
Core Content Coaching
ELA Grade 6
1st 6 Weeks
Literary Elements
Middle School
Austin Independent
School District
What you may need:
School Calendar/Yearly Itinerary (YI)
Curriculum Road Map (CRM)/Street View
STAAR Released Sample Items
Adopted Text Book
A resource for quality texts
A resource for higher order question stems
Lesson plan template
Planning for Rigor Document
…and most especially, EACH OTHER!
Start with getting an overview
of how much time
you have…..
Yearly Itinerary
information should be
used along with
school event calendar
information to get an
accurate picture of
available instructional
Begin with the end in mind….
The Planning for Rigor Planning Tool
The document provides
an overview of
essential components
to lesson planning
which includes rigor.
Link to one-page
Planning for Rigor
Review CRM for Unit and Standards:
Unit: Reading and Writing Literary Texts
Street View
• Look for reading and writing connection in the
Street View.....
ELA Reading Comprehension
Skills (Fig19E)
Vertical Alignment of TEKS…
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade/Eng I
5.6A describe
incidents that
advance the story or
novel, explaining
how each incident
gives rise to or
foreshadows future
events; Readiness
6.6A summarize the
elements of plot
development (e.g.,
rising action, turning
point, climax, falling
action, denouement)
in various works of
fiction; Readiness
7.6A explain the
influence of the
setting on the plot
8.6A analyze linear plot
developments (e.g.,
conflict rising action,
falling action, resolution,
subplots) to determine
whether and how
conflicts are resolved;
9.5A analyze non-linear
plot development (e.g.,
foreshadowing, subplots, parallel plot
structures) and compare
it to linear plot
development; Readiness
8.6B analyze how the
central characters’
qualities influence the
theme of a fictional
work and resolution of
the central conflict
9.5B analyze how
authors develop
complex yet believable
characters in works of
fiction through a range
of literary devices
including character foils
5.6B explain the
roles and functions
of characters in
various plots,
including their
relationships and
6.6B recognize
dialect and
conversational voice
and explain how
authors use dialect
to convey character;
7.6B analyze the
development of the
plot through the
internal and external
responses of the
characters, including
their motivation and
Readiness for all grades in Fiction and Expository:
Fig 19D make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding
Fig 19E summarize, paraphrase, and synthesize (new starting in 6th) in ways that maintain meaning
and logical order a text and across texts.
Grade Week 2
6.6A Students understand, make
inferences and draw conclusions about the
structure and elements of fiction and provide
evidence from text to support their
(A) summarize the elements of plot development
(e.g., rising action, turning point, climax, falling
action, denouement) in various works of fiction
(B) recognize dialect and conversational voice and
explain how authors use dialect to convey character.
Deconstruct the TEKS/SE
Cognitive Demand
Find the verb(s) stated in the
Knowledge and Skill and the
Find the noun of the TEKS
and SE
In what context do the TEKS
and SE require the concept
be taught?
Elements of Plot
In Various Works of Fiction
Dialect and Conversational
To Convey Character in
Maintaining meaning and
logical order within and
across texts
Don’t forget ELPS, CCRS, and
21st Century Framework….
These standards are required by law and are not only designed to make content
comprehensible and develop academic language for ELL’s but support quality instruction
for all learners in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
These standards were approved in 2008 to ensure that Texas students are graduating from
high school with all the skills necessary to be successful in college. These focus not only on
content but the intellectual skills and underlying understandings of the structure of
knowledge necessary to be highly equipped for post-secondary education.
• Framework for 21st Century Learning
This framework is designed to outline the skills, knowledge, and expertise students need to
be successful in life, work, and globally. They focus on aptitudes such as, creativity,
technology, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, and communication.
Elements of Plot
• Plot is the description of action in
a story – what happened, to
whom, and why.
• Traditionally includes:
– A beginning that introduces
setting, characters, and problem.
– A series of events (rising action)
in which the character takes
action to solve the problem.
– A high point (climax) in which the
tension is at its highest and the
problem is about to be solved.
– A resolution of the problem.
– A brief ending (falling action or
denouement) that ties up loose
ends and gives a sense of
Link to Plot Structure Power Point
Dialect, Voice and Character
• Characters are revealed through their relationships
with other characters and through those characters’
thoughts, dialogue (dialect and conversational
• Authors use dialect to tell the reader more about a
character’s background without directly stating
• Features of dialect can used to alert the reader to
the character’s educational/social status or regional
Dialect, Voice and Character
• Recognizing dialect helps the reader better
understand the character and how the author
wishes to portray them.
• Studying dialect can enhance the importance of
ELA language standards through a heightened
sensitivity to language variation.
