Diplodocus - WhippleHill

Diplodocus & Giant Club
Researched by: Johannah Coichy
Description: Diplodocus
• A Diplodocus was a longnecked, whip tailed
herbivore that lived in the
Jurassic Time Period
about.0.155 - 0.145
million years ago. It didn’t
really have any predators.
It usually had a sort of
greenish color but also
could be found brown.
Diplodocus traveled in
herds and migrated when
food was scarce.
• Evidence found with
bones and fossils
Ecosystem: Ecology And Climate
• The Diplodocus lived in the
Jurassic Period. The
climate was warm and there
was no polar ice so the sea
levels were higher than they
are now. The inland areas
were like deserts, hot and
dry. There were many
flooded areas, coral reefs,
temperate and subtropical
Description: Giant Club Mosses
(a.k.a Lepidodendron-.36- .28 billion years ago)
• The Giant Club Moss: One
most common trees of the
Carboniferous period. Their
long trunks had bark with a
diamond-shaped pattern (the
scars of fallen branches), and
they grew over 130 feet tall,
and had trunks about 6 feet in
diameter. They grow very fast
and stay closely knit. They
lasted for about 15 years.
Amphibians that lived during
this time ate this plant.
Ecosystem: Ecology and Climate
• The Carboniferous was
a geological time period
360 - 280 million years
ago. There were widespread coal swamps, and
was a time when ancient
sea levels were low. It
had a very warm climate
but it had a glacial period
later on. The cooling and
drying of the continent led
to many issues.
http://0.tqn.com/d/dinosaurs/1/0/N/Q/-/-/diplodocus-carnegi.jpg (picture)
http://assets0.webkite.com/datas/20176.best/original/Diplodocus.jpg?1287575243 (picture)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1Europasaurus_holgeri_Scene_2.jpg/260pxEuropasaurus_holgeri_Scene_2.jpg (picture)
http://www.mnh.si.edu/highlight/riola/images/calhoun.jpg (picture)