Bullying Bullying is defined as: Aggressive behavior or intentional harm-doing which is carried out repeatedly and over time in an interpersonal relationship characterized by an imbalance of power. Bullying can also be: Harassment Hate Crime Hazing Initiations Bullying can happen At school In college At home At work On the road Public places On the internet On cell phones Bullying characteristics: Aggressive Intentional Repeated Power over victim Bullying is Humiliating Harmful Insulting Ridiculing Taunting Bullying can include Comments Rumors Threats Request for sexual favors Suggestive or offensive jokes Social exclusion Bullying is often Based on person’s sexual orientation, gender identification, religion, race, age, marital status, disability, physical appearance or characteristic, etc. Bullying can be Considered a hate crime. Victims may seek legal advice and take legal action if bullying is based on race, gender identification, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. There are laws to protect all people against hate crimes. VGCC Code of Conduct “Students of all college programs, curriculum and non-curriculum, will be expected to conduct themselves at all times as mature and responsible individuals and should show a high regard for college facilities, property, and for the personal rights and property of others.” VGCC Code of Conduct “Students may be suspended or dismissed for conduct that is considered in violation of the Student Code of Conduct while on campus or while participating in school-sponsored activities either on or off campus.” What can the victim do? Report bullying/harassment to school officials Keep record of contact or harassment to establish a pattern of behavior Save evidence from the harasser (email, voice-mail, notes, internet postings, etc.) Avoid being alone on campus ◦ You can call campus security for escort Do not retaliate! Seek legal advice if bullying continues What can the witness do? Report it to school officials Encourage victim to report it to officials Be a listening ear for the victim Reassure the victim it is not his/her fault If you are safe, stand up to the bully for the victim Do not retaliate Contact Campus Security Email newtons@vgcc.edu to make a report Main Campus, ◦ Building 2, Room 2113 in the Student Lounge ◦ Pick up any red phone on campus ◦ 252-738-3373 South Campus ◦ (919) 528-4737 Franklin Campus ◦ (919) 496-1567 Warren Campus ◦ (252) 257-1900 Call 911 Call 911 if you have been the victim of a crime, or witness a crime, or there is an emergency on campus, and make the report immediately. Then notify campus security that you have called 911. Seek Help VGCC Counseling Services ◦ Main Campus, in Building 8 (252) 738-3328 ◦ Franklin Campus, in room F103 (919) 496-1567, ext. 3603 (252) 738-3603 ◦ Creedmoor Campus, in room G112 (919) 528-4737 ext. 3518 (252) 738-3518 Seek Help Dial 211 ◦ This is a free resource and referral system sponsored by United Way and is available to anyone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ◦ Callers are put in contact with local agencies and organizations related to a variety of community services, such as family services, health services, mental health services, legal services, etc. Links http://www.vgcc.edu/Security/index.cfm http://www.vgcc.edu/CounselingServices/i ndex.cfm http://nc211.bowmansystems.com/?option =com_cpx http://www.fivecountymha.org/