The Usage of IDB Analyzer

The Usage of IDB Analyzer:
From our Research on
Saki Ikoma
Penn State EDTHP
Girls’ Advantage?
Homework and
Gerald LeTendre (Penn State)
Motoko Akiba (Florida State University)
Sakiko Ikoma (Penn State)
Guodong Liang (University of Missouri)
Creative Commons image by
Flickr user peapodsquadmom
Research Questions for Today
Do 4th grade girls do more
homework, on average than 4th
grade boys?
Analytical Methods
Data: The Trends in International
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
2007 data
Sample: 4th grade students (36 countries)
Analysis: OLS Regression with Jackknifing
method using the IDB Analyzer by The
International Association for the Evaluation
of Educational Achievement (IEA)
IDB Analyzer
1. A free-of-charge software by IEA for the
purpose of merging and analyzing largescale data
2. Windows Only (Mac: Possible with
VMware, etc.)
3. Any Data from IEA can be used: TIMSS,
4. IDB Analyzer only creates syntaxes to
operate your commands on SPSS
Good Things about
IDB Analyzer
 You can merge large-scale data without
any complicated procedures.
 All the auxiliary variables (e.g. weights
etc.) will be automatically added when
you choose your variables.
 You can use jackknifing method.
 IDB Analyzer creates an excel file and
graphs automatically for you.
 There are some limitations for analysis: e.g.
You cannot do ANOVA.
Start IDB Analyzer
Automatically Selected!
Select countries you focus and hit the
button (You can also select all countries
at once).
Then hit Next
at the bottom!
When you select your variables…
ID and weight variables are
automatically selected!
File: T07G4HWGENoriginal.sav
Let’s start SPSS!
Select all (Control+A), then RUN!
The syntax is already saved.
Be careful! Still running!
When it’s done, you can open the dataset on SPSS.
Based on your codebook,
next step is recoding your variables of interest on SPSS.
After you ran syntax,
you save it as a new dataset
Analyzing with IDB Analyzer
You can use your RECODED dataset 
Make sure you select
a right weight.
You have some options
for your analysis!
You can also use TIMSS
test scores if you want
(in order to do that, you
have to include PVs
when merging the data).
If you want to do multiple
imputation, you can do
that on SPSS, save it as a
new dataset in your TIMSS
folder, and use it on IDB
You choose DV and IVs
(Country ID is the must).
In this case:
DV: Homework Time (G4PHWGENERAL)
IVs: Gender (G4GIRL) and Student SES (G4PSES)
Weight: Total Student Weight (TOTWGT)
Then, generate the syntax (Start SPSS), select all, and run it.
Below is the SPSS Output file, but also…
You will get ALL countries’ data at once like this.
International Average is calculated at the bottom
4 Excel Files are AUTOMATICALLY generated 
- T07HWGENREG_anova
- T07HWGENREG_Coefficients
- T07HWGENREG_Descriptives → Check this out!
Opening T07HWGENREG_Coefficients.xlsx…
Making data
easy-readable 
Any Questions?
Saki Ikoma
Penn State EDTHP