Academic Vocabulary found in CRM
and on AISD Resources page…
1) 6thGradeCRM
2) AISD Curriculum
Resource Page:
Link to AISD Middle School ELA
Academic Vocabulary
Guiding Questions….
Guiding Questions are: derived from Enduring Understandings and
Essential Questions in CRM, include language of the TEK,
are narrowed to address specific lesson objectives,
and are open ended and conceptual.
For example:
Enduring Understanding: Literary elements make Essential Question: How does understanding a
literature more vibrant and improve reader’s
story’s plot and literary elements deepen the
reader’s understandings and appreciation of the
author’s craft?
6.6A Sample 6th Grade Guiding Questions: What leads this character to make this decision? At what
point in the story did the character realize…..? What techniques does the author use to show time
passing? How would the outcome had been different if this event…….had happened differently? How
was the problem in this story resolved? What changes or compromises did the characters have to
make in order to reach this resolution? At what point do you think the climax of this story occurs?
6.6B Sample 6th Grade Guiding Questions: How did dialect convey information to you about this
character? What other strategies did the author use to provide insight into this character? What
stands out to you about this character as a person? What text evidence supports your claim?
Use the curriculum
documents (CRM, YI,
Street Views) already
created to assist in
including all
components of quality
lesson planning.
THE CRM’s and HM
Literature textbooks are a
great place to START!
Timken Roller Bearing Co., calendar, September 1950, teacher at desk
by George Eastman House (hide)
No known copyright restrictions
Additional Text Resources
• There is a whole world out there of
well-written, relevant, compelling juvenile
literature and many sources for critical thinking
question stems of depth and complexity!
2012 Lone Star Reading List
2012 Maverick Graphic Novel Reading List
Short Fiction and Nonfiction Texts AND Skills-Focused Questions
from Center for Urban Education
Higher Order Thinking Skills Question Templates
Core Instruction
Balanced Literacy: Gradual Release of Responsibility
The first part of differentiating instruction involves; finding out where your students are
starting in their knowledge base and anticipating areas where clarification may be
necessary. There are formal and informal ways to acquire this information.
Here is an example of how to assess
background knowledge about plot
structure, engage students in constructivist
learning, and hook them into this week’s
lesson focus……
Instruction and Assessment
have a reciprocal relationship…
The following 3 slides offer
a model lesson cycle for week 2
BLOCK 1 Assessing for background knowledge about
plot and literary elements and building on it….
Teacher asks students who saw The Hunger Games movie
over the summer and begins to ask questions related to
the plot and other literary elements (problem, rising
action, turning point, falling action, resolution, conflict,
setting, genre)…..The Hunger Games can be replaced with
another movie or story with which students are familiar.
As teacher asks these leading question and students
respond, teacher scribes the events in the appropriate place
on the blank plot diagram prepared prior to lesson (on
whiteboard, poster board, Smartboard, etc)
I do…..
Secondary Climaxwhen katniss and
Peeta almost eat
the poisonous
berries to beat the
Katniss, Peeta, and
Cato are on top of the
mountain with the
mutant mutts below
them…or when they
are being attacked by
the mutts
Katniss and
get killed
Peeta win,
until final
outsmart the
Keepers and
are left
end the
Teacher then asks students, “what did I just do here, or what
does this look like, or what did I just create?”
Students may recognize the plot diagram and begin to give
proper terminology to accompany events from the Hunger
games which teacher plotted…if not, teacher can begin to
give the terminology and place it on the diagram.
Teacher can then solicit an extended conversation about the
setting, character traits, theme mood depending on
readiness of the class…..(this will set the mood for the
lesson cycle to follow….)
Plot Chart-Student Work Page
back to
BLOCK 2 Guiding students through read-aloud of text,
recognizing and analyzing elements of plot…..
Teacher reviews Plot Chart from last session and sets the
expectation that teacher will now read aloud a story ( a
quality picture book such as The Memory String by Eve
Bunting) and we will create another plot chart based on
this literary text similar to how we did for the movie from
last time.
Provide students with their own copies of plot chart to
take notes on as they listen to the story. They can use the
anchor chart from last session to guide their note-taking.
After reading the story, ask student pairs to share their
plot charts with each other with guiding questions to
frame their conversations such as; What is the central
conflict? What are the events that lead you to know this
(provide text evidence)? How is the problem resolved? In
what ways do the characters change as a result of the
events in the story?
Pairs then share their findings in whole class discussion as
teacher completes a Plot Chart for the class using input
from students based on Read Aloud.
We do….
