1.3 Achievement Motivation


1.3 Achievement Motivation

Do people take risks in sport?

What is nAch and Naf?


10 minutes to complete the activity

In pairs you will be taking it in turns to have 10 shots each at the basket.

You can choose to shoot from wherever you want and mark whether you were successful on your diagram

Name………………………………….............. Score …... / 10

Do you take risks in sport?

Competitiveness is a key factor for distinguishing sport from recreation

Some people are more motivated to take part in sport than others

Major motives for sporting participation are…

Recreation (Mental benefits)

Health and fitness (Physical benefits)

Companionship (Social benefits)




Achievement Motivation

This has lead to a suggestion of people having a motivation to either…


(nAch) or or

Our Starter…

Avoid failure


Challenging yet achieve tasks Tasks which are very easy or very hard

Characteristic of nAch and Naf

nAch Characteristic Naf Characteristics

Shows ‘approach’ behaviour Shows ‘avoidance’ behaviour

Seeks out challenges

Is concerned with standards

Enjoys being evaluated

Not afraid to fail

Avoids challenge- prefers very easy or very hard tasks (guaranteed success or failure)

Avoids situations where success is unknown and could be evaluated

Performs worse while being evaluated

Tends to be preoccupied with failure

Attributes performance to internal factors Attributes performance to external factors

High task persistence Lacks task persistence

Values feedback form others Doesn’t value feedback

Interpreting success

Ego orientated- Only deem themselves to be successful if they have beaten someone else as they have demonstrated their superiority

Task/ Ego test

Task orientation- Wouldn’t mind losing as long as they have done their best as it is due to their own effort and abilities

Implications for coaching

Achievement motivation is another example of Interactionalist theory

Achievement is influenced by the environment as well as our traits

Our behaviour depends upon

Likelihood of success (Task difficulty)

 Incentive value (pride/shame of relative result)

 Knowing someone's motive to take part can help you to adapt your methods of motivation to suit them

 Appropriate use of Goal setting…

E.G. Ego orientated would benefit from goals in comparison to others

Task orientated would benefit from performance criteria goals
