Gas and oil


Gas and oil and problematic

 Strategic resource ?

 The purpose in geopolitics is to understand if countries with oil and gas have the status of power ?

 Many countries in the north despite their status of power are under dependence

 Power ? Dependence ?


 Understanding geopolitics of oil requires an analysis of

 Importations

 Exportations

 Management of flux (how trade is managed)

New data : importations

 Importations : more and more to Asian countries like India or China

 Now US and Europe represent 55% of oil and gas importations

 After the oil crisis in 1973 two factors

 Oil and gas market became strategic market

 The use of dollar raises monetary question

 Huge demand

 Few resources

 Less investment

Different structures


Oligopolistic structures


More controlled

MNC, States,


No agreement

Wish to built an organization from Russia

Future of geopolitics

 Analysis from James Kunstler “ The End of oil”

 Europe faces issues with Saudi Arabia if a revolutionary regime is set up.

 Strategy of limitations to Europe

 Consequences: decline of Europe and raise of China or India.

The end of oil ?

 Risk of penury

 Two politics for developed countries

 Find an other source of energy

 Close management of oil and gas resources

For developing countries

Need the help of developed countries even if this countries are dependent

Three main poles









• Stability with OPEP

• Instability among history


• Wants to control Europe

• Having the monopoly on Norway and


• Strategy of Putine


• Can control US

• New agreements with Putine

Challenges of oil geopol

 Three factors have to be taken in consideration

 Offer : not that much

 Demand : a lot especially in Asia

 Investment

 Today geopolitical challenges are different

 Between 2001 and 2005 producer state face issues

 War in Iraq

 Terrorism in Arabia

 Social issues in Venezuela

 Political issues in Russia and Nigeria

And risk

 Risk in geopolitics because Iran owns 15% of gas reserve and 12% of oil reserve.

 Second position after Arabia

 Strategic position and role

 But interested to get nuclear power because fears influence from US and Israel

 Today 3,5 millions of barrels every day.

 If production stops price increases to 80 $

Weak Saudi Arabia

 Instability from Arabia

 Political regime gets weaker because of Islamic networks

 25% of oil resources in the world

 If the production stops : general crisis

New eras

 Guinea gulf gets increased production

 Estimations : 25% of total resources in the world

 But face political tensions

 High tensions in Venezuela

 But agreement with Russia last week

 New eras like Sudan and role of China here.

Strategy of MNCs ?

 International companies in a phase with the state policy ?

 International companies don’t control all resources

 Most of the time it depends on the State’s policy (Algeria,


 Exxon

 Shell

 BP Amoco

 Total

 Role in geopolitics ex: Total in Guinea and reaction from

US and China


 Role of Russia : political utilization ?

 South stream

 Nabucco and Putine’s strategy last week

 Strategy about Nabucco

 Avoiding Russia but disagreement in EU.

Germany Italy France versus Bulgaria Rumania,

