Modeling - CESA #2

We’ll start with introductions, please share your
name, position and your top 1 or 2 goals for your
science teaching.
Kevin Anderson, Ph.D.
NGSS Development
• The federal government was not involved in this effort
and did not fund it.
• It was state-led, and states will decide whether or not
to adopt the standards.
• The work undertaken by the NRC and Achieve was/is
being supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New
• Professional organizations (like ASEE, NSTA),
teachers, scientists, engineers, etc. were heavily
involved in development.
Overview of NGSS structure
• Observe an NGSS standards page with a
• What’s different from past standards?
• What questions do you have?
Performance Expectations
Foundation Boxes – 3 Dimensions
Science and Engineering Practices
Asking questions and defining problems
Developing and using models
Planning and carrying out investigations
Analyzing and interpreting data
Using mathematics and computational thinking
Constructing explanations and designing solutions
Engaging in argument from evidence
Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Science and Engineering Practices
Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs)
Life Science
Physical Science
LS1: From Molecules to Organisms:
& Processes
LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, &
LS3: Heredity: Inheritance & Variation of
LS4: Biological Evolution: Unity & Diversity
PS1: Matter & Its Interactions
PS2: Motion & Stability: Forces &
PS3: Energy
PS4: Waves & Their Applications in
Technologies for Information Transfer
Earth & Space Science
Engineering & Technology
ESS1: Earth’s Place in the Universe
ESS2: Earth’s Systems
ESS3: Earth & Human Activity
ETS1: Engineering Design
ETS2: Links Among Engineering,
Technology &
Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs)
Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs)
Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation
Scale, proportion, and quantity
Systems and system models
Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation
Structure and function
Stability and change
Crosscutting Concepts
Back to any questions about the
NGSS structure…
Designing lessons example start with a phenomenon
What’s going on in the world around us now that
could frame your unit? Or, what’s interesting?
Life Science: wolf hunt, water pollution, diabetes,
bridges for animals, our five senses, winter survival
Physical Science: alternative energy, football helmets,
Earth/Space: severe weather (drought, tornadoes,
etc.), mining and the environment, Curiosity mission
to Mars, sunrise/sunset, seasons
Phenomenon and standards
• Let’s say I’m a third grade teacher and want
to connect a unit to the stream near our
• Does it work with my standards?
• I would start by looking at the DCI’s
What DCI’s could it connect to?
• Where would you look? Dig in briefly…
• I found:
• LS1.A - structure and function of external parts
• LS2.A - interdependent relationships in
• LS2.B - cycles and energy in ecosystems
• LS2.C - ecosystem dynamics
• ESS3.A - resource availability
• ESS3.B - natural hazards
• ESS3.C - human impacts on earth systems 15
• ETS1 – developing solutions
What PE’s could this unit build toward?
K-LS1-1: Observe what plants and animals need to survive
K-ESS3-3: Solutions to reduce human impact
1-LS1-1: Design a solution to a human problem by
mimicking animals’ use of external parts
2-LS2-1: An investigation to determine need for sun/water
• 3-LS4-2: Variations in organisms help survival
• 3-LS4-3: Some organisms survive better
• 3-LS4-4: Merit of solution to environmental
5-LS2-1: Model movement of matter in ecosystem
5-ESS3-1: Ways communities use science to protect the
K-2 and 3-5 ETS: Designing and testing solutions
Start with a phenomenon
Connect to background knowledge
• What animals live by a river?
• What plants live by a river?
• What animals or plants live in a river?
• Where do these animals (e.g. fish) get their
energy? Where do plants get their energy?
Model the phenomenon (if appro.)
• Picture a river in your head and the plants
and animals that live there. Briefly draw out
what you see (line drawings).
• Upper ES: draw lines between the plants,
animals or other parts of your drawing
showing where they get energy.
• Scaffolding questions: where do you get
energy? Where do fish get energy? Where
do plants get energy?
A story at a river
• Vary method depending on grade level
• I’m going to read a story to you…
• Or, with a reading buddy…
• What method would work for your class?
