Files and due dates

Technology Applications 7th Grade Spring Semester 2014-2015
1st Half
1) Animation “psd” file 1/12/15
2) Animation “mov” file 1/12/15
3) Green Screen “psd” file 1/19/15
a. I’ll accept more than 1 “psd” file if you create them
4) Trailer “mov” file 1/19/15
a. Note if you have more ‘psd” files you want me to see and consider
for your grade, turn it in too
b. Group Presentation for the “mov” file
5) “Logo” files (any format, typically “jpg”)
a. Main logo 2/2/15
b. Variants (can be turned in 2/9/15, 2/16/15, and 2/23/15)
6) MS OFFICE files (students need Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Publisher)
a. “docx”, “xlsx”, “pptx”, “pub” 2/16/15
7) AD files
a. All files used to create 3 ad files (may be done in a wide variety of
formats) 2/23/15
8) Presentation files
a. All files used in the creation of the 10 minute “Business” presentation
(may be done in a variety of formats i.e. prezi) 3/2/15
2nd Half
1) “Key1” – A 10-min keyboarding checkup on both keyboarding basics and an
inquiry on “hardware basics” 3/10/15 (4.6.15)
2) Excel practice file 4/6/15
3) “My PC” – A snap (screenshot) picture from a PC configurator 4/14/15
4) “My Design” – A solution using a combination of hardware/software. (Note
to myself – make sure students understand they look into
“unconventional” possibilities 4/16/15 (Cancelled)
5) DreamWeaver html file – 4/16/15
6) Storyboard1.doc (can be done in many ways) – The storyboard
requirement for the individual project. 4/16/15
7) Audio file – “Thetalk.wav or Thetalk.mp3” A multimedia practice file.
(Individual work, though if the students can make it funnier allow small
groups) HEAVY DRAMA/EMOTE (!) 4/20/15
8) Powerpoint slideshow (to show pictures in a mini story) – A short lesson on
photo composition (this is a continuation from 6th grade “how light works
with a camera”, also students can use any file to substitute for powerpoint.
9) Prospectus1.doc – The prospectus for the individual project 5/4/15
10)Individual Project – Can be in a variety of formats. Deadline is ABSOLUTE
(no extensions) 5/18/15