9732021黃思綺 9732050賴子衡 Great Place To Work® Institute has been listening to employees and evaluating employers since 1980 in order to understand what makes a workplace great. trust the people they work for, have pride in what they do, and enjoy the people they work with -between employees and management. -between employees and their jobs/company. -between employees and other employees. Credibility Communications are open and accessible Competence in coordinating human and material resources Integrity in carrying out vision with consistency Respect Supporting professional development and showing appreciation Collaboration with employees on relevant decisions Caring for employees as individuals with personal lives Fairness Equity - balanced treatment for all in terms of rewards Impartiality - absence of favoritism in hiring and promotions Justice - lack of discrimination and process for appeals Pride In personal job, individual contributions In work produced by one’s team or work group In the organization’s products and standing in the community Camaraderie Ability to be oneself Socially friendly and welcoming atmosphere Sense of “family” or “team” Perform better financially and be better prepared to weather economic downturns See reductions in the negative effects of stress on your employees Enjoy higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty Foster greater innovation, creativity and risk taking Benefit from higher productivity and profitability Enhance public perception as an organization both clients and customers can trust According to http://www.greatplacetowork.com/ We choose two well-known companies from “2010 Fortune’s 100 BEST” list on the website to be our examples No.4 Google No.94 Starbucks Coffee Company Google十大信條 1. 專注在使用者身上,一切將水到渠成。 2. 盡力將一件事做到最好。 3. 快比慢好。 4. 網路的民主效應。 -根據數百萬位個別使用者在網站上張貼的連結,決定其 他網站提供的內容是否具有價值。 -積極開發開放原始碼軟體,藉由集合眾多程式設計人員 的努力以實現創新。 5. 您不一定會在桌子前找答案(行動上網、多元工具)。 6. 不做壞事也能賺錢。 -不允許廣告出現在我們的結果網頁上。 -我們的使用者信任 Google 的客觀性,因此沒有任何短期的獲利 能夠破壞這份信任。 7. 資訊無涯。 -持續致力於開發各種方法,期望能夠將世界各地的所有資訊帶給 尋求答案的使用者。 8. 資訊需求沒有國界。 協助世界各地、各種語言的使用者輕鬆取得他們需要的資訊。 9. 不用穿西裝,也可以很正經。 -工作應該富有挑戰性,且面對挑戰應該很有趣。 -擁有正確的公司文化,才會獲得絕佳的創意。 -強調團體成績,並以對公司整體成功有所貢獻的個人成就為榮。 10. 精益求精。 Credibility: Respect: Fairness:6. Pride:9.10. Camaraderie: Credibility -品牌形象成功,且對愛護地球、回饋社會等企業責任 認同清楚,因此價格雖稍高顧客仍願意購買其附加價值 -重視活動是否遵守給顧客的承諾 Respect 推出地區化產品,如隨行杯、在地口味 Fairness 公平交易咖啡理念 Pride 不只是提供咖啡,同時也回饋社會 Camaraderie 不輕易受同業影響,有本錢擁有「星巴克風格」 Great Place To Work® http://www.greatplacetowork.com/ Google http://www.google.com.tw/intl/zh-TW/about.html Starbucks http://www.starbucks.com.tw/home/index.jspx