The Tenth Circle PPT PDF

PPT by
Ashley Tan 8-2
The Tenth Circle is not only the title of this book it is also the
title of the comic that is written by Daniel Stone, one of the
main characters of this story. Both tell the tale of a father, with
an estranged past, who would do anything to protect his
daughter. Daniel’s daughter claims that she has been raped –
but the person she’s accused was her boyfriend. Both Daniel
and his comic’s hero travel through hell to save their daughters
(figuratively and literally). With no doubt Jodi Picoult will break
your heart and somehow mend it back together again.
 Daniel Stone - father
 Trixie Stone – daughter who
was raped
 Laura Stone - mother
 Jason Underhill – apparent
rapist/Trixie’s ex-boyfriend
 Fall – Winter
 Bethel, Maine - hometown
 Monroe College – where
Laura teaches
 Tuluksak/Bethel, Alaska –
Daniel’s hometown, where
Trixie runs away to
Trixie claims that she was raped.
Laura’s affair:
Laura cheats on
Daniel with one of
her students and
he finds out.
Trixie becomes
infamous: Trixie
gets raped and
everyone starts
to shun her.
Jason’s Death
Laura and Daniel
become closer:
For the sake of their
daughter and because
of all that is happening
to them, they tolerate
each other.
Friends return to
Trixie: Her best friend
comes back to her
and apologizes for
ignoring her.
Trixie runs away to Alaska
Page 282: “The bush pilot from Arctic Circle Air had been hired to fly in a
veterinarian headed to Bethel – another unfamiliar Bethel – for the K300 sled dog
race. ‘You going there too?’ The vet asked, and although Trixie had no idea where
she was, she nodded.
Trixie is put in juvenile jail
Trixie can relate better
to people in juvenile jail:
there are other people
there that have been
raped as well and some
people with even worse
Daniel and Laura are
close again: after
learning to tolerate each
other they remember
why they got married in
the first place.
 There will always be people around that love you and will
support you no matter what. Example: even though Trixie is
raped and everyone else ignores her, her parents still love and
care for her.
 People do crazy things for love. Example: Trixie runs away to
Alaska but her parents still follow her.
 Person v. Society – Trixie versus her school: her school calls
her horrid names because she was raped.
 Person v. Person – Daniel versus Laura: Laura cheats on
Daniel and they know that their marriage is falling apart but
they have to stick together for the sake of their daughter.
 Person v. Fate – Trixie versus her fate: Trixie is raped and
society ostracizes her.
Thank You!