PPD-8 Overview Presentation - The Society of American Military

PPD-8 Overview Presentation
Society of American Military Engineers Luncheon
Presidential Policy Directive 8 / PPD-8: National Preparedness
August 16, 2012
For Discussion Purposes Only
Presidential Policy Directive 8: National Preparedness
 Our goals for today:
 Provide a basic overview of the PPD-8 implementation effort
 Share recent progress
 What we’d like to hear from you:
 In what ways could your members help increase awareness of the
National Preparedness Goal and other PPD-8 elements?
 What ideas do you have to increase public awareness of preparedness?
Whole community involvement is key to ensuring our nation
is secure and resilient. We appreciate the work you do
everyday to help your communities.
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
What is PPD-8?
 This policy directive from the president asks multiple federal agencies
to work together with the whole community to improve national
Individuals and families, including those with access and functional needs
Faith-based and community organizations
Nonprofit groups
Schools and academia
Media outlets
All levels of government
 It is aimed at “strengthening the security and resilience” of the United
States through “systematic preparation for the threats that pose the
greatest risk to the security of the nation.”
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
PPD-8 Links a Range of National Efforts
 It is organized around key elements:
The ends we wish to achieve
The means to achieve it
• National Preparedness Goal (completed)
• National Preparedness System Description
The delivery; how we use
what we build
• National Planning Frameworks (delivered 6/30/2012)
• Federal Interagency Operational Plans (due
The reporting of our progress
• Annual National Preparedness Report (2012 report
The sustained engagement
• Build and sustain preparedness (ongoing)
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
Why is it Important?
 This collaborative PPD-8 effort:
 Focuses on involving the whole community in preparedness activities
 Uses a risk-based approach to support preparedness
 Builds core capabilities to confront any challenge
 Integrates efforts across the mission areas of Prevention, Protection,
Mitigation, Response and Recovery
 Assesses performance outcomes to measure and track progress
Ultimately, it will help us understand how we can all work together
to keep our nation safe and resilient.
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
National Preparedness Goal
National Preparedness Goal
A secure and resilient nation with the capabilities required across the
whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to,
and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk.
 The National Preparedness Goal
 Is informed by the risk of specific threats and vulnerabilities – including
regional variations
 Defines what it means for the whole community to be prepared for all
types of disasters and emergencies
 Addresses prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery
 Emphasizes a whole community approach that optimizes the use of
available resources
 Describes 31 core capabilities that will help us address our greatest risks
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
Core Capabilities Listed by Mission Area
Public Information and
Public Information and
Public Information and
Public Information and
Public Information and
Forensics and
Access Control and
Identity Verification
Community Resilience
Critical Transportation
Economic Recovery
Intelligence and
Information Sharing
Long-Term Vulnerability
Environmental Response
/ Health and Safety
Health and Social
Interdiction and
Intelligence and
Information Sharing
Risk and Disaster
Resilience Assessment
Fatality Management
Screening, Search and
Interdiction and
Threats and Hazard
Infrastructure Systems
Infrastructure Systems
Mass Care Services
Natural and Cultural
Physical Protective
Risk Management for
Protection Programs
and Activities
Screening, Search and
Supply Chain Integrity
and Security
Mass Search and Rescue
On-Scene Security and
Public and Private
Services and Resources
Public Health and
Medical Services
Situational Assessment
PPD-8 Overview
National Preparedness System
 The National Preparedness System outlines an organized process for
everyone in the whole community to move forward with their
preparedness activities and achieve the National Preparedness Goal.
 Identifying and Assessing Risk
 Estimating Capability Requirements
 Building and Sustaining Capabilities
 Planning to Deliver Capabilities
 Validating Capabilities
 Reviewing and Updating
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
First Step: Identifying and Assessing Risk
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
What is THIRA?
 THIRA is a common risk-assessment
process that:
 Helps whole community members identify
and understand likely vulnerabilities. Simply
put, you need to understand your risks in
order to manage them
 Reduces duplication of efforts by building
on risk assessment efforts already in place
 The THIRA process is covered in
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 201:
Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk
Assessment, which was released in April
Ways to Apply a THIRA
Preparedness efforts that can
also be enhanced by a THIRA
 Hazard mitigation plans
 Emergency operations plans
 Strategic planning for
prioritizing assets
 Equipment purchases and
personnel hiring
 Public awareness campaigns
 Exercises
 Training
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
THIRA is a Five-Step, Adaptable Process
 Identify the threats and hazards of concern: Identify the
emergency situations that could happen in your community.
