
Drawing Isobars
1002 → 1027
1004, 1008, 1012, 1016, 1020, 1024
Place the line where the numbers dictate.
Add an L to mark the lowest value – circulation center.
Be sure to label the isobar’s value.
Find the place for the next value of the series – 1008 mb.
Draw the 1008-mb isobar. Note this one doesn’t close.
And label.
And on to 1012 mb.
Drawn and labeled.
Pattern emerging (including “trough”). Next, 1016 mb.
Don’t forget south Florida. Next, 1020 mb.
We’ve gone from encircling lows to surrounding highs.
Our final isobar – 1024 mb. Finally, label the Hs.
How’d we do?