Gender See Gender and Media, Gender differences and Gender Equality Briffa Catherine, Cortis Claudia Callus Joyce Abela Joseph Attard Mariella Azzopardi Nadette Azzopardi Raymond Gatt Hector Grima Joan Preca N. Dalli Antoinette Galea Paul Attard Alexia, Mifsud Erica Barbara Lucienne McKay Leonid Scicluna Romina Borg Ronald Mulvany Natushka, Pace Karen Cilia Marouska Falzon Dorianne Farrugia Christiana 1996 1996 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 Mental computational strategies :investigation of strategies used by Form1 Junior Lyceum boys and girls Gender roles in youth organisations Parenting skills courses held at 'Dar Bina', Cospicua : do they have a gender persective? The local councils and their impact on the female society : participation and satisfaction amongst females Women participation in local councils Gender and development in the Maltese public service The changing role of men within the family A preliminary study of women working in agriculture in the locality of Mgarr Thinking of tying the knot: A financial noose Perceptions of gender preference of the newborn in Malta Gender perspectives in the Catholic Church PSD and gender roles The effect of the PSD teacher's gender on the self-disclosure of opposite gender students during PSD seminars No to unisex roles? A comparative study in gender roles in Hal Kirkop Gender issues in physical education in co-educational and single sex schools Males in the Public Service and the use of family-friendly measures with focus on parental leave Bursting out from the closet : gender perspectives of gay men and lesbians in coming out to family members Gender related issues : relevant considerations in the determination of refugee status? Gender and conversational styles in a non-marital relationship in Malta Meaning behind the aggressive behaviour of children in residential care illustrated from two boys and girls