New Curriculum Maths Implementation

Headteachers’ Maths Network
North Lincolnshire Schools and Academies
8th July 2013
At the LDC
Objectives for this session
To examine what the revised document says and
consider the implications for schools.
To consider what steps need to be taken to prepare for
the introduction of the new National Curriculum in
September 2014.
Draft mathematics national
Revisions have been made to the original draft in the
February 2013 version.
Some statements have been changed but the
emphasis remains on teaching content specific to
year groups.
It is still strongly influenced by international
comparative data.
See DFE Review of the National Curriculum in England
Feb 12, second published version.
The original draft for the national curriculum for
mathematics, which appeared in 2012, has been
replaced by a version (the current one) which was
published in February this year.
Some changes include removing binary number and
other changes to content. A number of maths
coordinators are still using the 2012 version, so please
check they have the correct document.
Final version
The final version of the national curriculum for
mathematics was due in September 2013, but since last
month, this has been changed to being due in the
autumn 2013.
There may be some changes, but schools need to plan
ahead for implementation and to delay until the final
version is available may not be prudent.
Planning layers
Suggested three planning layers:
a) Headteachers/Principals will need to include
implementation in their development planning.
b) Maths Coordinators will need to include
implementation in their coordinator plan.
c) Teachers will need to revise medium term planning
in the light of advice from their maths coordinator.
Consultation in February this year
National Curriculum consultation
 Defining the school curriculum
 All subjects retained at all 4 key stages
 Foreign languages at Key Stage 2
 Removal of Attainment target levels and descriptors
 Consultation ends Tuesday 16 April 2013.
Purpose statement in the new
Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected
discipline that has been developed over centuries,
providing the solution to some of history’s most
intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life,
critical to science, technology and engineering, and
necessary in most forms of employment. A high-quality
mathematics education therefore provides a foundation
for understanding the world, the ability to reason
mathematically, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity
about the subject.
Aims - 1
The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure
that all pupils:
 become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics,
including through varied and frequent practice with
increasingly complex problems over time, so that
pupils have conceptual understanding and are able to
recall and apply their knowledge rapidly and accurately
to problems
Aims 2
The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure
that all pupils:
 reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry,
conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and
developing an argument, justification or proof using
mathematical language
Aims 3
The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure
that all pupils:
 can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a
variety of routine and non-routine problems with
increasing sophistication, including breaking down
problems into a series of simpler steps and
persevering in seeking solutions.
Programmes of Study
The programmes of study are organised in a distinct
sequence and structured into separate domains. Pupils
should make connections across mathematical ideas to
develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and
competence in solving increasingly sophisticated
problems. They should also apply their mathematical
knowledge to science and other subjects.
Layout of the programmes of
The document is laid out in two columns. The revised
draft (February 2013) has the programmes of study on
the left, now with the addition of, ‘statutory
On the right is a column headed Notes and guidance
which has attached the statement ‘non-statutory’.
School leaders should note the distinction between the
columns and consider how staff may interpret the
Calculators should not be used as a substitute for good
written and mental arithmetic. They should therefore
only be introduced near the end of Key Stage 2 to
support pupils’ conceptual understanding and
exploration of more complex number problems, if
written and mental arithmetic are secure. In both primary
and secondary schools, teachers should use their
judgement about when ICT tools should be used.
Spoken Language
The National Curriculum for mathematics reflects the
importance of spoken language in pupils’ development
across the whole curriculum – cognitively, socially and
linguistically. The quality and variety of language that
pupils hear and speak are key factors in developing their
mathematical vocabulary and presenting a mathematical
justification, argument or proof. They must be assisted in
making their thinking clear to themselves as well as
others and teachers should ensure that pupils build
secure foundations by using discussion to probe and
remedy their misconceptions.
School Curriculum
The programmes of study for mathematics are set out
year-by-year for Key Stages 1 and 2. Schools are, however,
only required to teach the relevant programme of study
by the end of the key stage. Within each key stage,
schools therefore have the flexibility to introduce content
earlier or later than set out in the programme of study. In
addition, schools can introduce key stage content during
an earlier key stage, if appropriate. All schools are also
required to set out their school curriculum for
mathematics on a year-by-year basis and make this
information available online.
Attainment Targets
By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to
know, apply and understand the matters, skills and
processes specified in the relevant programme of
Discussion Time
Looking at the emphasis
The next screen shows a wordle (word analysis)
of the draft document. This simply shows the
word frequency by the size of lettering.
KS1 statement
The principal focus of mathematics teaching in Key
Stage 1 is to ensure that pupils develop confidence and
mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place
value. This should involve working with numerals,
words and the four operations, including with practical
resources (e.g. concrete objects and measuring tools).
At this stage, pupils should develop their ability to
recognise, describe, draw, compare and sort different
shapes and use the related vocabulary. Teaching should
also involve using a range of measures to describe and
compare different quantities such as length, mass,
capacity/volume, time and money.
By the end of Year 2, pupils should know the number
bonds to 20 and be precise in using and understanding
place value. An emphasis on practice at this early stage
will aid fluency.
Pupils should read and spell mathematical vocabulary,
at a level consistent with their increasing word reading
and spelling knowledge at Key Stage 1.
It has been suggested that the raised expectations
inherent in the revised content for KS1 could lead to
children being labelled as failures as they struggle to
achieve these higher standards.
