S t r e n g t h s
• International reputation for good quality.
-marketing benefit.
• Internet online store available 24hours.
-might gain more customers and possibly making more sales through online store.
• Close relationship with suppliers, employees and customers.
-greater responsibility for quality, customer satisfaction and give M&S a competitive advantage.
• Own brand products.
-more profitable than sell famous brands also have the ability to grow.
W e a k n e s s e s
• Perception old fashioned clothing.
-less competitive in certain segments of the clothing market.
• Small target market/only higher income.
-less customers than its indirect competitors.
• Declining market share.
-less power in the market place.
-3 rd place behind Asda and Primark.
O p p o r t u n i t i e s
• Open up the middle class consumers/Enlarge their target market.
-gain market share and might be able to increase profit margin by value.
• Introduce a Student Support Programme.
-possible stronger human resource in the future for the business.
• Franchise overseas further.
-opportunity to develop M&S brand in other countries.
• Form Partnership in clothing market.
-Build on the success of Per Una brand. This will enable
M&S to further develop in the market and also improve the performance of some of their ailing clothing lines.
T h r e a t s
• Growth of other similar business in the industry.
-the customers might switch to other similar business therefore they might lose their market share
• Food market competition from Waitrose and indirectly Tesco
(Finest range).
-One of the main competitor has a similar target to M&S.
• High competition in the market.
-indirect competition from supermarkets.
• Current economic downturn “The credit crunch”.
• Possible merger activity amongst rivals may effect market share.
• EU regulation on suppliers (China).