Sumerian Achievements

Sumerian Achievements
Writing, Inventions, and
• Sumerians were responsible for the 1st
writing system, known as cuneiform.
• Using a tool called the stylus, they would
make wedge-shaped symbols on clay
tablets. (early version on the iPad)
• Cuneiform was used in trading to keep
track of business records.
• The scribe, or writer, had the responsibility
of recording items traded.
• In addition, scribes could be hired to work
for the government or in the temples.
• While cuneiform’s original purpose was to record
business deals, Sumerians later would discover
the joy of writing.
• Sumerians wrote down stories, poetry, and
songs, usually about the gods or war.
• A long poem about a hero is called an epic.
• The Epic of Gilgamesh tells the story of the
legendary Sumerian king. It was written on stone
tablets c.2,000BC.
The Wheel
• Sumerians were the 1st group of early
people to construct carts and wagons
using the wheel.
• The potter’s wheel used in making clay
pots was another invention of the
Other inventions
• The plow was used in planting crops.
• An early clock that used water to measure
time was invented by the Sumerians.
• Bronze was used to make stronger
weapons and tools.
• Sumerians even made their own make-up
and jewelry.
Math and Science
• Sumerians developed a number system
based on 60. Examples included: dividing
a circle into 360 degrees and the year into
12 months.
• They wrote down the names of plants,
minerals, and animals and used them to
create their own medicine.
• The science of building is architecture.
• While Sumerian rulers lived in palaces, the
average person lived in one-story homes.
• The most impressive display of Sumerian
architecture was a ziggurat.
• Ziggurats were temples shaped like
• Long staircases led up to the platform and
shrine at the top.
Art and Music
• Cylinder seals were used to show ownership of
an item.
• The cylinder had a specific design that when
rolled over clay would leave an imprint.
• Other cylinder seals were used for decoration
• Musical instruments such as the tambourine,
lyre, and drums were used for entertainment.