Homestead High School 8th Grade Parent Open House January 22, 2014 Ninth Grade Scheduling: The Basics The schedule built will start a student on any diploma pathway Seven selections per semester, 14 total All students must take English, Mathematics, and Biology in their freshmen year Ninth Grade Scheduling: The Basics A student who takes 6 subjects and a study hall or seminar (a not-for-credit course) each semester every year will still earn 48 credits by graduation. (47 are required for the Core 40 with Academic Honors). Students who are involved in sports or cocurricular activities should consider taking only 6 academic courses and seminar. Ninth Grade Scheduling: The Basics Three main diploma pathways Core 40 Core 40 with Academic Honors Core 40 with Technical Honors Note: This Spring we will focus on building a Freshman Schedule. In October, students will work with guidance counselors and their parents to design a complete four year plan Two Choices English 9A/B College Prep 3011/3012 Honors English 9A/B 3031/3032 Required Summer Reading Students who wish to qualify for 9th grade Honors English 9 should have a strong academic record in grade 8 English (B+ or higher), achievement indicative of student talent and diligence. They must meet the following qualification criteria: NWEA Language Usage Test RIT score of 234 or higher and a NWEA Reading Test RIT score of 237 or higher OR Pass+ designation on the E/LA ISTEP+ test at the end of grade 7 or grade 8 OR Passing score on High School Honors English Department Exam that is given Spring Semester. *You will be notified in advance of testing dates via direct mailing. Please note: Students who do not achieve a passing score on the placement test may appeal. There is a summer reading assignment for Honors English 9. Students will be expected to complete this PRIOR to the start of the school year. Math courses are sequential and students should progress to the next level. Students currently in Algebra (8th) may enroll in Geometry. Students who are currently in Honors Math will advance to the next step: Honors Algebra II or Honors Advanced Modeling and Analysis with Trigonometry. All other students will enroll in Algebra. Students must earn at least 6 credits in math while in high school. All students must be enrolled in a mathematics or quantitative reasoning course each year in high school. Universities such as IU and Purdue require students to achieve through AMA with Trig. There are two options in Science: Biology and Honors Biology. NOTE: Students must have concurrent enrollment in Geometry or qualify for Honors English 9 to sign up for Honors Biology. Science Elective for freshman: Biomedical All students are required to have two semesters of World History, beginning in either 9th or 10th grade. To qualify for AP World History, in 9th Grade, a student must: Be enrolled in Honors English 9 All sophomores are eligible for AP World History without testing. Sophomores will not be allowed to take AP US History until their Junior year unless they are enrolled in Honors English 10 or complete AP World History. Please note that all diplomas require: ONE semester of Health TWO semesters of PE (Must be PE1 and PE2, summer PE can count as either) Although World Languages are not required to graduate from high school, the study of at least two years of a World Language is strongly encouraged. Universities such as IU and Purdue will not accept students who do not have at least two years of a World Language. To graduate with a Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma, a student must complete 3 years of one language or 2 years of two languages. All students are required to take 1 credit in personal financial responsibility instruction Homestead courses that meet this requirement : 0806 Adult Roles and Responsibility 2106 Personal Financial Responsibility 2580 Preparing for College and Careers There are some courses which a student should start as a freshmen in order to participate in the advanced levels of study or opportunities. These include: Journ 1 & 2 - will lead to Newspaper, Yearbook, or Literary magazine Intro to Radio/TV - can lead to either Radio Broadcasting or TV Broadcasting Intro level art courses. For example, two visual art classes are required as prerequisites for Beginning Jewelry Engineering Courses Project Lead The Way: PLTW I through PLTW IV Biomedical Courses Project Lead The Way: Biomedical I through Biomedical IV Child Development and Advanced Child Development: Future Teachers Family & Consumer Sciences (FACS) What does the Fox Say? #takethefacsclassestofindout • Adult Roles & Responsibilities **(Personal Finance Credit)** • Child Development • Fashion & Textiles • Housing & Design • Interpersonal Relationships • Nutrition & Wellness Department of World and Classical Languages French, German, Latin and Spanish • Students can take six years of Spanish, French and Latin by starting in middle school ... and four years of German at the high school! • Two years at the MS = one year of HS credit! • By taking a world language course in middle and high school, students will test out of many classes in college! • Students have opportunities to travel abroad on school trips to experience new cultures! • Learning a second language now will make you more marketable and employable in the future! Middle School Credits Math and World Language Do middle school math and world language credits count in high school? Yes if students want them to count. Students will be given the option in the 2nd semester of ninth grade to have these