Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

FEPA Mid Year Work Session 2012
2011 THIRA – EMPG/HSGP Grant Requirement
Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk
Assessment (THIRA)
“THIRA processes at all levels of government establish
a foundation to justify and guide preparedness
activities and investments. A common approach to
that process will enable the whole community to
maintain a baseline understanding of the risks that
they face, facilitating efforts to identify capability and
resource gaps, focus capability improvements, and
inform the community of actions they can take to
manage their risks. In order to qualify for FY 2011
funding, all grantees shall develop and maintain a
“THIRA processes at all levels of government
establish a foundation to justify and guide
preparedness activities and investments. A
common approach to that process will enable the
whole community to maintain a baseline
understanding of the risks that they face,
facilitating efforts to identify capability and
resource gaps, focus capability improvements,
and inform the community of actions they can
take to manage their risks. In order to qualify for
FY 2011 funding, all grantees shall develop and
maintain a THIRA.”
“THIRAs should include the range of threats and
hazards faced by an applicant. The assessment should
be based on analysis of the relative consequences of
the various threats and hazards with consideration of
empirical data to the maximum degree possible. An
effective THIRA will allow the applicant to compare and
prioritize risks, even if they are dissimilar, by
identifying possible threats and hazards faced with
respective probability estimates of their occurrence.
THIRA findings should be incorporated into each
applicant’s preparedness strategy, planning,
investment justification, and assessment
documentation – addressing capability gaps identified
during the THIRA process.”
“Current State Hazard Identification and Risk
Assessments (HIRAs) developed for the
purposes of Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) or
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) that
have a terrorism component satisfy the FY
2011 SHSP and UASI requirement.”
Measurement Methods -2011 Grants
EMPG – “An approved Hazard Mitigation Plan
that includes a HIRA that addresses the
hazards to the grantee to include terrorism”
HSGP – “An approved State Hazard Mitigation
Plan that includes a THIRA that has been
coordinated with the UASI(s) located in the
Reporting – 2011Grants
EMPG and HSGP (same language)
“Grantees are required to submit to the
Regional Hazard Mitigation Officer the
State Mitigation Plan that includes the
State’s HIRA”
President’s Grant Reform Proposal - 2013 Cycle
(National Preparedness Grant Program):
Combine Federal Grant Programs
(EMPG and Fire Grants Remain
Base Allocation to Each State
National Competitive Funding Based on
THIRA – Investment Justifications for
Projects to Address THIRA “capability
Concepts Not Adopted by Congress
Grant Guidance 2012 – EMPG/HSGP
Similar Background Language on THIRA
Measurement Methods
EMPG – “An approved THIRA that addresses
HSGP – “Percentage of THIRAs that meet the
the risks and hazards faced by the grantee”
qualifications set forth by DHS “
Reporting 2012 – EMPG
“Grantees will be required to develop a THIRA
component of the State Mitigation Plan and
provide a copy to their EMPG Program Analyst
no later than December 31, 2012. The THIRA
must be updated annually. Grantees must also
submit the THIRA to their Regional Federal
Preparedness Coordinator”
Reporting 2012 – HSGP
“Grantees will be required to develop a THIRA
and upload a copy on ND Grants no later than
December 31, 2012. The THIRA must be
updated and reviewed by DHS for consistency
and content annually.”
Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Guide
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 201
First Edition April 2012
From FEMA CPG 201
Threat and Hazard
Identification and Risk
Assessment Guide
Comprehensive Preparedness
Guide (CPG) 201 Supplement
1: Toolkit First Edition April
May 2012
Not For Release to Third Parties
This document includes sample worksheets
for the Threat and Hazard Identification and
Risk Assessment as described in
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG)
201. These worksheets should be used only
as examples and not considered
prescriptive or inclusive of all possible
Threat/Hazard Group
Description 1:
Description 2:
Description 3:
Description 1:
Description 2:
Description 3:
Description 1:
Description 2:
Description 3:
Description 1:
Description 2:
Description 3:
Threat/Hazard Type
Prevention and
Core Capability
Public Information and Warning
Operational Coordination
Forensics and Attribution
Intelligence and Information
Interdiction and Disruption
Screening, Search, and Detection
Desired Outcome
THIRA Guidance Addendum/Information Bulletin
IB-385a Issued June 1, 2012
 Clarifies Grant Recipient Requirements for THIRA
under HSGP and EMPG
 FY 2012 Entities Required to Submit a THIRA by
December 31, 2012 as a Performance
◦ All 56 State Administrative Agencies (SAAs) receiving
funding under the FY 2012 HSGP and EMPG programs;
◦ All 31 Urban Areas receiving funding under the FY 2012
Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) grant program.
“Other jurisdictions, such as local units of
government and regional planning groups, are
highly encouraged but not required to
complete their own THIRAs (in conjunction with
their SAA). The SAA is expected to engage its
whole community to ensure the entire scope of
statewide risk is incorporated into the State
“Each SAA is required to submit a
State/territory THIRA, as well as an Urban Area
THIRA, if applicable, to FEMA via the on-line
State Preparedness Report (SPR) Tool by
December 31, 2012. The SPR is located on the
Preparedness Comprehensive Assessment
System Tool (PREPCAST) portal. Urban Areas
should coordinate with their SAA to ensure that
their THIRA is included as an attachment to the
official SPR Assessment. Urban Areas are not
expected to complete the SPR.”
Grant Requirements 2013
(as stated in IB-385 a)
“The THIRA submission will not be a prerequisite for applying for grant funding, but it
will be an annual performance requirement
upon the award of identified FEMA
preparedness grants.”
FEMA THIRA Tool Kit Training to SAAs (DEM)
DEM Training to Counties?
DEM Process/Timeline ?
◦ How will county data be collected?
◦ What is the timeline for data collection?
◦ How will county data be presented/included in final
THIRA document?
◦ Relationship to LMS/CEMP?
◦ How Utilized for EMPG/SHGP/UASI funding?
◦ THIRA Approval/Review Process – EM Advisory Working
Group, Domestic Security Oversight Council?
Group Discussion