An account fromdied the When Edward diary of aMary Londoner in 1553 written at the time that became Queen of Mary became Queen. England. Many ‘Mary peoplewas were proclaimed Queen of delighted. There England, France and were lots of Ireland on 19 July celebrations 1553. The ceremony throughout took place inLondon. St. The people were and Paul’s with songs gladorgan to seeplaying the endand of the the bells ringing Edward’s harsh rule throughout and looked London. forward There were bonfires to better days under and tables in every Mary. street and wine and beer and ale.’ An account from the diary of a However the Londoner written atcelebrations the time that at her death Mary died. in 1558 were ‘On 17 November even greater between five and than when she six a.m. Queen had been Mary died. All the crownedin churches Queenrang 5 years London their earlier. bells and She that night had bonfires become were lit and known as tables placed the street ‘BloodyinMary’. and people ate, drank and made merry.’ Mary was desperate for a husband she found one in 1554, a man who she had loved for a long time – Philip II of Spain Many Martyrs died under Mary’s orders Latimer & Ridley are burnt alive at Oxford in the year 1555. Then they brought a lighted stick, and laid the same down at Ridley’s feet; upon which Latimer said, “Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man. We shall this day light such a candle, by God’s grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.” (Foxe's Book of Martyrs) Thomas Crammer being burnt at the stake Sometimes peoples fingers and toes would fall off as they were being burnt, rolling into the crowd Mary needed a baby, an heir, to carry on making Catholic changes to England after her death Philip and Mary thought that she was pregnant – but it was a false alarm – a tumour in the stomach. This made Mary extremely uncomfortable until she died in 1558 Mary, Mary quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells And cockleshells, And pretty maids all in a row Pregnant … or not? Mary longed for a baby. She was delighted when she thought she was pregnant soon after marrying her husband. However, she soon found out she wasn’t pregnant at all; her stomach pains were a symptom of cancer. The poem ridicules the fact that nothing with grow inside her. Problems in childbirth Mary was rumoured to have had some children, but each little girl was stillborn – Mary was suppose to have them buried secretly in a long row of graves King Philip of Spain – the love rat Mary’s husband wasn’t very loving. King Philip hardly ever saw her during their marriage. Also he had affairs with lots of other women. In Tudor England, this was called cuckolding. Changing her mind Contrary means opposite. If a person is contrary it often means they are taking a different view just for the sake of it. Mary was accused of being awkward by wanting to change England back to a Catholic country. A poor taste in music Mary enjoyed listening to the sound of church bells. This music was unfashionable at the time.