How to Write a Textual Analysis Essay in a Few Simple Steps. THINGS TO KNOW... THE QUESTION IS ALWAYS SPLIT INTO TWO PARTS; 1. KNOWLEDGE OF TEXT 2. APPLYING ACTING/DIRECTING/DESIGN CONCEPTS. EACH SECTION IS WORTH TEN MARKS EACH SECTION MUST BE EXPLICITY RELATED TO EACH OTHER – OTHERWISE, NO MARKS 'TEXTUAL REFERENCES' means QUOTE or DETAILED MOMENT. “As an actor, describe five strengths and/or weaknesses of a character in your selected text. Explain in detail five acting concepts you would use to show these in performance.” “As an actor, describe five strengths and/or weaknesses of a character in your selected text. Explain in detail five acting concepts you would use to show these in performance.” INTRO STEP 1: ANSWER THE QUESTION A character who demonstrates strengths/weaknesses in ‘The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart’ is… STEP 2: EXPLAIN WHAT “STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES” MEANS A strength is a good or beneficial quality or attribute of a person/A weakness is a negative attribute, such as a disadvantage or fault. STEP 3: BREAK THAT DOWN INTO 5 DIFFERENT SUB ELEMENTS TO GIVE YOU THE PARAGRAPH TOPICS. Strengths identified in ? are … OR weaknesses identified in ? are… OR a mix of both. STEP 4: TIE IT ALL BACK TO THE ACTING/DIRECTING PART OF THE QUESTION All areas which are interesting to explore as an actor EXAMPLE INTRO A character who demonstrates strengths/weaknesses in ‘The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart’ is Prudencia, the title character. A strength is a good or beneficial quality or attribute of a person/a weakness is a disadvantage or fault. We see strength in Pru’s character in traits such as... However, Pru is also … which could be described as negative traits or weaknesses. Such character traits would be interesting to explore as an actor. PART ONE; KNOWLEDGE OF TEXT REMEMBER THIS IS WORTH TEN MARKS 1 MARK PER RELEVANT POINT – YOU MUST MAKE FIVE POINTS, AS ASKED IN THE QUESTION YOU CAN DOUBLE THE MARK IF YOUR POINT IS SUPER JAZZY IE. DETAILED AND INSIGHTFUL Paragraph one where Quote/detailed moment Explain how One mark Opening sentence explains the paragraph topic. Firstly, Pru shows strength in (choose one from opening paragraph) … EXTRA DETAILED DEVELOPMENT SQA MARKING GUIDELINES SAY YOU MAY COMMENT ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING; Character motivation (What do they want/strive for? How does this show strength/weakness?) Character development (How does the character progress throughout the play? When do we see strength/weakness?) Character relationships (How do their relationships with other characters demonstrate strength/weakness?) Character interaction (How does the way in which they behave with other characters demonstrate strength/weakness?) Plot Themes and issues (Are they connected to any vital themes? How does this represent strength/weakness?) Any other relevant features PART TWO; APPLYING ACTING/DIRECTING/DESIGN CONCEPTS AGAIN, THIS IS WORTH TEN MARKS - 1 MARK PER RELEVANT POINT, DOUBLE MARKS IF YOUR POINT IS SUPER JAZZY REMEMBER THE MAGIC FORMULA; I WOULD USE... (VOCAB WORD) WHEN... (MOMENT) TO SHOW THAT... (JUSTIFICATION) THESE POINTS MUST BE RELATED TO THE POINTS YOU MADE IN PART ONE SO IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO LINK THEM LIKE THIS... Paragraph one – developed to incorporate answer to part two where quote Explain how One mark Opening sentence explains the paragraph topic. One mark Firstly, Pru shows strength in (choose one from opening paragraph) …… How you would act a la Nat 5 (magic formula) As an actor I would use ….. To show that…. IF SUPER AWESOME - WITH SNAZZY VOCAB, CLEAR DESCRIPTION AND VALID JUSTIFICATION, WITH QUOTES - THIS ONE PARAGRAPH CAN POTENTIALLY EARN YOU 4 MARKS. FOR PART TWO, SQA MARKING GUIDELINES SAY YOU MAY COMMENT ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING; • • • • • Characterisation Acting techniques Acting style Stage proxemics Interaction between characters • Use of voice and movement • The relationship between the spoken text and physical movement or gesture • Actor/ audience relationship • Any other relevant features SO YOU COULD TALK ABOUT… How the actor would use voice or movement to show strength/weakness How the actor would interact with other characters to show strength/weakness How the actor would interact with the audience to show strength/weakness How the actor would use the space to show strength/weakness How the actor would use their costume to show strength/weakness How the actor would use props to show strength/weakness How the actor would use make-up to show strength/weakness VOCAB IS KEY!!! NAT 5 VOCAB STILL APPLIES! VOICE Articulation Fluency Intonation Register Clarity Pause Pitch Accent Pace Timing Tone Volume Emphasis MOVEMENT Stance Balance Body Language Gesture Facial Expression Mime Posture Pace Timing Slow Motion Blocking Masking CONVENTIONS alternative ways of presenting all or parts of a presentation Slow motion Tableau (C) / Frozen Picture (F) Freeze Frame –action frozen in time Soliloquy Flashback/flash forward Narration Voice Over( recorded speech played during a drama)/ Voice in Head (recall words said by others about a character or situation) Mime Monologue soliloquy OTHER ACTING TECHNIQUES Aside- to audience only Stage whisper Masks stereotype CHARACTERISATION - the process of developing a character fully Character Role Play -exploring attitudes and beliefs Thought Tracking - when prompted the character says their thoughts out loud Voice in the Head Writing in Role Hot Seating Thought Tunnel -character walks past other characters. Those other characters speak their thoughts outloud usually about the character walking past. Lighting Follow Spot Profile Spot Fresnel Flood Light (gauze) Barn Doors Gobo Gel Pyrotechnics Focusing (the lights) Black out Slow fade Cross fade Snap-to Sound Sound cue Cross fade Recorded voice over Set Back cloth Cyclorama Gauze Flies Door Flats Window Flats Flats Scenery Trapdoor Rostra Treads Truck Wings Backstage Staging Venue Thrust Theatre in the round End on Proscenium Arch Avenue Auditorium Revolving Stage Ground plan Key Rake Enter/exit Audience Sight lines Stage Directions Stalls, balcony, dress circle Props objects used by actors Personal Prop Set prop Costume Period Costume Write in super detail for full marks Make Up liners Wax/nose putty Crepe hair Fake blood Latex Spirit gum Makeup pallets Stipple sponge Scarring Skull cap Tooth varnish HIGHER WORDS TO USE TO SOUND COOLER THAN YOU REALLY ARE C A Central Character Complex Character Important Character Minor Character Main Character Pivotal Character Characterisation Character Behaviour Character Motivation Character Development Character Interaction Relationships between Character Acting Style Actor/Audience Relationship G Given Circumstances Ground Plans K Key Scene Key Moment M Message Mood S Set Setting Site Specific Theatre Special Effects Textual Evidence Traditional Theatre Special Effects Stage Imagery Status Stimulus Subtext Symbols and Imagery U Use of levels REPEAT THIS WHOLE PROCESS FOR EACH STRENGTH/WEAKNESS IDENITIFED IN YOUR OPENING PARAGRAPH. YOU SHOULD THEREFORE ALWAYS HAVE FIVE PARAGRAPHS IN ANSWER TO THE QUESTION. Paragraph two, three, four and five – repeat the process where quote Explain how One mark Opening sentence explains the paragraph topic. Pru also shows strength through…. One mark How you would act a la standard grade. As an actor I would ….. To show…. CONCLUDE WITH CLOSING PARAGRAPH STEP ONE: RELIST YOUR DEFINITION A strength is a good or beneficial quality or attribute of a person/A weakness is a negative attribute, such as a disadvantage or fault. STEP TWO: RELIST YOUR PARAGRAPH TOPICS STEP THREE: RELIST YOUR FIRST STATEMENT Therefore, as I have shown through the text and my choices for my portrayal of this character, Prudencia is a character who shows strength/weakness. A strength is a good or beneficial quality or attribute of a person/a weakness is a disadvantage or fault. Through out the play we see Prudencia demonstrate strengths through … and weakness through ... Therefore, as I have shown through the text and my choices for my portrayal of this character, Prudencia is a character of both strength and weakness.