
Global ICT Trends in Education
Implications for the classroom
Baldev Singh
Imagine Education
Global trends
Technology and opportunities
Measure and develop 21st century skills:
Classroom impact
The world is getting…. Smaller? Bigger?
Education Transformation
What do we mean by capacity building
• Anything that is done to increase the collective effectiveness of a
• This requires the coming together of 3 areas:
- New skills/competencies
- New resources/ideas
- New commitments
• In the case of new technologies not only must educators acquire new
skills and understandings, they must integrate technology into
curriculum, teaching and learning, and the assessment of learning.
Fullan (2002)
There is a crisis!
Globalisation and the
future economic
Develop 21st Century
Basic Knowledge/Skills
English Language (spoken)
Reading Comprehension (in English)
Writing in English (grammar, spelling, etc.)
Foreign Languages
Applied Skills
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
Oral Communications
Written Communications
Information Technology Application
Lifelong Learning/Self Direction
Professionalism/Work Ethic
Ethics/Social Responsibility
21st century
Key trends impacting education systems
Key Trends
The abundance of resources and relationships made easily
accessible via the Internet is increasingly challenging us to revisit
our roles as educators in sense-making, coaching, and
People expect to be able to work, learn, and study whenever and
wherever they want
The world of work is increasingly collaborative, giving rise to
reflection about the way student projects are structured
The technologies we use are increasingly cloud-based, and our
notions of IT support are decentralized
ITL Research
Findings 2011
ITL Research-Why?
• How can educational ecosystems, and the very life streams of teaching and
learning, renew themselves to adjust to emerging dynamics (globalized,
knowledge based economies)-educational renewal
• Educational renewal is at the heart of the Innovative Teaching and Learning
Research inquiry.
• The ITL Research findings shed light on the conditions that support education
renewal in ways that help students develop the skills they will need to thrive in
life and work in our emerging world.
Innovative Teaching?
• What do you understand by innovative teaching?
Innovative Teaching
• Student-centered pedagogies that promote personalized and powerful learning
for students;
• Extending learning beyond the classroom in ways most relevant to knowledgebuilding and problem-solving in today’s world; and
• ICT integration into pedagogy in ways that support learning goals. It is
important to note that ICT use is not a goal in itself, but a tool to broaden and
deepen learning opportunities.
We begin with the innermost layer of the ecosystem that most directly shapes the evolution of students’ skills: the classroom. Does innovative
teaching make a difference for students?
The teachers and school leaders we spoke with believe that it does. Teachers who had begun to embed elements of student-centered,
collaborative approaches into their pedagogies described a host of observed student outcomes consistent with the 21st century skills that
education and business leaders seek: across participating countries, the most commonly cited were collaboration, problem-solving, critical
thinking, independence, creativity, resourcefulness, and ICT skills.
ITL Research measures the relationship between innovative teaching and student skills directly by analyzing samples of assigned learning
activities (looking for evidence of students’ opportunities to build 21st century skills) and the actual work that students completed (looking for
evidence that those skills were being used). The findings are clear: The characteristics of an assigned learning activity strongly predict the skills
demonstrated in student work. We found a strong association between learning activity scores and corresponding student work scores (Figure
2; r = .68). This suggests that students are much more likely to build and exhibit 21st century skills if the learning activities in which they engage
as part of a class ask them to demonstrate those skills.
“What I’m especially proud of is that new ideas are starting to be developed from
students.” – teacher in Finland
“With ICT, students have increased their capacity and knowledge to compete with
foreign students. ICT has given students the chance to express their talent and
creativity.” – teacher in Indonesia
a. For a given learning activity, this
chart plots the learning activity’s
score (collapsed across dimensions)
to the mean score for its
corresponding pieces of student
work. A larger bubble represents a
higher concentration of data points.
b. LA and SW score points can range
from 1-4.
c. Source: ITL LASW data, 2011
21C Skills
Education System
School Leadership
and Culture
Innovative Teaching
Learning Activities/Innovative Teaching
Based on Analysis by SRI International
Figure 2: Learning Activity Scores Predict
Student Work Scores
Individuals with
skills for life and
work today
• Teachers within the same school vary considerably in their levels of innovative
• The use of ICT in learning also varied widely within schools
• Specific supports that predict innovative teaching:
Professional development
System for incentives and support
• There was a lack of coherent national, systemic support of innovation in many
Innovative teachers exist in every school,
but there are often not many of them.
“We found innovative practices, rather than
innovative schools.”
ITL Research Report 2011
Brain Rules
Every brain is wired differently
We don’t pay attention to boring things
Stressed brain don’t learn the same way
Exercise boosts brain power
Stimulate more of the senses
Vision trumps all other senses
Is the internet rewiring our
Activity for internet searching, relative to reading:
a) Naive users
b) Experienced users
•Experienced users using more search strategies
•Additional activity: decisions making, reasoning
Dr. Paul Howard Jones (Bristol University)
Systemic, Scalable and Sustainable (S3)
“If you want to go quickly,
go alone. If you want to go
far, go together”
African Proverb
Marc Prensky
Slide 25
Systemic and sustainable change
“If you want to go quickly,
go alone. If you want to go
far, go together”
African Proverb
The rules are changing
From: The Next Silicon Valley Leadership Group – Innovation & Competition
Key Trends
The abundance of resources and relationships made
easily accessible via the Internet is increasingly
challenging us to revisit our roles as educators in sensemaking, coaching, and credentialing
-Information Communication Technology
-Information Collaboration Technology
-Information Connecting Technology
-Information Culture Change Technology
Thank you