ASVAB Career Exploration Program Overview for Schools

Program Overview
School Year 13-14
Presented by Mark Glassen
Sacramento Recruiting Battalion
(916) 638-0845
“Nothing can add more power to your life
than concentrating all your energies on a
limited set of targets” -Nido Zubein
The Program
• The ASVAB Career Exploration Program (ASVAB CEP) provides
industry leading, career exploration and planning materials at
no cost to high schools and colleges throughout the country.
• Endorsed by the CA Superintendent of Instruction, Tom
• One of the most widely used, multiple-aptitude tests in the world
• More than half of all high schools nationwide administer ASVAB
Program Benefits
• The ASVAB CEP is a cost-free and comprehensive
program for high school and college students:
• The program provides students with the opportunity to
explore occupations in line with interests and skills, and
develop strategies to realize career goals.
• ASVAB meets the American School Counselor’s
Association and the National Career Development
Association’s national standards for career guidance
Why it works so
Multiple-Aptitude Test
ASVAB Diagnostic Aptitude Test
• Assessment of student’s ability to learn new skills
• Predictor of success in training and education programs
General Science
Arithmetic Reasoning
Word Knowledge
Paragraph Comprehension
Mathematics Knowledge
Electronics Information
Auto and Shop Information
Mechanical Comprehension
Interest Inventory
Find Your Interests (FYI)
• 90-item interest inventory
• Work-related interests
Career Exploration Tool
• 400+ occupations
• Skill Importance Ratings
• O*NET/OOH occupational descriptions
Session and
Supporting Materials
Interpretation Session Overview
Who Runs the Sessions?
• Education Services Specialists
• High school counselors
How Long do They Last?
• 30-60 minutes
What do Students Receive?
• ASVAB test results
• Exploring Careers: The ASVAB Career Exploration Guide
ASVAB Program Website
Career Planning Materials
Classroom Activities
• Coursework planning based on career interests
and goals
Schedule the ASVAB CEP in your School
by contacting your schools Army Recruiter
or by contacting the ASVAB Test
Coordinator below:
Kirstie Peterson, ASVAB Test Coordinator
(916) 455-9000/ extention 1302