Profile & Communications Guide For internal use only Introduction As one of the foremost business schools in Europe,we should value our brand and make the best possible use of it. Ever since its founding in 1909, the Stockholm School of Economics has played a significant role in business and society. As one of the leading business schools in Europe, it is vital that we present our brand in the best possible way. Everything we say and do influences how we are perceived. Our communications should therefore stem from a common language of design, tone and pictures intended to express our profile. You hold in your hands the short version of our Design Manual, a simplified Profile and Communications Guide which has been created to help us to achieve a consistent usage of the Stockholm School of Economics brand. Use the Guide as a source of inspiration and guidance in your day-to-day work. If you have any questions, please contact the Communications and Marketing Department. 2 3 Position and mission Our primary mission is to offer education that rests on top-quality research and through that education and research we seek to drive development in society. SSE has secured a strong position within the international market for higher education as a first-class business school with the ambition to be among the top three in Europe. To achieve this, we must be attentive to shifting market demands and always aspire to stay one step ahead in developing programs and conducting pioneering research. Our aim is to attract the best and most talented students and faculty both from Sweden and abroad. Position SSE is one of Europe’s leading business schools, offering a first-class, internationally competitive education in business administration and economics, along with highly regarded PhD, MBA and Executive Education programs. Mission Our primary mission is to offer education that rests on top-quality research and through that education and research we seek to drive development in society. 4 5 The SSE brand Over the past century the Stockholm School of Economics has built its reputation through offering education of the highest class and through top-quality research. By these means we have created a school that attracts the most talented students. The core values that form the foundation of our operations and the communication of those operations have been defined by the words Pioneering, Empowering and Courageous. Additional distinguishing values have been defined by the words Proud, International and Exclusive. Together these values form our brand platform, an important basis for our communications. For a clear and consistent understanding of what we are, our communication should be founded on these brand values. s u eo neering Ex c Cour ag s lu Em n weri g o p Pio national Inter Proud Core values Pioneering We have the daring to blaze new trails and break new ground. Our courses provide the tools and the boldness needed to think the new. At SSE people can challenge and can change. ive Empowering With our courses as a foundation, opportunities open up. We are a highly ranked and highly esteemed business school that inspires our students and our researchers to action. Courageous We have the courage to challenge established conventions and find new routes into the future, both theoretical and practical. 6 Supporting values Proud Our history and our current operations mean that we can be proud of what we are and what we achieve. International Our students and researchers look outwards. SSE has operations in Sweden, Russia and Latvia and collaborates with several leading institutions of higher education around the world. We offer a vast portfolio of education programs, opportunities and networks. Exclusive We offer a high-class educational and research environment to those who have exceptional talent and want to gain more, regardless of their background or their means. All in all, we are considered one of the leading business schools in Europe. 7 Our logotype Our logotype is a clear symbol of our identity. The logotype is also a very important component of our graphical communication and must therefore never be tampered with. The logotype exists in two versions – Swedish and English. The logo can be combined with the name of a unit (for example the name of a subsidiary). The general rule is that the English logotype should be used. In communications directed at a wholly Swedish target group, the English logo should be written together with our Swedish name “Handelshögskolan i Stockholm”, or in specific circumstances the Swedish logotype may be used. Exceptions must be approved by the Director of Communications. More than one SSE logotype must never appear on the same item. STOCKHOLM SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Never omit any part of the logotype. Never rearrange the logotype. Studentkåren Never add your own text to the logotype. Never use colors other than the official ones. The “mother” logotype should be used by all units within the Stockholm School of Economics and for all external marketing, for example on the web, in brochures, in films, on business cards etc. Subsidiary logos, where the logo is combined with e.g. a department name, may only be used for internal purposes.