MODELING SREC MARKETS Will Harrel MA SYSTEM OVERVIEW For every MWh of solar photovoltaic (PV) energy produced, 1 Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC) is created These SRECs are sold from the solar generators to load-serving entities (LSEs), who must purchase a certain number of SRECs If an LSE does not meet its requirement, it must pay the ACP ◦ The ACP is currently $600 per SREC ◦ This acts as a price ceiling for SRECs Excess unsold SRECs can be sold to MA government ◦ $300 per SREC with a 5% fee ◦ This acts as a price floor MA SYSTEM OVERVIEW (CONTINUED) The total requirement for the next year is set using a formula ◦ Initially 30 MW ≈ 34,000 SRECs The requirement for an individual LSE is proportional to its market share GOAL: FIND THE FORWARD PRICE CURVE The forward price curve is based on two categories ◦ Decisions made by agents LSEs Generators ◦ Randomness in the system Decision profiles of other generators Costs, electricity price, future ACP, and more HOW DO WE ACCOMPLISH THIS? Multi-agent stochastic simulation Simulation run 100’s of times ◦ Agents “learn” from outcomes in previous runs Find averages and spreads ◦ Price and Capacity RESULTS—LOTS OF UNCERTAINTY ≥50% at ACP, ≥25% at price floor ≥50% at price floor TRADITIONAL ACP VARIABLE ACP TRADITIONAL ACP ≥50% at ACP, ≥25% at price floor ≥50% at price floor VARIABLE ACP