Execution and Establishing Routines

Executing the Work and
Establishing Routines
Stephen Pruitt
Vice President, Content, Research and Development, Achieve
Reviewing System Capacity
State Sharing
• Louisiana
Scott Norton, Assistant Superintendent
• Indiana
Wes Bruce, Chief Assessment Officer
Charity Flores, Assistant Director, Office of Student Assessment
• Tennessee
Stan Curtis, Associate Executive Director, Assessment, Evaluation, Research, and e-Learning
Indiana’s CCSS Transition Road Map
Tennessee Common Core Standards Educator
Tennessee Common Core Standards
Administrator Timeline
Rhode Island Race to the Top:
Performance Monitoring Plan
Rhode Island Race to the Top:
Performance Monitoring Plan
Discussion Questions
• Does one person/department “own” your timeline? Or is each
key area of work “owned” by different people/ departments
• Have you identified critical milestones that can be used by
senior leadership to manage the overall flow of work?
• Is your state employing a weekly, monthly, or quarterly
tracking of the key areas of work and milestones?
• Is the timeline being viewed as a guiding reference document
for your staff’s deadlines?
• Are there routines in place to review and revise timeline?