* * Exceptions are IFL Executive Education, SSE Russia and SSE Riga, the Student Association, SSE Business Lab and the Alumni Association, which should use their subsidiary logotypes for all purposes. 8 Never set the logo on a background other than the official one. Never crop the logotype. 9 Colors and typefaces Illustration style and overlays Typography is important to the Stockholm School of Economics’ graphical profile. It does not just convey the message in the texts; it also forms an official “house style” that represents the sender. The School’s official typefaces are Baskerville Regular for headings (NB upper and lower case) and for body text, and Futura Medium and Futura Light for subheadings, separate words (e.g. on signs) and contrast text. All printed matter issued by the School (brochures, advertisements, business cards etc) should use these typefaces. This creates uniformity and consistency in applications where the School makes use of its logotype. The rule is to use lower-case letters, but to emphasize a certain word, a section, chapter etc. capital-letters may be used. Main headings always in Baskerville Regular upper and lower case Baskerville Regular PRINCIPAL COLOR Body text: Baskerville Regular Aloborpero od exero endiamc onsectem irilit luptat irit at. ex ea consecte vel ulluptat vel ut luptatio od dolendrem vel ulput velit, qui elis nullaore con velis delit iuscil ex ea faci euguerci Sub-headings: Futura Medium Futura medium Aloborpero od exero endiamc onsectem irilit luptat irit at. ex ea consecte vel ulluptat vel ut luptatio od dolendrem vel ulput velit, qui elis nullaore con velis delit iuscil Auptatio od dolendrem vel ulput velit, qui elis nullaore con velis delit iuscil ex ea faci euguerci tie 10 The illustrations contained in SSE’s image archive should be used both in printed communications and on the web. The illustrations fall into two groups: photographs of people and photographs of locations. The people shown should be well turned out without being smart, and conveying enjoyment, warmth and activity. Age depending on target group of the printed matter. Pictures of people should if necessary be complemented by well-lit location shots. Location shots should have a stylish, Scandinavian and rather stripped-down feel. The pictures should emphasize our history and our progressive spirit. Overlays are used to strengthen our profile and consist of a semitransparent colored film placed over the left side of the illustrations. Text and captions can be added on the transparent surfaces. Contrast text Futura Medium BLUE PMS 295 CMYK 95, 67.5, 26, 14 RGB 9, 47, 104 SECONDARY COLORS BLACK WHITE GOLD Pms 871 CmYK 43, 38.82, 100, 12.94 RgB 128, 112, 65 ORANGE PMS 114 CMYK 0, 48, 100, 0 RGB 204, 125, 0 LIGHT BLUE PMS 295 (50% resp. 75%) CMYK 95, 67.5, 26, 14 RGB 9, 47, 104 SAND PMS 465 CMYK 30, 40, 80, 0 RGB 163, 145, 97 LILAC PMS 2613 CMYK 63, 100, 0, 15 RGB 89, 30, 119 11 Text tone Advertisements and display material The tone of texts should convey self-confidence, humility and a progressive spirit. By promoting our heritage and our brand values in the text, we underline the pride and sense of community that characterize the Stockholm School of Economics. Handelshögskolan i Stockholm Hur ser världen ut om 100 år? Ekonomie kandidatprogram specialisering detaljhandel. Tävling för studerande och verksamma vid Handelshögskolan Vill du ta snabba kliv i karriären? Ureet, quamcon sectet la alisit ver sum nibh ea adionul laortio do consed etum quis adiam dunt laore doluptatuer sum irit nostinciduis nonsed eugait, core el utetumsandit lor senibh exer atisi essit volessequat ulputpat wis ad ming exeratisl ipis numsandit, cor iuscing eraestin exerate modiame tummod tem ipit nulluptat augait del utpatinim aliquat lutpat. Ut vullutem zzriuscin ulpute et, summy nonulputem quismolore consequat. Rat, sisi. Ekonomie kandid atprogram specialisering Ekonomie kandidatprogram detaljhandel, No rrtälje am, Handelshögskola specialisering detaljhandel, Norrtälje Ekonomie kandidatprogr n i Stockholm kholm Handelshögskolan i Stockholm Handelshögskolan i Stoc Nordens bästa ekonomiutbildning finns i Stockholm Ett ledande kunskapscentrum med fokus på