Timeline: A Dynamic Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Model for

Dynamic Non-Parametric Mixture Models and The
Recurrent Chinese Restaurant Process
(SDM, 2008)
Timeline: A Dynamic Hierarchical Dirichlet Process
Model for Recovering Birth/Death and Evolution of
Topics in Text Stream
(UAI 2010)
Amr Ahmed and Eric P. Xing
Presented by Bo Chen
• 1. Dirichlet process (DP)
• 2. Temporal Dirichlet process mixture model
and the recurrent Chinese restaurant process
3. Hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP)
3. Dynamic hierarchical Dirichlet process
4. Inference
5. Experimental results
6. Conclusions
Dirichlet Process (DP)
If we integrate out G,
The posterior of G
• Chinese restaurant process or Polya urn model
• Stick-breaking process
• A limit of finite mixture models.
• Normalized Gamma process
The Temporal Dirichlet Process Mixture Model
The TDPM seek to model cluster parameters evolution over time using
any time series model, and to capture cluster popularity evolution over
time via the rich-gets-richer effect, i.e. the popularity of cluster k at time t is
proportionable to how many data points were associated with cluster k at
time t-1.
Recurrent Chinese Restaurant Process (RCRP)
Modeling Higher-Order Dependencies
One problem with the above construction of the TDPM is that it forgets too quickly
especially when it models cluster popularity at time t + 1 based on its usage pattern
at time t, while ignoring all previous information before time epoch t. Moreover,
once a cluster is dead, it can no longer be revived again. Clearly, in some
applications one might want to give a slack for a cluster before declaring it dead.
Non-Parametric Dynamic Topic Model
Cons: The above simple DTM allows each document x to be generated
from a single component (topic), thus making it suboptimal in modeling
multi-topic documents.
Experimental Results
Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes (HDP)
Recurrent Chinese Restaurant Franchise
Process (RCRFP)
Recurrent Chinese Restaurant Franchise
Process (RCRFP)
Building Infinite Dynamic Topic Models
Use the RCRF process as a prior over word assignment to topics in a
mixed-membership model, we get the infinite dynamic topic model (iDTM).
Inference via Gibbs Sampling (1)
In order to calculate the last two lines, the
authors use the following approximation:
Inference via Gibbs Sampling (2)
Sample the whole topic chain via M-H:
Simulation Results
Epochs: 20; Vocabulary: 16; Topics: 8; Docs in each epoch: 100; Words in each doc: 50
Timeline of the NIPS Conference (1)
Years: 1987-1999; Vocabulary: 3379; Documents: 1740
Timeline of the NIPS Conference (2)
Timeline of the NIPS Conference (2)
Timeline of the NIPS Conference (3)
Conclusions and Future Works
• 1. To addressed the problem of modeling time-varying
document collections topic model, iDTM, that can adapt
the number of topics, the word distributions of topics,
and the topics' trend over time.
• 2. Extend the Gibbs sampler to sample all the
hyperparameters of the model.
• 3. Extend the model to evolve an HDP at various levels,
for instance, lower levels might correspond to
conferences, and the highest level to time. This
framework will enable us to understand topic evolution
within and across different conferences or disciplines.