(AfN) Advancing standards of evidence

Association for Nutrition (AfN)
Advancing standards of evidence-based nutrition practice
Leonie Milliner, Chief Executive
AfN – who are we?
• Voluntary Regulator for Registered Nutritionists
• Our prime purpose - protection of the public
• Registered charity – public interest not private profit
• 1400 Registrants - 15% overseas
• Launched June 2010 – culmination of 30 years of professional regulation
in nutrition in UK
Our Mission - statutory protection of title
• Key Strategic Aim
• Three Options – Charter, PSA & Legislation
• Protect function as well as title
• Whole workforce approach
• AfN expertise in nutrition workforce regulation
Why Register?
• Join substantial body of like-minded professionals
• Your title –visible indication of your professional status
• Practical tools John Waterlow Reading Room
Discounted subscriptions: CN, Nutrition Bulletin
Google Helpouts
Exclusive Professional Indemnity Insurance
Regular Communications & website
AfN Logo for business use
• Collective influence & inter-professional relations
• Protect the public through commitment to evidence based practice
Types of Registration
• Associate Nutritionist ANutr
Associate Nutritionists demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the five
core competencies for registration.
• Registered Nutritionist RNutr(Specialism)
Registered Nutritionists demonstrate application of the core competencies for
registration in one of five specialist areas; Nutrition Science, Animal
nutrition, Sports & Exercise, Food or Public Health.
• Fellow FAfN
Fellows are Registered Nutritionists who demonstrate a significant and
sustained national or international contribution to the furtherance of nutrition
Associate Nutritionist ANutr
• Direct Entry from AfN Accredited Course
With application form, proof of ID & payment or
• Portfolio Entry
Application form, CV, 2x references, covering
letter and completed competency mapping form
with evidence to support application, plus proof
of ID.
• Evidence should be current, brief and
demonstrate competence with reference to
evidence listed in the competency mapping
form. All applicants must demonstrate they are
of good character.
Registered Nutritionist RNutr
• Transfer from ANutr to RNutr
Application form, CV, 1x reference, covering
letter and completed competency mapping form
with evidence to support application plus proof
of ID. (Ideally within 3 years of graduation)
• Portfolio Entry
Application form, CV, 2x references, covering
letter and completed competency mapping form
with evidence to support application plus proof
of ID.
NHS Choices
ANutr to RNutr, ‘knows how’ to ‘shows how’
NHS Careers
Applying for Registration
• Visit our Website
All the forms, information and guidance are on the ‘Registration’ section of
the website
• Language Requirement
Applications must be in English or certified translations. NARIC Certified
copies of academic qualifications.
• Fees
Associate Direct Entry £100; £80 annual renewal fee
Associate Portfolio Entry £200; £80 annual renewal fee
Registered Nutritionist Portfolio Entry £300; £125 annual renewal fee
Upgrade from Associate to Registered £50
What does it mean to be a professional?
measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew
he never would be found out.’ Thomas Babbington Macaulay
‘Court decisions have restricted the meaning of the words “profession” and “professional” to
occupations generally understood to be a profession; Factors in judging whether an occupation is
generally understood to be a profession include:
- the nature and status of the activity and those engaged in it;
- whether the exercise of the activity requires a qualification;
- whether the persons carrying out the activity are bound by a code of conduct;
- whether the activity entails having a distinctive and broad base of knowledge from
which a person may subsequently diversify into specialised areas
These criteria are neither fixed nor exhaustive. This means for example that some occupations not
currently regarded as professions may acquire that status in the future.’ HMRC Definition of a
Standards of Ethics, Conduct & Performance
• Describes expectations for behaviour
of UKVRN registrants and consists of
fifteen Standards with accompanying
• Contextual judgement – “knowing
what to do and when”
• Application of judgement; public good
v. private gain
• Applies to all Registrants & informs
Fitness to Practice proceedings
Keeping up to date
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
• Look out for AfN Endorsed CPD
Short courses, lectures, conferences & e-learning endorsed by AfN
• CPD is necessary part of being a practising professional
Keeping up to date and advancing professional knowledge
• Plan, undertake, record & reflect
Up-to-date CPD records help you demonstrate your
professionalism & competence
What else do we do?
• Set competence-based standards for
Course Accreditation, CPD & Course Certification
• Raise the profile of Registrants through
Government briefings, conferences & meetings.
• AfN Regional Network with local CPD &
networking, media, & interprofessional activity
• Media Bank enabling us to respond to requests
• Work with Employers to promote employment
• Issue briefing notes and consultations
Regulating the Wider Workforce
Green are Registered Nutritionists,
individuals qualified and competent in
nutrition science. The UK Voluntary
Register of Nutritionists.
Light Green Health & Social Care
Workers at Levels 3 and 4 on the
Public Health Skills and Careers
Framework who provide in nutrition
advice to the public (health trainers,
nursery nurses, community food
workers, etc)
Orange Health Professionals, at
Level 5+on the Public Health Skills
and Careers Framework who provide
in nutrition advice to the public(GP’s,
Nurses, Dentists, Midwives and
AfN Structure
Council/Board of Trustees
Registration &
Comms &
AfN Governance
• 14 elected trustees – volunteers
• 2 lay trustees
• Quarterly Meetings
• Annual Report & Accounts to UK Charity Commission
• 3 Honorary Officers
President – Prof Alan Jackson
Hon. Treasurer – Prof Martin Wiseman
Hon. Secretary – Dr Claire Robertson
Getting Involved
You can:
Follow @AfN_UK_
Like Association for Nutrition
Apply for Registration
Registrants can:
Contribute to AfN Regional Network
• networking &CPD events
• media
• lobbying
More About AfN
Association for Nutrition
T 020 7291 8388
Leonie Milliner, Chief Executive