ACP CULTURAL TRAINING PROGRAMME FORM 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR INSTITUTION Name of the institution Acronym Country/city Legal status of the institution (public university, school, private centre, regional agency, foundation, association, etc.) Type of institution (please tick the correct box) □ ACP Institution □ non ACP Institution established in an ACP country □ non ACP Institution established elsewhere collaborating with an ACP country Name of the department providing artistic or cultural training course Field(s) of training/education (please tick the correct box) 1. □ Performing Arts □ Music □ Drama □ Dance 2. □ Film □ Cinema (Feature/Medium/Short) □ Animation □ Documentary □ Audio-visual / Radio and television 3. □ Visual arts □ (Fine) Arts □ Cartoon □ Photography □ Digital arts 4. □ Handcrafts □ Traditional handicraft □ Design □ Fashion 5. □ Cultural heritage □ Tangible □ Intangible 6. □ Cultural management □ Cultural project management (administration, communication, finances,…) □ Cultural entrepreneurship □ Other 7. □ Others (please specify) Year in which the institution was 1 established Full address of the institution Phone number(s) +international code (landline and mobile) Fax number (+code) Skype E-mail Website / internet – www Name of the director of the institution Name(s) of partners (financial and/or technical) Teaching language Number of students in the institution Is your institution a member of any international association networks in the culture sector ? (If so, please specify which one(s)) 2.INFORMATION ABOUT THE CULTURAL TRAINING PROVIDED Information to provide for each training course at the institution: Name(s) of the different department(s)/programme(s) providing artistic/cultural training (if applicable) Title of the cultural/artistic/management training provided Curriculum (subjects taught) Head(s) of the department(s)/programme(s) Number of students per course of study Duration of the different programmes / training courses Year in which the different programmes / training courses were established Principle mission and objectives of 2 the programmes / training courses Educational principles and focus of the institution or the training course (lectures, hands-on activities, seminars, etc) Technical means available? (available equipment) Number of teachers/lecturers per programme / training course Profile of the teachers/lecturers How is student performance evaluated? (exams, evaluations, etc.) Level / type of teaching: diplomas and certificates awarded (BA, MA, continuing education, specialised short courses, etc.) Professional employment opportunities / per training course Number of graduated students per year (end of studies) Recognition of the diplomas at national (by the Ministry of Culture and/or Education), regional and international level (ACP, Europe, ...) Links and/or partnerships of the program/training course with other institutions at national, regional and international level Special remarks / additional information about the training courses 3. ENROLMENT CONDITIONS AND FORMALITIES Entry requirements Conditions for admission and prerequisites expected of students Enrolment formalities Number of students admitted (at the beginning) Course fee Possibilities for grants or other financial support? 3 OTHER INFORMATION Questionnaire completed in by Name and title: Place and date: E-mail: 4