Taipei 101

Taipei 101
Taipei 101
• Taipei 101 was the tallest completed
skyscraper in the world by 2008. In
2005, it was praised as one of the
seven Wonders of Engineering by
Discovery Channel. And it features
prominently for the celebration of
New Year’s Eve, and appeara
frequently as a landmark of Taiwan
in films, television shows,
publications, or other popular media.
Taipei 101
• The floors of the skyscraper number 101, which
is reflected in its name. Due to its height, a 900ton tuned mass damper is installed on the 87th
floor to reduce the effect of earthquakes and
typhoons, which often occur in Taiwan. And since
the site of the skyscraper is near Taipei
airport(Song-shan), aviation restrictions had
confined the design of the building. Actually,
because of the design change, the construction
was delayed, and the first colum was finally
constructed in the summer of 2000. And it finally
opened on New Years Eve 2004
Taipei 101
• The most attractive floors are the
restaurant levels on floors 86-88 and
observation decks on floor 89,91 and
101, which offer wonderfulr views of
Taipei for people. And on floors 1-4,
a department store is available. And
there are fitness centers, and offices
on the other floors.