Week 6 Positive & Negative Influences on Health

Positive & negative influences on
The relationship between health
inequalities and health
Your health promotion campaign
Learning Outcomes
Describe non-conformity to advice in your
Outline the requirements of assessments 1 & 2
with regards to educational models
Identify positive & negative influences on
health behaviours and health
Describe the relationship between health
inequalities and health
Identify target population & their health needs
Non-Conformity To Advice
Why do people ‘ignore’ health promotion
What are the reasons for non-conformity
in your own workplace?
(For assessment 1 you will debate nonconformity for your own workplace
because there are not enough words in
the essay to debate all reasons for nonconformity)
Non-Conformity to Advice
In what circumstances might the following
reasons for non-conformity happen:
Not understanding advice
Use of jargon by health professional
Learning disability
Don’t agree with advice
Physical or psychological addiction
Ingrained lifestyle patterns
Peer pressure
Denial of condition
Financial reasons
(There are many more!)
Health Promotion Models & Your
Health Promotion Campaign
Assessment 1 and Assessment 2 need to
include DIFFERENT models of health promotion
Assessment 1: compare and contrast 2 models
of health promotion that could be used to reach
your target audience – ensure these are NOT
the models you will be using in your campaign
Assessment 2: Choose 2 models of health
promotion that you will use to do your own
health promotion campaign. You will need to
explain why you chose these models during
your presentation and in your report.
Example. Assessment 1: Identify your
target population and their health
needs. Investigate 2 models of health
that would meet these needs
Target group: Consultants. Health Needs: Hand Washing.
Social Change model – government introduce legislation to
target all health professionals’ hand washing. Managers
introduce accountability in the hospital to train, monitor and
Behaviour Change model – leaflets distributed to all
consultants putting the emphasis on the problems that can
be caused to them & others if hand washing is not adhered
These two models would be described, compared and
contrasted to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of
using these models for this purpose.
Example. Assessment 2: Rationalise
the models of health and health
promotion you are using to deliver your
Target Group: Consultants. Health Needs: Hand
Education model – provide posters detailing when to
wash hands and why.
Empowerment model – provide easily accessible hand
washing facilities with posters with info on when to
hand wash.
Describe the models and justify why you used them for
this particular health promotion campaign. You will
outline and justify their use in the presentation and
also in the report.
Positive & Negative Influences on
 Debate
& Discuss: The more you know
about someone or a group of people the
better you can create a health promotion
 What
 How
do you need to know?
will you find out this information?
Positive & Negative Influences
on Health: Gender
Positive & Negative Influences
on Health: Gender
Women live on average 6 years longer than
men but record higher levels of morbidity in
both chronic and acute illnesses
 51% of population and account for 60-65% of
NHS expenditure
 Over 60% of GP consultations are women
 Over 60% of hospital beds occupied by women
 Admissions to psychiatric hospitals are 3 times
higher for women than men for some disorders.
 WHY?
(Source: DoH 1996, Miles 1991)
Research & Discuss other
Positive & Negative Influences
on Health
 Housing
 Employment
 Social Class
 Ethnicity
 Culture
 Race
 Social cohesion & exclusion
 Laws
Health Inequalities
Explanations for health inequalities:
Artefact - Statistics are man made & not a
reflection of reality
Social Selection - health determines social class
& not vice versa
Cultural/Behavioural - emphasis on the
individual’s lifestyle, those from social classes I
and II have higher unhealthy behaviours
Materialist/Structural - ill health experiences by
lower social classes who fewest resources, have
hazardous jobs, live in poor housing, have poor
education etc.