 Give the threats and hazards context: Describe how a threat or
hazard could happen in your community, and when and where it
could happen.
 Examine the core capabilities using the threats and hazards:
Determine how each threat or hazard could affect the core
capabilities designed to accomplish the National Preparedness Goal.
 Set capability targets: Using the information defined in the first
three steps, set the level of capability a community needs to prevent,
protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from its risks.
 Apply the results: Use the capability targets to decide how to use
resources from the whole community.
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
Neighbor Helping Neighbor is Key for
Identifying Resources
 The THIRA process represents a neighbor helping neighbor way of
thinking about resources. Communities and jurisdictions should look
to the whole community as a resource for filling gaps in core
 Whole community members are encouraged to:
 Work together and share their assessment findings
 Determine whether they have common core capabilities and capability
 Pool resources to build and improve the core capabilities needed to
address common risks
 If the resources do not exist in the whole community to build or
improve core capabilities, then jurisdictions could consider grants.
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
Fourth Step: Planning to Deliver Capabilities
 The National Planning System
is under development.
 It will focus on a few key areas:
 People
 Processes and products
 Enablers
 Coordination and management
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
National Planning Frameworks
 There will be five National Planning Frameworks:
 Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, and Response are under White House review now.
 The National Disaster Recovery Framework was released in September 2011.
 Each Framework:
Identifies the scope (guiding principles, scope of mission area, application of risk)
Summarizes the roles and responsibilities of each part of the whole community
Defines the mission area’s core capabilities, along with examples of key activities
Defines the coordinating structures – either new or existing – that enable the
effective delivery of the core capabilities
Describes the relationships to other mission areas
Identifies relevant planning assumptions required to inform the development of
interagency operational plans and department level plans
Provides information that state, local, tribal, and territorial governments and private
sector partners can use to develop or revise their plans
Leverages concepts from existing national doctrine where possible (such as the
National Incident Management System)
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
Federal Interagency Operational Plans
 The Federal Interagency Operational Plans are being developed to
guide the execution of each of the five frameworks.
 These Federally focused plans are intended to:
 Be a more detailed concept of operations
 Integrate and synchronize national-level Federal capabilities to support
the plans at all levels of government
 Describe critical tasks and responsibilities to include resource, personnel
and sourcing requirements
 Provide specific provisions for the rapid integration of resources and
 Be consistent with Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101
 They are due to the White House on September 25, 2012.
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
National Preparedness Report
 The first annual National Preparedness Report was submitted to the
White House on March 30, 2012, and is available for download at
 Coordinated with executive departments and agencies in consultation with
the whole community
 Summarizes the progress being made toward developing and maintaining
the performance objectives related to the core capabilities described in
the Goal
 Highlights national strength in several core capabilities: Planning, Operational
Coordination, Intelligence and Information Sharing, Environmental
Response/Health and Safety, Mass Search and Rescue Operations,
Operational Communications, Public Health and Medical Services
 Identifies opportunities for improvement in Cybersecurity, Economic Recovery,
Housing, and Natural and Cultural Resources
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
Build and Sustain Preparedness
 The Effort to Build and Sustain Preparedness comprises four key
 A comprehensive campaign to build and sustain national preparedness, to
include public outreach and community-based and private-sector
programs to enhance national resilience
 Federal preparedness
 Federal preparedness assistance (i.e., grants and technical assistance)
 National research and development efforts
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov
PPD-8 Overview
Ways to Get Involved in Development
 Participate in a collaborative discussion online…
 Check the discussion topics on the FEMA crowdsourcing site.
 Visit http://fema.ideascale.com (click Presidential Policy Directive 8).
 Submit your thoughts and ideas…
 Send your ideas to PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov.
 Participate in the national engagement periods…
 Check the PPD-8 website, http://www.fema.gov/ppd8, for updates about
specific ways to participate during feedback periods.
 Opportunities may include webinars, in-person events and draft
documents with feedback submission forms.
 Spread the word to your colleagues.
Thank you for your participation!
PPD-8 Overview
Learn more online: http://www.fema.gov/ppd8
Send us e-mail: PPD8-Engagement@fema.dhs.gov