Early African Societies and the Bantu Migrations Chapter 3 Early Agricultural Society in Africa • c. 10,000 BCE: N. Africa was grassy steppe, with lakes and rivers – Domesticated cattle, farming, permanent settlements, small scale states (Sudanic culture) • c. 5,000 BCE: became hotter and drier (Sahara Desert) – People moved south, east Egypt and Nubia: “Gifts of the Nile” • • • • Nile River Valley – fertile floodplain High productivity -> big pop. -> irrigation Needed organization -> small kingdoms 3100 BCE: unified by Menes = centralized state with pharaoh (early = gods, later = sons of Amon) Old Kingdom and Nubia • Pharaohs built pyramids for burial • Close connections with Nubia (trade, wars) – Est’d Kingdom of Kush (less powerful, but wealthy) • Egypt declined as areas ignored pharaoh Middle Kingdoms • Pharaohs stabilized Egypt • Hyksos invaded (horse-riding nomads with bronze weapons and chariots) • Egyptians copied their technology and pushed them out => New Kingdom New Kingdom • Army, bureaucracy, population supported surplus – built temples, palaces • Tuthmosis III expanded into E. Med., Nubia, N. Afr. • Decline -> loss of new land and invasions by Kushite and Assyrian armies Formation of Complex Societies and Sophisticated Cultural Traditions • Not many big cities • Wealth -> social distinctions and hierarchies – Pharaoh, prof. mil. forces and bureaucracy, commoners, slaves • Patriarchal (but women could be regents, priestesses, and scribes) Economic Specialization and Trade • Metallurgy: bronze (from Hyksos), iron (indep.) • Transportation: sailing ships, wheeled carts • Trade Networks: Long-distance – for natural resources and Regional – for ivory, ebony, etc. Early Writing in the Nile Valley • By 3200 BCE, pictographs (from Mesopot??) • Added symbols -> hieroglyphics, plus simpler version (Hieratic) • buildings and papyrus • Nubia: used hieroglyphics, later developed own The Development of Organized Religious Tradition • Amon-Re, but polytheistic • Akhenaten tried to make religion monotheistic (Aten) • Life after death -> mummification, grave goods, retainers (cult of Osiris) Bantu Migrations • West Africa: Sudanic agriculture – Clan-based villages with chiefs – Interacted with hunter/gatherers • Migrations began c. 3000 BCE: south and east, prob. due to pop. pressure • Absorbed peoples, some settled, language differentiated • Increased c. 1000 BCE with iron tools and weapons Early Agricultural Societies of SubSaharan Africa • Distinctive societies and cultural traditions • Chiefs, age grades, gender roles • Monotheistic – impersonal divine force, source of good and evil, plus ancestor and territorial spirits