1890404,00.html?xid=rss-topstories April 18, 2009. Keyword: E-Verify “Right Side News” A discussion of USCIS response to the CIS Ombudsman’s office recommendations to simplify/improve the E-Verify program. Points 4 and 5 are particularly good, e-mail reminders and elimination of the duplicate effort of using I-9 AND E-Verify. April 17, 2009. Keyword: Immigration Trailblazer’s Bolg, Dallas Morning “Labor Unions Propose Commission For Future Immigrant Workers.” This was reported last week but begs the question: How well have arbitrarily determined “caps” worked for H2-B users? NCAE News Briefs 2/12/2016 3 April 17, 2009. Keyword: Agricultural Labor San Francisco Chronicle. Farm worker and others march for water in CA. Thousands of acres CA farmland being left fallow this season due to water shortage. Another reminder that in the West--- water is for fighting over. April 4, 2009. Keyword: Agricultural Labor (Stockton, CA.) Article reports ‘Thousands Apply for Farm Jobs.’ Several other NCAE members have reported record numbers of applicants resulting from required advertising to comply with the H2A program. The question remains how many will report, and stay on the job? Keywords searched: “Immigration”, “Border Health Care Relief”, “H2A”’ “EVerify”, “Undocumented Worker”, “Agricultural labor”, “Agricultural Employer”, “illegal alien”, “farm worker, “NCAE”, “NCAEonline”, “” NCAE News Briefs 2/12/2016 4