Napoleon: Hero or Tyrant?


Napoleon: Hero?

or Tyrant?

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) came from a family of lower nobility but was sympathetic to the ideals of the French Revolution.

E. Napp

Napoleon’s Rise to Power

Napoleon Bonaparte ambitiously rose from army captain to ruler of France by taking advantage of the turmoil of the French


Opportunities for Glory

• Napoleon, brilliant military leader

In charge of French interior at 26

Invaded Italy and Egypt

Defeat by Admiral Horatio Nelson kept from newspapers

Became national hero

Napoleon Seizes Power

Directory weak and ineffective

Fear of royalists and of European opposition

November 1799 coup d’état

France to be led by Consulate

Napoleon voted first consul, in effect a dictator for life

Napoleon promised order and stability, pledging to uphold key reforms. The

Emperor Napoleon

Napoleon crowns himself

◦ Submitted a plebiscite (VOTE) before voters

◦ Emperor Napoleon I

Desire for empire

◦ Wanted to rule Europe

◦ Napoleon sold Louisiana Territory and turned his focus to Europe

Image is Everything

Napoleon’s Policies

Napoleon made some basic revolutionary ideas part of the French government.

Napoleonic Code or Civil

Code developed

Preserved revolution ideas of equality for all but at the cost of freedom

Economic Reforms

Established the

Bank of France to regulate economy

Positions in the government and military based on merit, not birth

• More efficient tax-collection system

Napoleon & the Church

First made Peace with Catholic Church

Catholicism was made the religion of


In return, the Pope would not ask for a return of the property sized in the


Everyone Wins

Napoleonic Wars

Napoleon quickly defeated Russia,

Germany, Sweden, & Prussia

Controlled almost all of Europe and put Family members in positions of


Great Britain had a dominant navy allowed it to be a thorn in Napoleon’s side

 Napoleon’s ambition united Europe against him.

 In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia with an army of half a million men.

 The Russians burned their own crops and buildings as they retreated, depriving the invaders of food and shelter.

E. Napp

By the time Napoleon reached Moscow, he found the city in ruins, set on fire by the Russians.

E. Napp

In bitter winter weather, Napoleon’s army retreated. Less than one in ten men survived the homeward march.

E. Napp

End of Napoleon

Spread of Nationalism: idea of a central identity

Invasion of Russia a disaster and left France weak and venerable

Final defeat by Duke of

Wellington at Waterloo
