PI implementation timeline template. Consultants can more effectively educate their clients about how a PI implementation will unfold with a 1 or 2 page summary timeline. It is helpful to clients because it synthesizes many pieces into one snapshot that is easy to understand. This PPT template should be customized to your client project. The workshop schedule, deliverables etc. are included here for reusability and to reduce editing time in PPT. Although loosely based on a real client, this does not suggest a recommended implementation structure. Recommendations: • Complete a full CFS Investigation, and design of the implementation to meet client goals. • For high level use only; do not include all project details in the timeline. • Focus on clear, business Results expressed in the client’s language rather than your own. For example – “Top Performers Benchmarked” rather than “Validity Study.” • PI is a management tool. For results, managers must be trained. Therefore, confidently speak to the need to train all managers who manage people on PI. It can be spread out over time for budget reasons. Questions? Suggestions? contact: Nancy Martini President PI Worldwide +1 (781) 235-8872 nmartini@piworldwide.com YEAR 1 TIMELINE Client Commitment (Mid-Level) $76,160 MONTHS J F M A M JOB PRO SURVEY DETERMINE JOB VALIDITY STUDY PARAMETERS J J A S O N D AGREEMENT SIGNED (client) ACTIONS ROLLOUT PLAN APPROVED PROJ MGMT. & CLIENT SERVICE PLANNING MEETING WORKSHOPS RESULTS DELIVERED FEES (US$) KEY STAKEHOLDERS IDENTIFIED JOB PRO MEETING INAUGURAL PI WORKSHOP, SR. EXECS. 12 KEY MANAGERS ARE TRAINED PI ANALYSTS $33,320 (Includes AF) EXECUTIVE TEAMBUILDING SESSION TEAMBUILDING SESSION 6-MONTH PROGRESS REPORT PI WKSHP #2 IDEAL (JOBTITLE) BEHAVIOR PROFILE (PRO) COMPLETE TEAMBUILDING SESSION PI WKSHP #3 25 KEY MANAGERS ARE TRAINED PI ANALYSTS $21,420 1-YEAR PROGRESS REPORT REFRESHER WKSHP 36 KEY MANAGERS W/ TOOLS AND TRAINING TO EFFECTIVELY MANAGE AND MOTIVATE TOP PERFORMERS BENCHMARKED 0 $21,420