Level 3 Award Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Recognised by employers The Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) https://www.i-l-m.com/ is Europe’s leading management organisation. ILM partners with more than 80,000 individuals and organisations each year to help them fulfil their potential and achieve success through its wide range of flexible OPEN TO ALL UCLAN STUDENTS & GRADUATES BOOK YOUR INTRO: leadership and management development solutions. Develop your employability and enterprise skills with UCLan’s Enterprising Students Team: 1. 2. 3. 4. Realise your entrepreneurial potential Assess the viability of your ideas Research your customers & prototyping your ideas Resource & plan your enterprise ILM REGISTRATION FEE: £40 What studying on the programme entails: Kickstarter workshops Guided action learning Networking One-one mentoring & tutorials Assessment activities INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP: ME320, MEDIA FACTORY WED 15TH OCT, 14:30 – 15:30 WWW.UCLAN.AC.UK/ENTERPRISE UCLan Enterprising Students http://bit.ly/1vanIIO Enquiries: enterprisingstudents@uclan.ac.uk Tel: 01772 895885 Fb: UCLan Enterprising Students and Graduates Twitter: UClanEntStds This activity is supported by the North West Enterprise Champions ERDF Project