Sparking the Future KNOWING WHAT YOU NEED: THE ASVAB GRADES: 9-10 LESSON: 6 LEARNING GOALS : Students will identify the testing requirement to enlist in the military. Students will identify potential military and civilian careers of interest. ALIGNMENT WITH STANDARDS : Essential Academic Learning Requirements Grades 9/10 Grade Level Expectations: This lesson is aligned with Writing 1.5.1 and Educational Technology 1.3.2 and 1.3.3. Students will develop materials in an appropriate format for a college search. They will locate, analyze, and use information from military web sites. Common Core State Standards Grades 9-10: This lesson is aligned with English Language Arts Writing 4, 7, and 8. Students will prepare a short writing exercise and conduct a focused research project using military web sites. American School Counselor Association National Standards: This lesson is aligned with ASCA Academic A1.2, A2.1, and B1.3. Students will display an interest in learning, demonstrate task management skills, and apply the skills needed for academic success. MATERIALS NEEDED: ASVAB Handout (included in this lesson plan) Internet Access – for students to take Army career assessment CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES: 1. Explore levels of interest in the military. Ask for a show of hands: how many people know someone in the military? Ask volunteers to share information about people they know in the military: what branch and rank, where they are stationed, if they have been deployed, etc. Then ask how many students think they may be interested in enlisting in the military after they graduate from high school. If you wish, have students talk in small groups to discuss their goals for life after high school, focusing on allowing those with an interest in the military to share their ideas and plans with other students. (5-10 minutes) Sparking the Future is sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction with funding provided by College Spark Washington. For more information, please visit Page 1 Rev 12/11 Sparking the Future | Grades 9-10 | Lesson 6 THE ASVAB, continued 2. Introduce the ASVAB. Next, ask students if just anyone can join the military. Note their answers, then explain that before someone can join the military they must take an exam called the ASVAB. The ASVAB stands for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. It tests both academic and career related skills. Ask students to call out the subjects they think might be on the ASVAB. Note their answers on the board. Then, distribute the ASVAB Handout and review it, explaining that the ASVAB includes: general science, arithmetic reasoning, word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, mathematics knowledge, electronics information, auto information, shop information, and mechanical comprehension. Discuss why this range of skills might be helpful for placement in the military. (5-10 minutes) 3. Use Army web site to explore career interests. Next, explain that those who join the military – just like those who go to college – need to select a career interest. Based on their interests and aptitudes, new recruits receive training for a specific military career. With students working at the computer either individually or in small groups, have them go to and take the Army’s career interest survey to determine the types of military and civilian careers they might want to pursue. Ask them to complete the handout. (15-20 minutes) STUDENT PRODUCTS: ASVAB Handout. Students should complete the handout. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Students who are interested in a future with the military might be interested in the following resources: ASVAB Information: March 2 Success: Military-sponsored test preparation and student academic assistance Sparking the Future is sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction with funding provided by College Spark Washington. For more information, please visit Page 2 Rev 12/11 ASVAB Handout WHAT IS NEEDED FOR MILITARY ENLISTMENT? LEARN WHAT THE MILITARY REQUIRES Name _____________________________ WHAT IS THE ASVAB? If you want to join the military, you will need to take the ASVAB! The ASVAB is the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery and it is an exam that tests your skill in both academic and career areas. The ASVAB includes: General science Arithmetic reasoning Word knowledge Paragraph comprehension Mathematics knowledge Electronics information Auto information Shop information Mechanical comprehension WHAT TYPES OF JOBS DOES THE MILITARY OFFER ? If you think you might like to join the military, you will need to pursue a career. What are you interested in doing? Find out at INFORMATION TO RESEARCH FINDINGS One potential career Requirements Training Helpful skills Related civilian jobs Sparking the Future is sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction with funding provided by College Spark Washington. For more information, please visit Page 3 Rev 12/11 ASVAB HANDOUT ANSWER KEY (for one example) If you think you might like to join the military, you will need to pursue a career. What are you interested in doing? Find out at INFORMATION TO RESEARCH FINDINGS One potential career Translator Aide Requirements Proficient in one or more target languages Training Basic Combat Training + Advanced Individual Training + language proficiency Helpful skills Talent for foreign languages Related civilian jobs Civilian interpreter Sparking the Future is sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction with funding provided by College Spark Washington. For more information, please visit Page 4 Rev 12/11