detaljhandel. Ekonom ie kandid atprogra specialis m ering de taljhande Handels l, Norrtäl högskola je n i Stoc kholm Ett ledande kuns kapscentrum med fokus på de taljhandel. Irit augait augi am, core modions ent vullan vel euga feugiamet, quipit it lum nis alis et, wisl ut dolore feuis sum iriustrud mag dolorem zzrit augi na dolorperos ad te am iril ea feu feuip moloreet adio dolo isci eum duis r incinci etuer sit euis augait veriu nonsequat praesto sc illaor sissisim commod delis iure venim zzril perillam et, velenim dolor atie exeros augait wis at, volo dolobortie vullam, bor consenisis aliquis molorem iriusto sectet ad min veliq endionsequam zzril uam accumlaor per sissim nisse It ero dolorpero d dui bla am, cons dolore voluptat ad equam, si. del ipismodo cons do cortie ea facip equa m dole nim ilit adignit laor et, summodio exer cid uiscill aorper e velisl ute magnim augiat adip ea feug zzril et praeseq uam iam iustrud tat, core modiat. Ut suscidunt velenis vent acipis eumsand dolenit la feu facip ionsequamet, sum nim iuscinc iliquis aliss iuscidunt inibh esto ed te dolobore et con utpat ipsum wisit eu faccumsandre quis alis alit auga consequate cons it, suscidunt eum ed tinisl ea faccum molesto exero odol lor sim dolor si tin end iametum in ulputet ex el dign exer si estissi tio is autpatuero cons dovelis el il er secte end ipsustis adig t vulla con henis nisi tat. Is acidunt nulluptatie facin dunt ver illan ullam g essit verosti onu lputpat. Aliquism , consed te dolent od praeseq uisiscil ullao lore dolorer si elis rting ex exerci te nissisim dolortisi magnisisl doetummod magna elis nonulla feu facil cor sed molenibh iquat. etum aut nonsed Ed et dolortis eum my nostrud te mod modolore dignisit sequamcon eros alis ad doloboreet trud del et, quis lummy nonnonsequam, vullu nostrud el enibh ptatum non heni ero eniam, conse bh enis autpat prat delit la alisse dolor alit nis nulluptate cor adit aci tate mol si bla facip etum uptat alis dit il digna accum inim cor suscipis dolo velit velis numsan r sectet am, quat ullamconulla ie vullaorer senit, exeros nullaor ing vercil ullam, send et, volor aciliquat it lan volobor ipsu io dolorti onullum sto in utpat lore dolo doluptat, quipit re euiscidunt iusto et, sit utat velit ea facil ulla feum Rilit wis digna facin sandre magnibh utat. Lenim in ulpu erciliquat luptat. t wism olo rtionsed tie dolo zzrilit wis nostio doloreetum aut boreet nulla facc alit, quisis deliquat um tat adignibh er augi nosto dit aute ea atu erostisi tem nism acipit ing er sequ i olestrud min eugu do dolent ad tion e facil irit inis dolo enit ipsum iuscillan reet, consed hendre dolobore lorem quis amet m nos nullandio odio vel eniam nullut nsed dolore rat. Molore con ulpu dolutat am zzrit, tpat prate commy quatum dolesecte nonse etum m veniscidunt nulla ndip exerostie mag na faccum do Ett ledan de kunskaps cen med foku trum s på detaljhan del Tie corem euissed tatuer in henit lam nonsenibh etum esequis augue ea consenis dio odigna alisim zzrit non utat veliscidunt alit vent alit laore commy nos num dio Vi har språngbrädan. etuer iure facin vullam zzriureet prat, quat aut nullaortis nim iliquiscing eummy nonsecte do ex ea am nulla alit, sent velenia mconsequatum quatue del delendre mincilla feuguer alit do doloreet adiamcore doluptat. Borperiure magnim veriliquip eu feugue do ea faccumsan hendiam, sed dolor sustie ming eum alismol oreetum volore tisl ut nonulla feumsandiam nit pratetum dolorem velesto eliquis modolortis er se molore modolor erciliquamet nostrud molore veros auguer sequat. Ut alisi. Num qui enisi. Ibh ea faccum quip eum inim duisl dolor incil exer sed tie volore ver ipis alit dolor suscilis et, commy nim nit lam irit velessed tem velit velesequis at. Duiscilla faccummy nosto dolorperosto consequam auguero dolore corer irillut wissi. Ex eum nit lut adiatue rcipit volent ut alit ulla adionsequat laore vel iriuscilis nismod del et, sustrud tet ipit, cor si eum venissi. Duis nulla faccum zzrit la faccummolore velit ad dunt ad doloborpero od er adipis nos ad et ip et nonulla feum dolorero do eugait praesse vullam estrud et aut accum eu faccum elesed dignit praese ea alisi. Im dolobore eratie dit aciliquatio con henibh ex el utem doloreetue ex eugue vel dolore minisis ea conse ming ea feu feuisis cillam vel diatet pratinc iduismo lortis nos am, sum num nulla faccumm odoloborero eniat ad magna alit autpatue dolortio eu feugueril dolobor secte faccum dolorem zzriurem num ip exer sit esto doloreet, sim vercilit vel ut acip eummodo euipsummy nonsequisi. Um ero commoloreet landre dipsum in ea facidui bla amconsequat lam Ekonomie Kandidatprogram Ekonomie Kandidatprogram, specialisering detaljhandel MSc in Business and Economics MSc in General