An Unforgettable Experience - cchms-english-2014-4ep

An Unforgettable Experience.
“Mommy, can you wait for me here? I would like to get some ginger ale!” I
exclaimed while I threw her a boyishly affectionate smile.
“Sure, please be quick!”
The supermarket was noisy and bustling with people. I was completely oblivious to
the surrounding as I search for my favourite beverage. Where could it be?
“Attention! Attention!” a voice boomed from the loud speaker. Engrossed in my
search, I took no notice of the announcement. It stole some shoppers’ attention while
others glanced around, surprised. It continued, “Everyone in the building is to
evacuate now! NOW!”
Murmurs of questions filled the place. Some was consumed by curiosity, while others
were panic-stricken. Not long after, everyone made a mad dash for the exit, down the
escalator. Sensing something serious, I jostled my way through the packed crowd and
crammed with the others on the escalator.
Pandemonium and chaos broke out as patrons started to run helter-skelter. Glancing
down from the escalator, I saw black smoke billowing from the basement like giant
mushrooms. Fear seized everyone as hysterical screams filled the air. The fiery flames
devoted everything in its way as smoke reduced the visibility drastically. The heat is
becoming unbearable as I coughed a puff of smoke. Reaching the ground level,
everything in front of me is a blur. My lungs were aching for a breath of fresh air.
Just then, I stood rooted to the ground after I found out that my mother was not by my
side. I squinted for my mother’s figure in the sea of people but it was futile. At that
moment, I felt like an abandoned adolescent as I battled the feeling of helplessness. I
am terrified. Extremely terrified. I forcefully shut my eyes and open them again,
hoping all is just a bad dream, but it was not. Wild thoughts ran through my mind as I
could literately hear the loud thumping of my heart. What will happen to me? Will I
meet my doom today? I prayed to god, hoping for a miracle.
Just then, I felt a similar touch on my arm and turned my head, only to see my
beloved mother. Relief flooded all over me as mommy gave me a bear hug. I was
overwhelmed by emotions. I suddenly gained hope and belief. “I have to escape! We
have to escape!” I mumbled to myself as I pushed and shoved my way through, my
hand tightly locked in my mommy’s.
Before I knew it, an exit sign came to sight. I signalled it to my mommy as both of us
sprinted towards it. Upon exiting the malls, my lungs start to drink in big gulps of air.
Unable to propel myself further, my knees jellied as my leg fell willingly onto the
ground. Soon after, fireman clad in red sprang into action. They rolled out two fire
hoses and began firing powerful jets of water at the fire. Feeling safe and assured, I
gave my mother a kiss on her cheek and lie on the grass nearby, resting, with a
contented grin on my face.
Ronnie Lee (34)