
1491 – 1607
On a North American continent controlled by
American Indians, contact among the peoples
of Europe, the Americas, and West Africa
created a new world
How did the political, economic, and religious
systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and
Africans compare and how did things change as a
result of contacts among them?
Native Americans Europeans
Explain how things changed within each
category as a result of contact among the three
Native populations in America
1490s: est. 50 – 100 million
 1 – 10 million in North America
 Slow spread of maize from south
Variety of social, political, economic structures
Based on environment, interaction w/ each other
 Adapted to environment
 Transformed environment
Complex societies
Astronomy, art, writing systems, math, monument
 Central & South America: Aztecs, Maya, Inca
Domesticated crops (maize, potato)
Permanent farming towns  more food 
Culture: arts, crafts, religion, science, calendars,
astronomy, etc.
Also. . . WAR!
Dense population
State controlled land
 Tenochtitlan
 Rule by priests (sun god), warrior-nobles
Trade & tribute  gold, textiles, turquoise,
feathers, cacoa
War  subordinate kingdoms
Human sacrifice  fertile fields, return of sun
Complex Civs in
& Andes
Note: This is not a hierarchy!
H-G in kinship
Climate change
 plants, small animals
  fiber snares, basketry, mills (grinding nuts)
  domestication of dog, turkey
Great Basin/Great Plains (western)
H-G lifestyles
Deer, moose, antelope, elk
Northeast/Atlantic Seaboard
Mixed AG + H-G
There are two sides to every story.
POV study. . .
Ohio River Valley ( 800 BCE – 600 CE)
Adena-Hopewell culture, Midwest
Earthworks (animal shapes), H-G, division of labor
(priests/warriors – laborers), trade
Mississippi Valley (600 CE – 1500)
SE US, Cahokia (center)
AG- corn, beans, squash
Towns around temples, plazas, social structure,
human sacrifice, trade, division of labor, gov.
structure, worship of sun
Snake mound- S. Ohio. Adena peoples
(500 BCE – 200 CE OR 950 – 1200 CE) OR
Mississippian (b/c of animal imagery).
Snake head aligned with sunset of
summer solstice- June 20/21.
Kincaid Site (IL)- 140 mi.
from Cahokia. Mississippian
town (1050-1450), 19 mound
+ buildings- temples, council
houses. Image painted by
Herb Roe.
Anasazi- earliest AG society (1st cent. CE)
“Four corners”
 CO, UT, AZ, NM
Climate factor: arid & dry  irrigation-based
(maize)  villages, towns developed
Adobe dwellings (pueblos), temple mounds
 Adobe, rock- molded to canyon walls
Chaco Canyon (NM)- 12 towns, roads connected to
No known class structure, war as self-defense
Moral codes, myths/beliefs (nature = sacred),
Developed in different ways, different places,
different times
Three regional groups
Eastern Woodlands, Great Plains, Western
Differences: geography, language, customs
Similarities: sacred spirits in plants/animals
(animism) gods ensure good weather, good
hunts, good harvests, good wars
Three regional groups
Algonquian, Iroquois, Muskogee
 Smaller, powerful New England groups:
Narragansetts, Wampanoags, Mohegans
AG + H-G, method of burning land
No single style of political organization
Chiefdoms- multiple chiefs, one w/ preeminent
Paramount chiefdoms- communities w/ local chiefs
come together under single, more powerful ruler
 Powhatan Chiefdom- Chesapeake Bay
 Made of 30 smaller chiefdom
 Met by John Smith
Mid-Atlantic- many small, local chiefdoms
New England  Great Lakes  Carolinas
Coastal = fishing; inland = hunting
Limited AG
Canoes = technology & transportation
Clan ID cross through various tribes
Very mobile- rivers, lakes
For trade, hunt/fish, ceremonies, alliances
Live in small, round shelters (wig-wams)
500 – 2,000 people
Upstate NY  PA, Carolinas, GA
Comprised of Five Nations- Mohawks, Oneidas,
Onondagas, Cayugas, Senecas
 Fighting b/t groups  wars of retribution
 Mohawk Hiawatha- peace and power, condolence
Maize  permanent villages
Log walls around, wooden long-houses within
 Multi-family unit
Political authority to council of chiefs
Matriarchal society
Absence of men (war, trade, hunt, fish)
Select council of sachems, distribute property,
Power inherited through female line of authority
Chiefdoms in S
Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw
Very diverse
Blackfeet, Cheyenne, Arapaho (Algonquin)
 Comanche (Shoshonean)
 Apache (Athabaskan)
 Teton Sioux, Crow (Siouan)
Mostly nomadic
Biggest change? HORSE
 Also… horses = advantage over enemy  POWER
Culture- hunting (bison)
Expert raiders
Prisoners/horses for food, weapons, etc.
Domination of Black Hills
(MS river, MN, west)
For some- farming incorporated
Settled villages along rivers
Goods: food, raw materials, tools, ritual
artifacts, decorative goods
Regional trade networks
Those w/ access to trade goods  luxury items,
power, elite status
Nomadic hunters of plains traded w/ Pueblos
Hides/meat  maize, pottery, blankets
War captives traded as slaves, diplomatic gifts
Long distance trade
Copper (Great Lakes), obsidian (NM), pipestone
(midwest), seashells, bear claws
Large nations- leaders controlled wealth
Smaller groups- strongest hunters = most food
distribute to show generosity, gain authority
But, sharing essential
Chiefdoms- rulers collect wealth, redistribute it
to followers
Religion and understanding based on
interpreting dreams, visions
Rituals to appease spirits
Successful hunts, battles
Female power, fertility linked to earth
Festivals/ceremonies for life-giving world
Spiritual power through hunting, war
Fearful of offending spirits of animals killed
Rituals before, during, after
War- geopolitical (gain land vs. enemy), rite of
passage (raids to prove self), person motives
(blood feuds, mourning wars)