Animation and Games Development 242-515, Semester 1, 2014-2015 0. Preliminaries • Who we are: Please ask questions • Aj. Andrew Davison, WiG Lab • Aj. Anant Choksuriwong not in 2014-2015 • Objective o to give some background on the course 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries 1 Overview 1. Why Make Games? 2. Course Objectives 3. Meeting Times / Locations 4. Workload 5. Course Materials 6. Further Information 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries 2 1. Why Make Games? • It’s fun! People like to play games • The game industry is huge and growing rapidly Half-life 2 • Game programming is inspiring a new generation of designers and programmers • Drives research and development in many areas, such as graphics and AI 3 Modern Games are Complex • Technologies used: o o o o o o o o 2D & 3D Graphics sound & music networking Artificial Intelligence physics simulation parallel processing custom scripting languages etc. 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries 4 2. Course Objectives • This course will focus on game graphics and maths: o basic 3D graphics theory o graphics programming with the Java game engine JMonkeyEngine • We won’t study: o gameplay, storylines, game art, the production process, artist tools, network layers 5 Main Topic Headings • Aj. Andrew's topics (they may change): o background: history, genre, the future, game development, game architecture o 3D maths: vectors, coordinate spaces, matricies, transformations o illumination: color, lighting o texturing o meshes o physics: motion, mass, collision detection o particle effects o landscape 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries 6 • Aj. Anant's topics: (they may change): o none this year (2014-2015) 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries 7 3. Meeting Times / Locations Tuesday 9:00 – 10:30 R301-2 Wednesday 10:30 – 12:00 R301-2 • These times can be changed if both Ajarn and most of the students in the class agree. 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries 8 4. Workload (% of total score) • Mid-term Exam: 30% (2 hours) • Two Exercises, each worth 15% (total = 30%) o one will be assigned by Aj. Andrew, the other by Aj.Anant • exercises 1, weeks 7-8 • exercises 2, weeks 15-16 • Final Exam: 40% 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries (3 hours) 9 • Aj. Andrew will teach roughly the first half of the class (about 8 weeks) • Aj. Anant will teach the second half (the last 8 weeks, after the midterm exam). 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries 10 Non-Attendence Penalty • We may take registration at the start of a class. • If someone is not there, they lose 1% (unless they have a good excuse). • A maximum of 10% can be lost o deducted from your final mark 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries 11 5. Course Materials • All the handouts (and other materials, such as code examples) produced by Aj. Andrew will be placed on-line at: Software.coe/242-515_AGD/ • Print using 6 slides/page to save trees. • Aj. Andrew will not be using the LMS. 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries 12 Reading Materials • A good gaming overview: o Introduction to Game Development Editor: Steve Rabin Charles River Media, 2005 Aj. Andrew has PDF versions of these books. • My main source for maths: o 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development Fletcher Dunn and Ian Parberry A K Peters / CRC Press, 2002 o 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries continued 13 • jMonkeyEngine information: o jMonkeyEngine 3.0 Beginner's Guide Ruth Kusterer Packt Publishing, 2013 o There are lots of tutorials online at the JMonkey website: • 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries 14 6. Further Information • You should download and install Java and JMonkeyEngine o Aj. Andrew will explain how to install and use JMonkeyEngine later in the course • A old-ish version of Java (Java SE 6.0) is at: o • You should get JavaSE 6.0 SDK, WindowsFull (76.7 MB) and the 6.0 documentation (53.7 MB) 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries continued 15 • JMonkeyEngine can be downloaded from: o 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries 16 Web Resources • Games Developers o o • General Gaming: o o • Game design magazines o 242-515 AGD: 1. Preliminaries 17