How can we ensure children experience success in
There is a concern that raised expectations may lead to
content being covered without developing appropriate
levels of understanding.
How will we ensure there is an appropriate level of
understanding and that teaching doesn’t overemphasise process?
What can be done to avoid teaching becoming too
focused on skills and procedures, especially as there is
no Using and Applying to the new curriculum?
How can we ensure problem solving remains
embedded in the best teaching of mathematics?
Discussion Time
Lower KS2
The principal focus of mathematics teaching in lower
Key Stage 2 is to ensure that pupils become increasingly
fluent with whole numbers and the four operations,
including number facts and the concept of place value.
This should ensure that pupils develop efficient written
and mental methods and perform calculations
accurately with increasingly large whole numbers.
Lower KS2
At this stage, pupils should develop their ability to solve
a range of problems, including with simple fractions and
decimal place value. Teaching should also ensure that
pupils draw with increasing accuracy and develop
mathematical reasoning so they can analyse shapes and
their properties, and confidently describe the
relationships between them. It should ensure that they
can use measuring instruments with accuracy and make
connections between measure and number.
Lower KS2
By the end of Year 4, pupils should have memorised
their multiplication tables up to and including the 12
multiplication table and show precision and fluency in
their work.
Pupils should read and spell mathematical vocabulary
correctly and confidently, using their growing word
reading knowledge and their knowledge of spelling.
Implications for schools
Considering the revised KS2 content, review what CPD is
needed over the next twelve months so that staff are
ready for the introduction of the new curriculum in
September 2014.
Note that there is quite a bit of what was Y5 and Y6
content now in lower KS2.
It may be necessary to include this CPD in your
development plan for next year.
Upper KS2
The principal focus of mathematics teaching in upper
Key Stage 2 is to ensure that pupils extend their
understanding of the number system and place value to
include larger integers. This should develop the
connections that pupils make between multiplication
and division with fractions, decimals, percentages and
Upper KS2
At this stage, pupils should develop their ability to solve a
wider range of problems, including increasingly complex
properties of numbers and arithmetic, and problems
demanding efficient written and mental methods of
calculation. With this foundation in arithmetic, pupils are
introduced to the language of algebra as a means for
solving a variety of problems.
Upper KS2
Teaching in geometry and measures should consolidate
and extend knowledge developed in number. Teaching
should also ensure that pupils classify shapes with
increasingly complex geometric properties and that they
learn the vocabulary they need to describe them.
Upper KS2
By the end of Year 6, pupils should be fluent in written
methods for all four operations, including long
multiplication and division, and in working with
fractions, decimals and percentages.
Pupils should read, spell and pronounce mathematical
vocabulary correctly.
Taking account of the new content in the draft, will the
teachers working currently with these year groups need
support with some aspects of the new curriculum?
Probability has been taken out of KS2 and the proposal
to include binary number has also been removed.
There are no more levels and the programmes of study
relate to the end of key stages.
Schools are to develop their own approaches to
formative assessment.
Ofsted inspections will be informed by whatever
tracking data schools choose to keep.
Schools are free to design their own curriculum and
assessment system, but the DFE will provide examples
of good practice which schools may wish to follow.
See hand-out on the June speech from the Secretary of
Discussion Time
A note on published resources
Many schools use published materials to support both
teaching and learning. Recently there has been an
emphasis on developing structured pedagogical
approaches through published materials.
Often these resources use the national curriculum levels
and as these are no longer to be used this will impact on
the usefulness of these resources.
What to do about the time scale
The new curriculum starts in September 2014. The first
tests based on this are planned for September 2016.
Consider the implications and how best to manage this
in your school or academy.
If you have mixed year classes you will need a different
Elements of the current national curriculum for
mathematics are disapplied for a time limited period.
School have to teach the subject, but not the prescribed
programme of study for mathematics from September
2013 for pupils in Y3 and Y4.
See paper: Background on disapplication
School development planning
As well as other objectives for maths development, you
will probably need to include an objective relating to the
introduction of the new curriculum for mathematics.
SDP - Objective
You could simply have something that says prepare for
the introduction of the new National Curriculum for
Alternatively you could focus on maintaining or
improving outcomes for children during the transition to
the new National Curriculum for mathematics.
The latter approach would possibly make more sense
when you consider the related success criteria.
Actions for the development plan
Schools and academies may wish to allocate funding
from the CPD and staffing budgets, as well as
considering purchasing additional resources.
This could be noted on the planning for implementation
Discussion Time
Maths Week
Provisionally the week after half term this Autumn has
been set aside as a maths week for schools to
celebrate maths and to engage in a range of
mathematical activities.
Taking part is up to you, but it could be fun and a great
way of lifting the status of maths in your school.
Maths Week
What to include in the week is for you to decide with
the rest of your team.
Perhaps it would be worth floating this idea now to find
out what everyone in your team thinks. Please also
include the children as they may have views worth
taking into account.
Date, time and place of the next
headteacher network meetings
 Autumn Term Meeting 2013 – Tuesday 8th
October, 2:00pm at venue to be decided.
 Spring Term Meeting 2014 – to be arranged
Introducing the new National
There are several videos which have been produced as
examples of schools introducing the new national
curriculum for mathematics.
You can download these to use in your school if you
decide to use them with your staff, from the National
Centre (NCETM).