Preparing Your ePoster for the VPH 2014 Conference

VPH 2014 ePoster Template - Title: 34pt bold
Authors and affiliations: 13pt bold
Headings: 17pt bold
Content: 15pt
Preparing Your ePoster for the VPH 2014 Conference
You are required to submit an ePoster to the VPH 2014 conference no
later than Thursday September 4th, 2014.
Submission URL:
ePoster optimum size:
• Dimensions: 1920x1080px (16:9 aspect ratio – 50” widescreen,
W:111cm x H:62,45cm). This template’s dimensions are specifically
tailored for the screens being used at the conference. It is highly
recommended that you use this template when creating your ePoster.
ePoster format:
• Only one slide per poster
• Hyperlinks to web-pages and other sources are not permitted.
• Animations and videos are allowed, but MUST be embedded in the
pptx/ppt-file in order to work. They may run continuously or start on
click. Keep in mind that your ePoster will also be displayed in rotation
during breaks. No interaction is possible when the posters are in this
“slideshow”-mode, hence “start-on-click”-media will not be displayed.
• If you choose not to use this template, make sure that you select a
page setup of “16:9 On Screen Show” before saving and submitting.
• If you have access to a large Full HD 16:19 widescreen television (46” or
bigger) you can try out this file in slideshow mode on your TV to get an
idea on how your ePoster will look (do a readability test) on the
screens at the conference.
• When presenting your ePoster you’ll have access to a Logitech K400
wireless keyboard and touchpad (there are one per screen), letting you
navigate your ePoster and start/stop media that needs to be clicked.
• Office PowerPoint 2013 on Windows 8 will be used to display the
ePosters at the Conference.
Tips For Preparing and Presenting Your ePoster
Less is more
A well-constructed ePoster communicates your research to the viewer at a
glance. Your content should be limited to only what is essential. Ask
yourself the following questions as you design your ePoster:
• Will a casual observer walk away understanding my major findings
after a quick perusal of my material?
• Will a more careful reader learn enough to ask informed questions?
Suggested headings
1. Issue
2. Approach
3. Findings
4. Implications for Policy and Practice
1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Results
4. Conclusions
An infographic is worth a thousand words
ePosters are a visual medium. Use images, videos, animations and
infographics to convey your messages. Graphics should not be blurry or
pixelated. Use high-resolution images. If necessary, indicate the ordering
of your section with numbers, letters, or arrows. Balance the placement of
text and graphics. Use white space creatively to define the flow of
information. Columns make your poster easier to read. Your graphs should
look professional and have labels.
For assistance with ePoster submission please contact:
STAY FROSTY AS - Dag Hendrik Lerdal
Presenting your poster
Don't read the poster to your audience. Give the big picture of what you
did, explain why the subject is important, and use the graphics to illustrate
and support your key points.
Some questions to answer while making your presentation:
• What’s the research question?
• Why is this question important?
• What strategy is used?
• What are the results and why are they unique or important?
• How does this relate to other research?
• What comes next? How can your research be used to have an impact?
Saving and Uploading your ePoster
Please name your ePoster PowerPoint file (.ppt or .pptx) according to
this format: "Author full name - Poster title.pptx“
Ensure High Quality of Pictures and Images
Make sure your pictures quality aren’t worsened by compression by
selecting “Tools” -> “Compress Pictures..” and selecting “Print” as target
output during the Save As.. Dialog
Three rules for videos: Embed, Optimize for Compatibility and Compress
• Media must be embedded into the PowerPoint file in order to work.
Submission of separate video-files (.mov, .avi, .mp4, etc.) in addition to
the .ppt/.pptx-file is not permitted. When saving your ePoster make
sure to break any links to external media shown in “File – Info”.
• Optimize media by clicking the “Optimize for Compatibility” button
shown in “File – Info”. This ensures your videos will play regardless of
installed codecs on the playback-computer.
• Compress media that can be compressed in “File – Info”. Compress
using Presentation Quality and you won’t experience any quality loss.