PERSONAL FINANCE AWARD Network Events Thursday 17 January – Lowden, Dalkeith Tuesday 22 January – Optima, Glasgow Network Support Events Purpose of Events – to support practitioners with the delivery and assessment of the Personal Finance Award by: – Providing information – Encouraging networking Personal Finance Award Introduced in 2010 Equips candidates with skills to cope with basic financial encounters and managing money Is a route to certification for centres delivering personal financial education Adds extra breadth to those studying mathematics or business education at SCQF levels 4, 5 or 6 Contributes to delivery of four CfE capacities Comparison between Personal Finance Award and Lifeskills Mathematics Units (SCQF 4) Does not appear to be any direct correlation between Outcomes of the PFA and those of the Units in Lifeskills Mathematics National 4 Units. PFA Outcomes are very specific and deal exclusively with handling and management of money. Lifeskills Mathematics National 4 Units are broader and involve applying reasoning and problem solving skills. Comparison table within delegate pack Relationship between CfE and SCQF Levels Continues to 12 CfE Levels 2 1 early years 4 3 ≈ 4 SCQF Levels 3 2 1 National Qualifications Other Qualifications Professional Development Awards (PDAs) Leadership Award/SVQs/NPAs Leadership Award/SVQ/NCGA Personal Finance Award Steps to Work Award Entries and Awards Personal Finance Award (GA1Y 44) 2000 1868 1800 1600 1400 1200 1118 919 1000 800 665 2011/2012 600 400 200 2010/2011 67 112 0 Centres Entries Awards Extract from SQA Qualifications Uptake Report 2011/12 There are too few Awards for SQA to do much analysis on their uptake, but 9 Award courses had a total of 5,333 entries in 2011/12 with a median uptake of 370. The table shows uptake for these courses. Title Personal Finance Award Employability Award Employability Award Leadership Award Leadership Award Steps to Work Award Steps to Work Award Safe Road User Award SCQF Level 4 4 3 6 5 4 3 4 Entries 1,839 1,014 716 623 370 340 197 189 The Way Forward ………. Setting up a Qualification Support Team (QST) – Meet 1 or 2 times a year for a morning or afternoon Are you interested? Expression of interest forms for QST membership can be found under ‘Related information’ on the web page