When you use rich and complex
picture books written with
relevant and compelling
themes, they lend themselves
to teaching specific skills, and
comprehension strategies. This
book can be used for elements
of plot, character conflict,
changes over time, inferencing
and summarizing…..
BLOCK 3 Provide students scaffolded support and then
independent practice time with creating plot charts….
Provide groups or pairs with short texts to practice
completing plot charts and, at this point, also embed
open-ended higher level questions which require
students to discuss inferences, author’s craft, and
character analysis into the task.
Teacher circulates to check for understanding,
participate in discussions, offer suggestions for
deeper thinking, clear up misconceptions, etc.
For independent practice, provide an additional short
text to use for completion of individual plot chart
accompanied with high level comprehension
Formal and informal assessment can be acquired
through discussion and completed charts by pairs and
individuals. Level of texts can be differentiated easily
to accommodate students’ needs.
You do…
Use LEVELED onepage fiction texts
(such as these) or
picture books with
which students can
practice completing
plot charts in groups,
pairs, and
Clear Expectations
• Knowledge and Skill Statement and Student
Expectations posted and referenced in the
• What models or anchors of support will we use?
• How will students be held accountable for their
learning and make their thinking public?
• How will discussion and collaboration be
encouraged and expected?
• How will students be grouped for rigorous thinking
and problem solving?
Gradual Release
• I Do: Teacher begins with a question, problem to
solve, or hook.
– Read Aloud/Think Aloud/Questioning/Text Evidence
– Teacher models performance task (Plot Diagram)
• We Do: Shared Reading/Partner Reading
– Shared construction of task (Plot Diagram)
– Develop criteria/rubric for task
• You Do: Students complete task independently
– Judge task based on criteria or rubric
Includes: Small group instruction (literature circles,
targeted intervention)
Student Engagement/
Formative Assessment
• Shared Reading of Fiction Texts
– Teacher High-Level Questioning
– Turn and Talk at pre-planned stopping points to
discuss elements of plot and character
– Expectation for Justification of Thinking
– Students Provide/Locate Text Evidence
Student Performance Tasks
• Complete a detailed Plot Diagram of a
book read.
• Draw an illustration of a character. Use
speech bubbles to write dialogue
portraying the character’s dialect and
• Using the Plot Diagram, students write a
summary of the plot in one coherent
paragraph (using criteria established by
teacher and students.)
Reader Response Journals
Students might:
• Identify literary elements
• Summarize the plot
• Explain the influence of setting
• Analyze characters and plot development
Use Guiding Questions from earlier slide to make
them specific to the text that students are
Vocabulary Instruction
Find Tier 2 Words
– Is this word related to a critical concept in the text?
– Will this word come up repeatedly in this text?
– Will this word come up again in other texts?
– Will this word have high utility in the students’ lives?
– Can include academic vocabulary and rich vocabulary
from the stories read.
Now I have the Tier 2 words,
what do I do with them?
Active Use Repetition
Definition Elaboration
of HighQuality
• The teacher helps the student to find a definition
each student understands.
NOTE: Dictionary definitions are rarely useful:
Provide student friendly definition in the context of
the text first. And later, use the words in other
• The teacher uses a system to help the students to make connections between
the new vocabulary and their prior knowledge.
• The teacher ensures that the new
vocabulary comes up many, many, many,
many times.
Partner Practice/Quizzes
Tier 2 Activities
Active Use
• The teacher finds ways to encourage the
students to actively use the new vocabulary.
Mandate – use in
speaking and
Word Walls/Banks
Correct the
“Give” the word to
the student
Use vocabulary in
writing tasks
Don’t Forget Independent
Reading and Fluency
• By the end of this week, students should have
selected a book to read (literary/fiction), and should
have created a calendar of milestones to ensure
they finish the book by the 5th week of class) e.g.,
there are 260 pages in the book; I will be on page 60
by this Friday, page 120 by next Friday, etc.
• Fry Sight Words and Phrases (for students who do
not read most common sight words with
• Repeated readings (see Fluency in Street View)
Reading/Writing Connection
6.16 Student write about their own experiences.
16(A) Write a personal narrative that has a clearly
defined focus and communicates the importance
of or reasons for actions and/or consequences.
• Teacher models each step of the writing process:
Prewrite, Draft. Revise, Edit, Publish
• Reread narrative texts as mentor texts and plan
mini-lessons based on students’ writing.
Next Steps
• This concludes your planning for ELA for TEKS/SE
for Week 2. You will repeat the process weekly
for planning the TEKS/SEs for Weeks 3-6.
• Please also refer to The AISD Comprehensive
Literacy Handbook for planning instruction.