Aptis Conference 16thApril 2013 - Northern Ireland Council for





16thApril 2013


Preparing for Inspection and Maintaining Excellence

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary

Roulston -Millennium IPS


Context and Focus

Principal of a relatively young school going through the inspection process for the first time

Role as Associate Assessor

How do we prepare?

How do we maintain excellence?

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


Starting Points

All leaders – get into the habit of reading inspection reports – the whole range- Outstanding to

Unsatisfactory- Why?

Keep yourself up to speed with the ETI site- types of inspections/up to date proformas

Consider doing practice runs of proformas with key staff

Climate and ethos are crucial across school and in each and every classroom

Know your staff and their areas of expertise and areas for development

Use this knowledge to select your coordinators

Develop leadership skills across all staff

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


Short/focused/Unannounced as defined by ETI

Short – evaluates the quality of the ethos of the school/pastoral care and child protection/learning and teaching/leadership and management

Focused –concentrates on particular aspects of the school’s provision/leadership and management/pastoral care and child protection/all set within the context of the school as a whole

Unannounced – no prior notice/pastoral care and child protection as evidenced in the school’s arrangements and the work observed/self evaluative profile completed and discussed

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


School Development Plan

Make sure SDP is compliant with the latest circular

Re –read to ensure that it is EVALUATIVE across the board and not just descriptive

– evaluate and use evidence to verify your judgements

SDP and action plans are working documents

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


Action Plans

Action Plans for English, Maths and ICT are a must on an annual basis

Look at existing ones with a fresh eye – can they be improved?

Benchmark where you are, by using data and recording the data on your action plans – before and when you evaluate progress

Make sure the focus is on improved outcomes for learning and ultimately standards – not just a series of actions which are necessary but won’t lead to improvement

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


The Nitty Gritty!!

The highest quality Learning and Teaching

Walt/wilf/AFL/the phases of the lesson including a well structured plenary

Opportunities for the children to reflect on and explain their thinking and learning


Levels of engagement

Opportunities for well structured paired and group work as well as independent

Active learning v busy children!!!

Planning which matches what is happening on the day and prior planning which is evidenced in exercise books/photos/displays

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


Ensure a consistent approach

Behaviour management


Use of ICT – Showcase


Progression well embedded particularly in

English and Mathematics

Timetables/files/planning formats/

Organisation of materials for the inspection itself

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


Pastoral Care and Child


Use the proforma to guide you for any holes in your provision- action point any which need to be done asap so that they are well embedded

Constantly ensure whole school understanding of policy and procedures

Conversations with staff and children

School Council – involvement of the children in decision making processes

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


Special Educational Needs

IEPS need to focus on how the child learns – differentiation- IEPS are changing to learning profiles

Identify the barriers to learning (This should also be in SDP if relevant)

Incorporate and build on assessment procedures

Children need to be aware of their targets

Are the IEPS making any difference and do you have evidence to support this?

Usually choose at least 2 children from the SEN register and track their learning experiences and their IEPS over the last 2 years or so

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


Data/ KS1/KS2 etc.

Know your data inside out – Principal/ VP/Coordinators/SENCO particularly

Data is important but the learning experience in the classroom is more important

How is the school performing against NI average and FSM benchmarking criteria over the last 4 years?

How is the school performing, particularly in literacy and numeracy as evidenced over the last 4 years

How effective is the analysis of data//who is involved?/How is data used to improve provision/ standards/ How is progress monitored and evaluated

Be prepared to talk about any underperformance and any value added on/percentage of children reaching potential

Statements made need to be backed up by statistics

Recent data package sent to Governors and principals is useful

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


Quality of Provision for


For all children

Broad and balanced curriculum and extra curricular opportunities

High expectations for all children and challenging thought provoking investigations/practical and recorded activities

Opportunities to talk about learning, to voice opinions and ideas/to demonstrate decision making and self management skills

Early screening and additional support both in class and through withdrawal

Play activities which provide holistic opportunities and especially the meaningful development and application of literacy and numeracy skills

Joined up learning

Quality of interactions

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


Leadership and Management

Change made recently

On the first day the team of inspectors meet with the principal and the coordinators and any other relevant leaders within the school for about an hour – usually 3.15 to


Purpose of the meeting is to enable the school team to engage in a professional dialogue with the inspectors

The discussion should take place within the context of the school development plan – Does the school know where it is? Where it wants to go? Does it have focused areas for priority? How will the school monitor and evaluate? What has worked well and produced the best outcomes? What didn’t work well

This meeting contributes particularly to the evaluation of leadership and management

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


Leadership and management cont.

Not necessarily a powerpoint – looking for a quality discussion and interaction

Needs to be well planned for and organised so that the time allocated is used in the most productive way

Topics to be discussed include the current whole school priorities for development and improvement, the actions being taken to raise standards, especially in English and

Mathematics, and their impact on teaching and learning

The school’s analysis of trends of performance data over the most recent 4 year period

How the school is addressing low and underachievement if applicable

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


Leadership and Management cont

The meeting should outline the action the school proposes to bring about further development and improvement in both provision and outcomes and how the impact of these developments will be monitored and evaluated for the benefits they bring in teaching and learning

The principal and the staff should provide the inspectors with appropriate supporting documentary evidence from existing documentation usually or that relevant sections are signposted

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


Board of Governors

Now have a self evaluation questionnaire to complete

Provided with a set of quality indicators

Questionnaire forms the basis of the discussion between the inspectors and the governors

5 key questions – governors to rate their performance level choosing from 3 levels across each of the key questions

Performance levels are –highly effective/effective/limited effectiveness

There is an evidence box – perhaps this should be being populated on a regular basis

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS


Maintaining Excellence

Keep your finger on the pulse and don’t take your foot off the pedal!!

Reflect on the early slides

Keep learning and teaching and raising standards at the heart of what you are trying to do

Be creative and innovative yourself

Encourage this approach in your staff – they have some great ideas and you cannot do it on your own!!!

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS



Remember inspections are a process which can

Validate all the hard work which has been going on in the school

Showcase all the productive, innovative approaches you are taking to meet the needs of your children

Allow inspectors to get a better feel of the things we value as integrated schools

Aptis Conference April 2013 - Mary Roulston -

Millennium IPS
