No Huddle Concepts

Chelsea High School
Brad Bush Head Coach
 Practice
time is reduced…more plays
 Control the tempo of the game
 Forces the QB to become the leader
during practice…
 2 minute situations are an extension of
the offense
 More plays…more players play
 Puts stress on the defense in preparation
and games
 Must
practice the mechanics of the
offense, which takes away from other skill
 When playing fast it can create quick 3
and outs, putting pressure on the defense
 Coach loses some “control” of the offense
 Limits some of the terminology that you
can use when you huddle
 Huddle
• Call plays using a wristband
• QB wears the game plan all week
 “Cruise”
• Not in a hurry…run the play that is called
 “Check”
• Lineup and call a cadence…offense checks with
the sideline to determine if play is on or
 “Attack”
• Players can change formations, but will line up
• Oline lines up in stance as soon as ball is marked
• Run the play that is called
 “Indy”
• Use the same formation; no change
• Use a list of plays to call the play
• EX: Indy 1 would be Trap
 “Rocket”
• As fast as possible
• Only the head coach signals
• A select list of plays
 “2 Minute: Hurry, Hurry”
• Based on the situation
• No different than other people’s 2 minute system
 “4 Minute:
• Snap the ball in last 5 seconds of the play clock
• We will huddle during this situation and use the
wristband for the QB
 Coaches
signal to the skilled players
• Formation is first
• Players will line-up in the previous formation
after the play is over
• Play is signaled second
• Offense stays in the same tempo unless the
coach alerts the QB to change the tempo
 QB
communicates with the Offensive Line
• They only receive the information they need
• One is “hot”; one is “dummy”
• Switch signalers during the game
 QB
at the LOS
• “#, #, Odd-Set”
• One number is “hot”; one is “dummy”
• Allows for the QB to run Check with Me at the LOS
 Start
each series with a sideline
huddle…everyone knows the signaler , number,
tempo, and situation
 “INDY”
• In Indy mode the offense is signaled using
number 1-10
The QB communicates this number to the
Offensive Line
These are a series of numbers that are
EX: “Indy 1” Belly to the left
If it is a protection the route is signaled to the
skilled players
• The play must have a name and number
• The name of the play correlates to the signal
• The numbers are given to the offensive line
• Offensive linemen only hear the numbers
• QB may check the play at LOS or call the play based
on a package
• The route combination is signaled to the skilled
• The offensive line only hears the pass protection
• The QB has to know the protection that goes with the
route or the QB will check at the LOS
 Everything
is no huddle…all drills,
groups, team…we never huddle
 The coach can not become the QB…force
the QBs to be the leaders in practice;
they must call the plays
 Do not stop practice to coach during
group or team. Coach everything on the
 Coach team period from the
sideline…not behind the offense
• 5-10 minute period early in practice
• 6 to 8 plays in a row vs. air
• Practice plays vs. air and the tempo
• Has a conditioning element to the drill. We don’t
condition at the end of practice.
• Can be done with 1 offensive group or 2.
• Can mix tempos during the drill.
• Done at the end of practice
• Goal of drill is to execute a critical play when
Align the offense on the 3; rest of the team in the
back of the end zone.
On the whistle, the team runs 40 yards and back.
The offense executes the play.
Work three 2 point plays every Wednesday
• Every play is signaled
• Pass Skelly:
 Coach is on the sideline signaling
 The QB must call all the plays
 The drill is filmed; coach from the film
• Inside Run:
 Coach is behind the offense signaling to the QB / RB
 QB communicates to Offensive Line
• All team periods are scripted
• Only one signaler on the sideline
• Use multiple tempos during the period
• 8-10 plays before rotating
• The scout defense must get coached on “the fly”
• Team is always a short fast paced period…do
not stop to coach…we want as many plays as