Statutory Assessment Tasks and Tests (also includes Teacher Assessment).
Usually taken at the end of Key Stage 1 (at age 7) and at the end of Key Stage 2 (at age
9 April 2020
Around 85%+ of children are at Level 4 by the end of Key Stage 2.
Some children will still be at Level 3 and some children will achieve Level 5 or above.
A small percentage of children will not yet be working at Level 3.
9 April 2020
For children working at Level 3 and above, there are two sorts of assessments:
Teacher assessments.
For children working below Level 3, the only statutory assessment is teacher assessment and those children do not take the tests.
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Teacher assessment draws together everything the teacher or teachers know about a child, including observations, marked work and school assessments.
Teacher assessment is not a ‘snapshot’ like tests and is therefore more reliable.
There can be a difference between teacher assessment results and test levels.
Teacher assessment only, is used for children who work below level 3.
9 April 2020
This year the tests dates will be from the 11 th
- 15 th May.
It is a busy week for children and staff alike.
9 April 2020
We can determine at what time tests begin.
A timetable is issued to school, telling us on which days tests must be administered.
All children must sit the tests at the same time.
Test papers can only be opened 1 hour before the tests begin.
Tests are completed in classrooms, with any displays that may help covered over.
The LA monitor 10% of schools per year.
Children are divided into groups for test administration to ensure they are properly supported and feel secure.
9 April 2020
What help can children have?
In the reading test, children must read the text and questions by themselves, but MAY have help recording their answers, if this is done in a normal classroom situation.
Teachers can encourage, but not guide or say that an answer is correct or incorrect.
In the maths and SPAG papers teachers can read questions to any child who asks, some children will have the whole paper read to them, on a one to one.
Some children can be given up to 25% extra time if they have identified learning needs. This has to be applied for in advance.
Words on a test paper can be transcribed where a marker may not be able to read a child’s answer.
9 April 2020
The best help is interest taken in learning and progress.
Attending meetings and parents evenings.
Supporting home learning.
Not putting children under too much pressure
Ensuring children arrive for tests:
in good time
having had breakfast
having gone to bed at a reasonable time
9 April 2020
9 April 2020
9 April 2020
9 April 2020
The reading test was changed in 2014. This year, as last year, the texts in the levels 3-5 English reading booklet will not be linked by a theme.
The booklet will contain three or four texts. The least demanding text will come first with the following texts increasing in level of difficulty.
Instead of being given 15 minutes reading time and 45 minutes to answer the questions, children will have a total of one hour to read the texts and complete the questions at their own pace.
The reading answer booklet will comprise approximately 35 to 40 questions (totalling 50 marks). The questions are:
shorter, closed response items (such as multiple choice and matching questions);
shorter, open response items
longer, open response items that require children to explain and comment on the texts in order to demonstrate a full understanding.
Questions are worth 1, 2 or 3 marks.
9 April 2020
A new statutory test of English grammar, punctuation and spelling was introduced for children at the end of Key Stage 2 from May 2013.
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9 April 2020
9 April 2020
Circle all the adverbs in the sentence below.
Open the drawers carefully and quietly when using the filing cabinet.
Add a suffix to this word to make an adjective.
dread ______________
Complete the sentence below with a contraction that makes sense.
If you give me the recipe____________ buy the ingredients on the way home.
9 April 2020
9 April 2020
The levels 3-5 mathematics test consists of:
two non-calculator papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2, each lasting 45 minutes
mental mathematics test, with 20 questions of increasing difficulty
Children’s marks from all three tests are aggregated to calculate their overall mathematics level.
Teachers may read questions in both written papers to pupils if asked.
9 April 2020
9 April 2020
Science sampling tests for children at the end of key stage 2 recommenced in June 2014 on a biennial basis.
There will be no science sampling in 2015.
9 April 2020
2012013 Test Timetable3 Test
11 th May 12 th May 13 th May 14 th May 15 th May
Reading Test
1 hour
English grammar, punctuation and spelling test
Mental Maths
20 minutes
Maths Test B
45 minutes
Maths Test A
45 minutes
Level 6
Level 6 SPAG Level 6 Maths papers 1 & 2
9 April 2020