grades and credits not included in your high school transcript. You cannot receive credit for the courses without accepting the grade earned. You must choose to have both semesters of a course included on your transcript or neither semester. Middle School Credits Math and World Language If a student choses to repeat a course that was taken in middle school, the grade and the credit of the repeated course are listed on the transcript and factored into the overall GPA. It is recommended that students retake courses that they receive lower than a B in middle school. Example of Typical 9th Grade Schedule English Algebra Biology Seminar PE/Health/Prep for College and Careers (one semester each) or Elective Elective or World History Elective or World Language Next Step for Students Refer to Ninth Grade Academy Program Enrollment Guide for descriptions of courses Ask questions if the answer is not found in the Enrollment Guide High School Counselors will assist the Middle School Counselors with inputting 8th grade schedules Summit 2/5 and Woodside 2/6-2/7. Have Blue Course Selection Sheet filled out with teacher signatures and ready to go Parents please sign your student’s course selection sheet. Teacher assignments and numbers are determined by student course selection. Therefore, after selections are established, requests for course changes cannot be honored. HHS does not allow for students or parents to request a specific teacher. Schedules are determined by course request through automated computer scheduling. Please make note of final exams dates and schedule accordingly. Early finals will not be permitted. Finals date are as follows for 2014-2015: December 17, 18, and 19th 2014 May 25, 26, and 27th 2015 (with the possibility of the dates being later into June due to snow make up days) Thank You The Complete Course Description Guide and Flow Charts Available on Homestead’s Student Services Home Page Go to Click on SACS Schools: Homestead Student Services Home Page on the left (Minimum 47 credits) with Academic Honors Course and Credit Requirements English/ Language Arts Mathematics 8 credits Including a balance of literature, composition and speech. 6 credits (in grades 9-12) 2 credits: Algebra I 2 credits: Geometry 2 credits: Algebra II Or complete Integrated Math I, II, and III for 6 credits. All students must take a math or quantitative reasoning course each year in high school. Science 6 credits 2 credits: Biology I 2 credits: Chemistry I or Physics I or Integrated Chemistry-Physics 2 credits: any Core 40 science course Social Studies 6 credits Directed Electives 5 credits Physical Education Health and Wellness Electives* 2 credits: 1 credit: 1 credit: 2 credits: U.S. History U.S. Government Economics World History/Civilization or Geography/History of the World World Languages Fine Arts Career and Technical Education 2 credits 1 credit 6 credits 1 credit in Personal Financial Responsibilities 40 Total State Credits Required Schools may have additional local graduation requirements that apply to all students * Specifies the number of electives required by the state. High school schedules provide time for many more electives during the high school years. All students are strongly encouraged to complete a College and Career pathway (selecting electives in a deliberate manner) to take full advantage of career exploration and preparation opportunities. (minimum 47 credits) For the Core 40 with Academic Honors diploma, students must: Complete all requirements for Core 40. Earn 2 additional Core 40 math credits Earn 6-8 Core 40 world language credits (6 credits in one language or 4 credits each in two languages). Earn 2 Core 40 fine arts credits. Earn a grade of a “C” or better in courses that will count toward the diploma. Have a grade point average of a “B” or better. Complete one of the following: A. Earn 4 credits in 2 or more AP courses (4 credits) and take corresponding exams B. Earn 6 verifiable transcripted college credits in dual credit courses from priority course list C. Earn two of the following: 1. A minimum of 3 verifiable transcripted college credits from the priority course list, 2. 2 credits in AP courses and corresponding exams 3. 2 credits in IB standard level courses and corresponding IB exams. D. Earn a combined score of 1750 or higher on the SAT critical reading, mathematics, and writing sections and a minimum score of 530 on each E. Earn 4 credits in IB courses and take corresponding IB exams. with Technical Honors (minimum 47 credits) For the Core 40 with Technical Honors diploma, students must: Complete all requirements for Core 40. Earn 6 credits in the college and career preparation courses in a state-approved College & Career Pathway and one of the following: Complete a career-technical program (8 or more related credits) Earn a grade of “C” or better in courses that will count toward the diploma. Have a grade point average of a “B” or better. Recommended: Earn 2 additional credits in mathematics and 4-8 credits in World Languages for four year college admission. Complete two of the following, one must be A or B: A. Score at or above the following levels on WorkKeys: Reading for Information Level 6; Applied Mathematics - Level 6; Locating Information - Level 5 B. Complete dual high school/college credit courses in a technical area (6 college credits) C. Complete a Professional Career Internship course or Cooperative Education course (2 credits) D. Complete an industry-based work experience as part of a two-year career-technical education program (minimum 140 hours)