• Who, where, why?
• Find descriptive words – paints a picture in
your mind
• What happened that worries these children?
Connecting to prior knowledge
• What is oil?
• How do we use it?
Let’s do scientific modeling
• Get your drawing of a river back out
• Draw a river with an oil spill – what happens
to the plants, animals?
• Modeling is an
• Iterative process
• Includes both seen and unseen
• Before and after
• We’re going to develop the model in groups
Individual, group or class modeling?
• Could also do modeling as a class
• Or, individually on a smaller paper
• What would be the advantages or
disadvantages of each method?
Interim class learning happens…
Varying based on grades
Day 1: Modeling and reading that we did (more to EiE initial
Day 2: Visit a local river, stream or pond. What animals and plants
do you see there? Make observations.
Day 3: Learn more about ecosystems and food webs. See
samples of them. Do related EiE reading. Consider field trip
Day 4: Compare/contrast various oil samples. Read book, Oil
Spill! Narrative writing, imagine you were an animal in a river –
what would you be seeing, thinking, feeling if a spill of crude oil
Day 5: Kitchen oil spill modeling. Read section in EiE and go
through sample methods of cleaning oil as seen in EiE.
Day 6: Begin research project (news story). What oil spills have
happened? What were the effects? How did people clean them
Interim class learning happens…
Day 7: Continue research work on oil spills. Consider how
they affect ecosystems (plants, animals, etc.).
Day 8: Background knowledge – engineers. What do they
do? How do they solve problems? Have one come in a
Day 9: Be an engineer – based on research, plan out new
process and develop tool(s) for cleaning an oil spill.
Day 10: Link to math work on volumes, measurement,
subtraction, and area to support quantitative measurement
in oil spill clean up testing.
Day 11-14: Continue work on oil spill engineering (and
research project).
Day 15…: Present methods and research findings. Invite
parents. Invite engineer that visited.
How could we physically model
cleaning an oil spill?
• Another example of modeling
• How much freedom would you give students
to design their own models?
• To determine their own clean up methods?
Engineering a solution
• Brainstorm ideas
• Research - What have others done?
• What are your constraints?
• EiE gives limited flexibility (only particular
Modeling cleaning an oil spill
• Test three materials (you choose)
• Observe and draw oil before and after
• Or, measure oil before and after
• Alternative – measure size of oil drops
before and after (ruler or paper)
• Suggest: < 100 mL total, < 20 mL oil
• Finding volume (Grade 3 CCSSM) – how
much oil did you remove? How much
remained? How much water did you remove 27
and how much remained?
Scientific Writing/Notebooking
• Explanation = Claim + Evidence + Reasoning
• A claim that answers the question
• Evidence from students' data
• Reasoning that involves a "rule" or scientific
principle that describes why the
evidence supports the claim
Scientific Explanations & Notebooks
• Example - Claim, Evidence, Reasoning
• watch?v=WQTsue0lKBk
Scientific Explanation Example
Q: Is air matter?
Air is matter (claim). We found that the weight of
the ball increases each time we pumped more
air into it (evidence). This shows that air has
weight, one of the characteristics of matter
Scientific Explanation
Your turn • Fill out the claim, evidence, reasoning form
with your group based on your oil spill data
• How do you decide if your method worked?
That criteria should factor into reasoning
Evaluating the physical model
• How true to life was our experimental model?
• With a neighbor - answer the questions on the
“Reviewing your scientific model” worksheet
More authentic engineering…
• Extensive research first
• Budgets and time – each item has cost,
project has a budget limit/time limit w/ points
for less cost or time
• Student designed prototypes
• Regulations or client requirements – how
much oil is it necessary to remove?
• Math infused
• Iterate – use group findings to try again (and
again), weighing strengths/weaknesses
• Present – defend your ideas
Return to the ecosystem model
• Look back at your original model of the river
• Using what you have learned – draw the
model again.
• Would have students do this… why?
How to assess student learning?
