Advisory – 7th Grade Identify behaviors that contribute to a conflict escalating Describe how feelings escalate during conflict Escalation: The process by which a conflict gets worse. Every step up the conflict The Behavior Every higher behavior that youmakes go inon a escalator has feelings that conflict thethe conflict escalator, is either worse the a step will go with it. As the conflict take up harder or it a another step it is down to step come the up escalates, so do the conflict thefeelings. down. escalator. escalator. Watch the following video (this will be the role play video of HN and MD) Draw a conflict escalator. Identify the first step on the escalator. Identify the second step. Continue until you reach the top of the escalator. What do you think the person was feeling at this step on the escalator? Is it only behavior that escalates during a conflict? When you are in a conflict, how do feelings affect the way you behave? What feelings most often come up for you in conflicts? How do feelings escalate as the conflict escalates? What examples have you seen of a conflict escalating? When conflict gets worse, we say that they escalate. Each behavior in the conflict is a step on the escalator. As conflicts escalate, so do the feelings in the conflict escalate.