Management Ett ledande kunskaps centrum med fokus på detaljhandel. Sista anmälningsdag 15 april. För mer information:, tel 08-736 90 00 Example 1 Example 2 Ekonomie kandidatprogram Ekonomie kandidatprogram specialisering detaljhandel, MSc in Business and Economics MSc in General Mangement Vill du ta snabba kliv i karriären? Vi har språngbrädan. Sista anmälningsdag 15 april. För mer information www.hhs.setel 08 736 54 56 Example 4 These are four examples of SSE’s communication through advertisements and display material. The little multicolored strip should be used in advertisements that have a monochrome background (Example 1), being placed on the top edge on the right. Example 3 12 13 Documents produced in-house Internet and Banners In day-to-day correspondence and in the Office software suite (Word, PowerPoint, etc), complementary typefaces are used. In PowerPoint, Century Gothic Regular is used for both headings and body text. Optionally, decorative pictures may be placed down the left-hand side. In Word, Century Gothic Regular is used for headings and Garamond for body text. These typefaces are normally provided as standard in computers and are preinstalled in SSE’s official Office templates. A template and a prepared presentation about SSE can be found on the Communications and Marketing Department’s internal website in Swedish and English for downloading. BoldRaessim iure dolendit wisi te tie boldRaessim iure dolendit wisi te tie consect etueros estrud exer sum dolore dignisi et wiscidui tionse dit nullamet, suscil ea acinisi tie ercidunt loreetue min volor secte consequat. Ut inim quat nosto dolor aut praestie min vel utat. Ut inibh ea conse magnis nonum iustrud doloreetum eliquipit veliquisl inismod dolendip et, conulput ulput lore core corperatem nos nim vel utpat in hent wisit nonullaorem dolore magnisl ing esto dit et nonsendiat praesecte ming ex erostrud dolore exerat, sumsan vel ulla feuisci liquissed ting exercin vullummy num veliquatue modio enisi. Sim zzrit lum nonulla oreet, quis etum iril etue mod dunt lore erat iuscinc iliquis am dolorem ilit aut laoreet, consent etumsandre exer amconsectem in hendipis nonse essequi bla consectetuer am iure vero doloreetum acillum et, consed dit adio euis enim volorem vulputet, si tat dolore minci tie vel ex et il ea facing ea aut volutat. Ut dolorerit, core tet, sequatie erostie feugue erciduisim vulpute magna feum nit laoreet eum ver incin hent venibh ero coreet, quatuer cipiscil in velessit incilis euip esecte do ea conullutpat prat amcortin ulla feuis nos ea faccum del ut alit nit ut praessed dit adionsequis adigna faccummod et augait venit inim atum vulla feu faccum in ullaorem am iriureet loborperit at, boldRaessim iure dolendit wisi te tie boldRaessim iure dolendit wisi te tie consect etueros estrud exer sum dolore dignisi et wiscidui tionse dit nullamet, suscil ea acinisi tie ercidunt loreetue min volor secte consequat. Ut inim quat nosto dolor aut praestie min vel utat. Ut inibh ea conse magnis nonum iustrud doloreetum eliquipit veliquisl inismod dolendip et, conulput ulput lore core corperatem nos nim vel utpat in hent wisit nonullaorem dolore magnisl ing esto dit et nonsendiat praesecte ming ex erostrud dolore exerat, sumsan vel ulla feuisci liquissed ting exercin vullummy num veliquatue modio enisi. boldRaessim iure dolendit wisi te tie Sim zzrit lum nonulla oreet, quis etum iril etue mod dunt lore erat iuscinc iliquis am dolorem ilit aut laoreet, consent etumsandre exer amconsectem in hendipis nonse essequi bla consectetuer am iure vero doloreetum acillum et, consed dit adio euis enim volorem vulputet, si tat dolore minci tie vel ex et il ea facing ea aut volutat. Ut dolorerit, core tet, sequatie erostie feugue erciduisim vulpute magna feum nit laoreet eum ver incin hent venibh ero coreet, quatuer cipiscil in velessit incilis euip esecte do ea conullutpat prat amcortin ulla feuis nos ea faccum del ut alit nit ut praessed dit adionsequis adigna faccummod et augait venit inim atum vulla feu faccum in ullaorem am iriureet loborperit at, The Stockholm School of Economics . Sveavägen 65 . Box 6501. SE-113 83 Stockholm . Sweden . Phone +46 8 736 90 00 . PowerPoint templates 14 Word template Ekonomie kandidatprogram Sista ansökningsdag 21 april Ekonomie kandidatprogram Sista ansökningsdag 21 april The graphical profile for advertising on the Internet should follow the Stockholm School of Economics home page. On Banners, the typeface for text beside the logotype should be Arial and the message text should be written in Georgia. 15 If you have any questions regarding this Profile & Communications Guide, please contact: CARINA ASPENBERG Director of Communications Tel: +46 8 736 90 14 Mobile: +46 70 396 90 14