Report on research
Physical model review
Final model
CER worksheet (rubric on back)
Observations of lab and research methods
Performance assessment – find a volume
Given claim and evidence, write reasoning
Other ideas?
Consider PE’s…
Linking to NGSS dimensions
• Which NGSS practices did we use?
• Which crosscutting concepts relate to this
• Note: don’t force it! One or two done well are
better than six done at surface level
Linking NGSS to CCSS Math and ELA
The practices overlap.
What are the important
connections you see in
these subjects?
What other connections
would you add?
What does this suggest
for your teaching?
Reviewing your lessons
• Consider a current science unit/lesson that
you do with students
• Group modeling - share the lesson essentials
and related assessment
• What are some ways to better connect it to
the NGSS?
• With a partner – discuss a lesson briefly:
• How could you better include the practices
and cross cutting concepts?
• Interdisciplinary connections?
Revising a unit/lesson, steps…
What would you do?
1) Consider the purpose of the lesson. What can you cut
2) More writing in science
3) More modeling (with writing)
4) Showing evidence
5) Questioning each other, discourse
6) Relate to a phenomenon
7) Revisit and reflect on lessons
8) Focus on being able to read the NGSS
9) Consider how to best assess students
10) Consider connections instead of add-ons
Further CCSS Mathematics Links
Foundations of Integration
1) Belief in the importance of doing it.
2) Time in the day – overlap math and science
and writing/reading time – PBL!
3) Plan out the goals for each, find the overlaps.
4) Build from curriculum examples - start small!
5) Collaborate – don’t try to do it all yourself.
Further CCSS Mathematics Links
Key Connections - #1 Science Provides the Context
CCSS 3 MD-2 “e.g., by using drawings (such as a
beaker with a measurement scale) to represent the
problem” – what? Use a real beaker!
CCSS 3MD-3 connecting to NGSS 3-ESS2-1
Represent data in tables and graphical displays to
describe typical weather conditions expected during a
particular season.
See Appendix L
Further CCSS Mathematics Links
Key Connections #2 – Math is a tool
• Math provides the tools to answer the science
question, to solve the engineering problem.
• Consider a lesson where students consider what
materials would work best for the table tops in a
science room.
• What math and science connections can you find or
• NGSS 5-PS1
• CCSS 3.MS, 6.G
Further CCSS Mathematics Links
Key Connections #3 – Relationships
• Rates of change, graphs
• Direct vs. inverse relationships
• e.g. – more force = faster and more friction = slower
Ex. growth of plants under different conditions (in
class, school garden, prairie)
Further CCSS Mathematics Links
Key Connections #4 – Modeling
• What is mathematical modeling?
• What is scientific modeling?
• In both you’re making sense of a question or problem.
It’s active, not passive. It’s predicting, not reporting.
• Examples:
• WMC article
• Bromine gas
Figure 1
Further CCSS Mathematics Links
Key Connections #5 – You find one
• Look at the science standards at your grade level.
• What science concepts require mathematics?
• What math concepts that you teach would be more
clear (and build better conceptual understanding) with
a science connection?
• Brief share with a neighbor
Further CCSS ELA Links
Key Connections #1 – Notebooking
• What is a science notebook?
• Structure
• First 3 pages blank for your table of contents
• Number every page (upper right or left corner) of
the notebook except your table of contents
• Use pencil or colored pencil on both sides of page
• Date each page at the start of an investigation
Further CCSS ELA Links
Key Connections #1 – Notebooking
• What is put in a science notebook?
Observations and Questions,
structured or not
Further CCSS ELA Links
Key Connections #1 – Notebooking
What is put in a science notebook?
Data tables and analyses
Further CCSS ELA Links
Key Connections #1 – Notebooking
What is put in a science notebook?
Diagrams (ABCD):
Further CCSS ELA Links
Key Connections #1 – Notebooking
What is put in a science notebook?
Flaps and Foldables
Further CCSS ELA Links
Key Connections #1 – Notebooking
What is put in a science notebook?
