CCG talent update

Talent Management for Future
Clinical Commissioning Groups
Building Leadership Capacity
November 2011
The Case for Talent Management in Clinical
Commissioning Groups
The Current Picture
The Challenge
No talent pipeline of future
commissioning group leaders
How do we begin to build a strong
talent pipeline?
A lack of visible interest in
commissioning leadership roles
How do we create a culture where
individuals want to take on new roles?
Weak assurance: do we have
the right leaders in the right
jobs at the right time?
How can we ensure appointments are
made against the skill set required?
Authorisation: ensuring readiness and
willingness to take on commissioning
Building multi-professional talent
Supporting a climate of continuous
development and improvement, for
individuals and services
QIPP: Strong leadership linked to
best outcomes for patients
Initial feedback suggests we there is an appetite
for developing leaders across the health system
• A common approach to
talent across Primary &
Secondary Care
•Wider pool of candidates for
leadership roles
• Increased performance,
efficiency and effectiveness
• ‘Spoilt for choice’
successor pipelines
• Leaders who can work
across boundaries to benefit
the patient - partners in care
• A more consistent patient
Our Vision
To embed talent management in clinical commissioning groups from the outset, in
order to enable the NHS to be spoilt for choice when selecting leaders of clinical
commissioning groups. To develop confident leaders who own and manage their
career development and work to continuously improve their leadership
effectiveness and contribution. To enthuse individuals who aspire to lead CCGs.
To achieve this we need to:
Identify Talent
Being clear on the kind
of people and capability
that will create quality
and value for patients
and the organisation
Retain Talent
Develop Talent
Enabling individuals to
understand their
current performance,
potential and
development needs
Foster a climate of
engagement through
nurturing talent, to
improve retention of
knowledge and skills.
Consider “semi
managed” careers
Mission Statement
“Working with stakeholders the group will create a process
and set of tools to support the identification and
development of a pipeline of individuals with the ambition
and capabilities to improve health outcomes through
leadership of clinical commissioning groups.”
Project Working Group
Programme Chair: Dr Peter Smith, GP Kingston
Dr Penny Newman, East of England
Dr Richard Moore, South Central
Dr Jim Gardner, North West
Dr Nikki Kanini, London
Dr Junaid Bajwa, London
Marion Lynch, South Central GP Revalidation Lead
• Programme Lead: Deborah McKenzie (NHS London)
• Supported by Lynda Shattock (Talent Consultant), Lizzie Smith
(Talent co-ordinator)
Talent Principles
Build on the success of the existing Talent Management approaches and in
particular the London approach which was piloted in 38 acute Trusts and
PCTs during 2010-11
Fully integrate the NHS Leadership Framework behaviours within CCGs
Utilise a four box talent model of Performance and Potential
Project Goals
To align the Talent approach with key Pathfinder initiatives – eg Authorisation, National
To pilot a Performance and Potential self-assessment tool across 4 clinical groups during
September-October 2011
To design and implement an online talent tool to support national dissemination of the
talent approach
To provide structured support for individuals to further explore their own development
needs through building a network of trained talent appraisers and access to a 360 appraisal
To enable individuals to identify and access the “best fit” leadership development
opportunities for them
To evaluate local and national leadership needs and career ambitions of new entrants to
Clinical Commissioning Leadership.
To enthuse potential CCG leaders across all professions
Talent Management Process
Phase 1
Self assessment of Performance and Potential against technical skills
and NHS Leadership Framework Behaviours
Establish readiness for more complex role
Phase 2
Talent Conversations with appraiser/other trained Talent reviewer (?NLA)
Access to 360 facilitated feedback
Identification of development needs
Access to appropriate development opportunities
Focus of pan organisation Talent Reviews
• Level of preparedness for leadership roles in
commissioning groups: local and national picture of talent
• What kind of development is needed?
• Which individuals/groups require this development?
• At what point in career is it needed?
Progress To Date
• Agreement of a Performance and Potential self-assessment tool for
individuals working in Primary Care
• Piloted with 73 individuals:
- Oxford (early career clinicians)
- Sessional GPs in East of England
- Kingston (new GP entrants; Board members)
- GPs on the Prepared to Lead scheme
- A small cohort of nurses and AHPs - tbc
Development of a post self-assessment process talent management process
incorporating a 360 feedback mechanism (NHS Leadership Framework 360 Lite,
Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2011) and talent conversations with trained
Agreement to pilot talent conversation training with GP Appraisers in NHS
South Central during September 2011
Evaluation of Talent Tool
Completed to level 3 (action)
Impact on
What action are you
going to take?
What learning needs came out of
How easy/clear was the form to complete?
Desired next step: update at pathfinder events
• To share project ethos, aims and scope
• To educate people about the benefits of
talent management – to individuals, to the
business and to patients – and what’s
required to implement successfully.
• To share early evaluation data on the talent
• To ensure engagement from professional
bodies, SHA leads and CCG leads.
• To achieve sign-up and commitment from
CCG Governing bodies.