Huang Ho Han Civilization By: Emily, Michaela, Sebastian, Austin, Jeffrey Architecture • The greatest architecture in the Han dynasty was the Great Wall of China. • The Great Wall of China was made from bricks, stones, and dirt. • Slabs of stones were used for the base and sides. • Then they filled the cracks with dirt, rocks, and rubble. Architecture • There were two types of homes in the Han dynasty. • One is made of grass or reeds over holes in the ground. • The other one is made of wood covered with clay. Religion • Common religions in the Han dynasty was Daoism and Confucianism. • There was a heavy belief that shens, or spirits, influenced families and the world. • They did many ethical rituals that were very important to them. • Daoism is living life, hope, happiness, and following your dreams. Religion • • • • Daoism was created around 100 A.D. It quickly grew from 200A.D- 700A.D. Yin Yang was a symbol of Daoism. Later on the believers of Daoism converted to believers of Buddhism. Government • The government in the Han dynasty had changed a lot since the Shang dynasty. • The emperor used many government officials to help him run his vast empire. • The Han civilization government’s was a bureaucracy. • A bureaucracy is a form of government that is structured like a pyramid. Government • A bureaucracy has few people at the top and many at the bottom. • At each level people direct the lower level. • Lower-leveled officials lived throughout the empire. • Lower official’s jobs were checking roads and canals and making sure that enough grain was produced in case of famine. Government • Civil servents were hired based on their ability and knowledge, not their social status. • To become civil servants a young man ha d to pass a difficult test. • They had to memorize five books and spent long periods of time in tiny rooms studying them. • Once civil servants were hired they were not allowed to serve at home. Climate • The climate in the Han civilization was different in different areas. • The inner part of the Huang Ho Han civilization was closer to the sea level. • The Inner Han civilization was very warm and wet so this temperature was perfect for growing rice and catching seafood. Climate • The outer part of the Huang Ho Han civilization was by the Himalaya Mountains. • By the Himalayas it was bitterly cold. There was only 50 days without frost. • The Outer Han civilization was too cold for crops but was fine for raising livestock, especially yaks. • By the Northwestern deserts it was very, very hot. • It can get so hot that raindrops could evaporate before they even touched the ground. Climate Physical features