Fill in or not (scaffold)
Further CCSS ELA Links
Key Connections #1 – Notebooking
What is put in a science notebook?
Graphic organizers
Concept maps
Venn diagrams
Flow charts
Further CCSS ELA Links
Why science notebooks?
1) They are thinking tools.
2) They guide teacher instruction.
3) They enhance literacy skills.
4) They can differentiate learning.
5) They support teacher and student collaboration.
Further CCSS ELA Links
Key Connections #2 – Disciplinary Literacy
“Communication (thinking, speaking, listening, reading &
writing) in science allows us to consider our prior
knowledge and explore new perspectives while we ask
scientific questions, make sense of data, explain and
defend our reasoning as we interact with the natural and
designed world” – DPI statement
Further CCSS ELA Links
Key Connections #2 – Disciplinary Literacy
Close reading:
1. Teacher introduces the text and sets the purpose, and
students read.
2. Students annotate the text, i.e., “read with a pencil” or
“interrogate the text.”
3. Students talk through their understanding of the text
with a partner.
4. Teacher reads passages of text out loud as students
follow along.
5. Teacher guides discussion (whole group, small
group, or partners) of the passage with text-dependent 55
Further CCSS ELA Links
Key Connections #2 – Disciplinary Literacy
Close reading Annotating the text
Further CCSS ELA Links
Key Connections #3 – TALK!
• How often do your students talk about science, about
math, about their writing with each other?
• How often do they “argue with evidence” about an
answer or an issue?
• How often do they verbally or in writing share their
thinking and reasoning?
• Do they write research papers about ideas meaningful
to them?
oves.pdf - Ideas for improving talk
Work on your unit… Phenomena
driving question
• Crosscutting concepts provide the lens with which to
frame the driving question
Patterns of change can be used to make predictions
Driving Question(s): What weather can we predict by
looking for patterns? Are there any patterns for extreme
weather in the area? How will birds respond to weather
patterns (normal or extreme) to survive?
Cause and effect relationships are routinely identified
Driving Question(s): How does the force of wind
change the land? How can humans impact survival of 58
local birds in extreme weather?
Essential Questions and CCC’s
1) Is there a pattern in which ponds, streams, and lakes make people sick
and which do not? What are the similar of different characteristics of each?
2) Will we get sick (effect) if we go swimming in that pond (cause)?
3) What percentage of people get sick? What are the physical
characteristics of the ponds and streams that people are getting sick in (in
terms of flow rates and size)? What is the scale of the organisms within the
4) What are the important parts of this pond ecosystem and geological
system? How could we model this pond? What would be the limitations
and benefits of such a model?
5) Where does energy come from in this pond ecosystem and geological
6) What are the characteristics of these organisms and people that lead to
them making us sick? Consider their relevant body structures and our
relevant body structures, along with the functions that they have.
7) How has this pond changed over time, such as from the spring to the59fall,
or in the past 40 years? Why do people sometimes get sick while
swimming in it, but sometimes they do not?
Working on your unit, consider…
Claim + evidence + reasoning = explanation
Practices (appendix)
CCC’s (appendix)
CCSS ELA and math connections
Understanding by Design Template
• Understandings - major goals for the year
• Essential questions - link to phenomena and
• Students will know – DCI’s, nitty gritty content
• Students will be able to – practices!
• Assessment – products, tests, PE’s
Reviewing appendices
Each group will be assigned an appendix
Your task:
• Share a key quote (that sums it up)
• Generate ideas on how you might use it
to guide instruction, course planning,
collaboration, etc.
Yearly planning template…
• How do I map out the full year?
What are the next steps?
With a partner/team
• Think through your next steps in implementation
• Prioritize what you need to do
• Consider my blog list
• What do you plan to do:
• In the next week?
• In the next 2-3 months?
• By the end of the year?
• What challenges do you expect?
• Earth and Space Science integration!
• Share and question
Review what we did
What are your main takeaways from this
workshop? (T&T)
What questions do you still have?
Email me any time: