Northwind2003 database 11 Aug 2014 1 Sakila database 11 Aug 2014 2 MySQL server Relational database management program Administer relational database Update database information Extract information through queries Server-client architecture User authentication Competitors: Access, Oracle, PostgreSQL 11 Aug 2014 3 MySQL client Personal program to access MySQL HeidiSQL 11 Aug 2014 Command line interface Preconfigured portable version from course website 4 Starting HeidiSQL 1. 2. 3. Uncompress it on your Desktop Connect to Type your unibz username and password To use it from outside unibz LAN, you need before to log in to VPN here . Manually configuring HeidiSQL (not needed) Installing MySQL server on your computer (useful but not necessary) 11 Aug 2014 5 Using HeidiSQL Database structure in the left window Commands executed and errors in the log window below Queries can be written in the Query tab and executed pressing F9 or Highlighting some commands and pressing F1 activates the SQL help 11 Aug 2014 6 Using HeidiSQL USE {database}; or click in the left window You must have appropriate privileges: GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT SELECT INSERT UPDATE DELETE ALTER No way to undo your changes!!! ROLLBACK; command does not work on most MySQL tables 11 Aug 2014 7 Selection query A question which produces a temporary table SELECT fields FROM table; SELECT fields FROM table WHERE condition ORDER BY field ASC|DESC; Mathematical operations AND, OR, NOT and parentheses Virtual field: expression AS name Views CREATE VIEW name AS selection query; DROP VIEW name; 11 Aug 2014 8 Selection query mathematical operators + - * / and comparisons = < > <= >= <> ROUND( ), ABS( ), EXP( ), SQRT( ), LOG( ) condition1 AND condition2, condition1 OR condition2, NOT condition field BETWEEN value1 AND value2 IS NULL, IS NOT NULL field IN (list) field LIKE expression containing % or _ CURDATE(), DATE_ADD(date, INTERVAL number DAY|MONTH|YEAR) YEAR(date), MONTH(date), DAY(date) DATEDIFF(date2,date1) To get difference in years: Approximate: ROUND(DATEDIFF(date2,date1)/365.25) Exact: YEAR(date2) - YEAR(date1) - ( DATE_FORMAT( date2, '%m%d' ) < DATE_FORMAT( date1, '%m%d' ) ) 11 Aug 2014 9 Joins Inner join SELECT fields FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON field1 = field2; Names containing spaces must be enclosed by grave accent ` Values enclosed instead by apostrophe ’ Ambiguous field names use table.field table AS shortname from now on you must use nickname Difference between WHERE and ON Cross join Multiple inner joins 11 Aug 2014 10 Summary query aggregates the records based on a GROUP BY instruction and returns one record per distinct value of GROUP BY fields If no GROUP BY is inserted, it aggregates everything SELECT function(field), grouping fields FROM tables with inner joins GROUP BY field; function is an aggregating function: 11 Aug 2014 Sum(field), Avg(field), Max(field), Min(field) Count(*), Count(DISTINCT field) 11 Summary query Conditions WHERE condition filters (and is written) before aggregation and thus must be used on fields which disappears after aggregation HAVING condition filters (and is written) after aggregation and thus must be used on aggregating functions fields which exist before and after aggregation, such as grouping fields, can be used in both conditions equivalently Do not select extra fields in summary queries! 11 Aug 2014 12 Modifying data Using HeidiSQL graphical interface TRUNCATE table; DELETE FROM table WHERE condition; UPDATE table SET field = value WHERE condition; INSERT INTO table (fields) VALUES (values), …, (values); Exporting text data Fields’ delimiter Values’ encloser Importing text data 11 Aug 2014 Prepare structure before 13 Field types INT -2 billions to 2 billions TINYINT 0 or 1 DECIMAL(total number of digits, number of decimal digits) FLOAT non-exact real number CHAR (number of characters) fixed length text VARCHAR(maximum number of characters) variable length text TEXT very long text up to 60,000 characters ENUM( value , … , value ) DATE time is supposed to be midnight, DATETIME Options Pay attention to numbers NOT NULL, AUTO_INCREMENT, UNIQUE, DEFAULT default value, INDEX Primary key automatically has UNIQUE and NOT NULL and is an index Numerical codes are not numbers! 11 Aug 2014 14 Table CREATE TABLE table ( field field-type options, …, PRIMARY KEY (field), INDEX (field), CHECK (condition) ); DROP TABLE table; ALTER TABLE table ADD field field-type options; ALTER TABLE table DROP field; ALTER TABLE table ADD PRIMARY KEY field; ALTER TABLE table DROP PRIMARY KEY; Using MySQL graphical interface 11 Aug 2014 Steal code from another table 15 Home exercise: Your library Create a blank database ◦ Build the tables Start from the tables on the “1” side Put appropriate types Put appropriate primary key ◦ Check the structure ◦ Fill in the tables 16 Home exercise : Your library Queries ◦ Build a query to show book title, author surname, publishing year and author birth date ◦ Build a query to show book title, author surname and publishing date only for German and French authors. Do not rewrite a new one. Modify easily the previous one adding another field with a condition and hiding it ◦ Build a query to show book title, author surname and publishing date only for those book published before 1930. Do not rewrite a new one. Modify the first one. 17 Home exercise : Your library Exercises ◦ Is there the book TITLE? ◦ Is there a book TITLE published after 1/1/2000? ◦ Which books AUTHOR has published? Improvements ◦ Put NOT NULL for appropriate fields ◦ Insert check constraints for appropriate fields ◦ Build a structure for predefined values lists where appropriate 18 Home exercise : Your library Advanced queries. Build a query which: ◦ shows book title, author surname and publishing year only for those authors born before a date invented by you. ◦ shows book title, author surname and the age of the author when the book was published. ◦ counts the books for every author. ◦ calculates the average publishing year of each author ◦ calculates the average publishing year of each author considering only German and English authors. 19 Home exercise : students and exams Build a blank database ◦ Build the tables Start from the tables on the “1” side Put appropriate types Put appropriate primary keys ◦ Check the structure ◦ Fill in the tables 20 Home exercise : students and exams Queries ◦ Build a query which displays, for every student, the list of his passed exams. ◦ Build a query which displays the list of passed exams and students’ last names, considering only who got a laude. ◦ Build a query which displays the student number (ordered from lowest to highest) of students who passed computer science. 21 Home exercise : students and exams ◦ Expand the database inserting information about professors and their exams Many to many relation another extra table ◦ Put NOT NULL for appropriate fields ◦ Insert check constraints for appropriate fields ◦ Build a structure for predefined values lists where appropriate 22 Home exercise : students and exams Advanced queries. Build a query which: ◦ shows the list of courses of professor Coletti. ◦ shows the list of exams of professor Coletti with the average grade that students obtain in the exam (considering, obviously, only the passed attempts) ◦ shows the list of professor Coletti’s exams with the number of students who got more that 24 23