
About myself
No of Buildings: 576
Geographical Area: 2,500 sqr Miles
Corporate ICT Customers: 5,500
Educational ICT Customers: 2,200
No of ICT Service Desk Staff: 75
Currently going through an ICT Review of our Service
Reason for Redevelopment of assyst
Used assyst for over 15 years mainly as a call logging tool
We kept upgrading but never used any of the new functionality
Stored assets in the CMDB
– Never discontinued
– Information never used
– No Relationships, config characteristics, maintenance records etc
– Caused our CMDB to be out of date
Never carried out Problem, Change or Incident Management
Logging and Cause Categories were out of date, which made our reports
Starting of Project
Workshops with an Axios Consultant on the following areas:
– Incident Management
– Change Management
– Problem Management
– Service Level Management
– Asset and Configuration Management
From the workshops, pieces of work and personnel were identified.
Regular catch up meetings throughout the development with axios.
9 months of development before going live (although this should have been
Advantages of Web Client
Access to assyst was available on all computer so calls could be
viewed/updated immediately instead of having to get back to their own
Most future enhancements were being done on the web and not on the windows
client and we wanted to make use of these enhancements.
Web client was customisable.
Searching for Items and Events are easier in the web.
Role out of web was simpler, as there was no application to install and any
future upgrades would be more straight forward.
Rolling out of the Self Service Portal (assystNET) to our customers.
What we have Implemented
– Currently have 9 instances of assystWeb/NET Running, although will
increase upto 23 when all secondary schools have been rolled out)
Advanced searching with the
assyst Search Server
Predefined search queries
easier to access and view
Customised front page to
advertise important information
What we have Implemented
Contact User Gateway
– Automatically updates Customers – Names, Building, Section, Telephone
No, Mobile, Email Address from Active Directory
– Automatically creates/disabled accounts so less administration in assyst.
– Queries 15 Domain Controllers (1 Corporate & 14 Secondary Schools).
– Maintains around 7,500 user accounts
– Sends 1,200 emails a day
• Assign Actions
• Major Incidents Notification & Hourly Updates from Calls
• Closure Email, automatically sending a Survey Email
• Escalation Emails
• Pending closure Email
• Emails to Affected Users, Assigned Users, Incident & Problem
• Reminder Actions
• Calls Reopened
• Customer Update Requires
What we have Implemented
Assyst Discovery
– Updates config characteristics on 5000 assets
– Imports IP Addresses of discovered computers. This will allow us to
automatically move computers into the correct buildings. (Not completed
– Tells us when our asset management tool last saw the computer on the
network. We now disable AD computers that haven’t been seen for more
than 50 days automatically. (Reports are created to show disabled assets)
Assets Scanning App
– Commissioned an asset
scanning application to be
created, to import
• New assets into assyst
• Movement records of
assets moving.
• Other departments are
now maintaining some of
their assets.
What we have Implemented
Self Service Portal (assystNET)
– Created customised forms for all types of Requests, like ICT Disposal,
Leavers, New Starts, New Software, New Blackberry
Designed the message centre
to make it easier for them to
choose what form to use.
Usage per month (Average)
 Incidents = 10%
 Requests = 30%
What we have Implemented
Excel Import Spreadsheets
Automatically logging calls on specific days/months/specific no of day.
Log a large amount of calls in 1 go. (Good for large rollouts).
Discontinue of assets once disposed.
Creating maintenance contracts and assigning them to assets.
Movement of assets.
Creating/Discontinue Alerts
Creating/Updating/Discontinuing Item Relationships
Visual Basic Scripts
– Read pop3 mailbox and log calls depending on subject line
– Automatically restart SLA Clock if reminder action (future action) has
– Log calls if maintenance contract is about to expire
– Discontinue all config chars, relationships, movement records when items
have been discontinued.
– Automatically log calls when stock levels have been reached.
– Determine what the next available AD Username is and then create the AD
Lessons Learned
Buy in of all Senior Managers
Plenty of training of the new application before going live and after
going live.
Plenty of time to develop procedures and documentation.
Plenty of communication and involvement from all teams.
Constantly reviewing and improving assyst after going live, as things
need to be refreshed and changed.
Future Development of Assyst
Upgrading to Version 10
– Rollout assyst Knowledgebase integration
• Resolve more 1st level calls by having the required support documents to hand
when logging incident or change request.
Implementing proper Change Management
– More change processes
– Convert our Forward Schedule of Change spreadsheet into change
requests in assyst so we can use the scheduled start and end date.
– Create more relationships between servers, databases, network equipment.
Implement more forms on the Self Service Portal.
Rollout of the Self Service Portal to the rest of our Secondary School
Any Questions?